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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

What i found strange is the fact that Indian troops were beheaded and the Indian allegation that Pakistani troops are involved in this sad incident. Did Pakistani troops crossed Indian border?
The Irony here is that Active Indian Army General says he does not know about Decapitation , but some how Indian Media Through its Magical Eyes Have not only seen that it happened but also know the color of the Uniforms of the intruders .

I must say you guys are wasting your money on Reconnaissance satellites , your Media is Centuries ahead of this technology .
hi everyone....i just saw the blog and thought i must log in....as expected...the issue has been blown out of proportion by indian media....due to following reasons...
...the government wants attention to be diverted from girl rape thing...which they have succeeded
...indian army being guilty conscious ...as a result of their miscalculated and poorly executed raid attempt on pakistani post on sunday...that resulted in 1xsoldiers shahadat and anothers injury..
...to some extent...frustration of defeat in cricket
please see things in right perspective and it will make sense....
What i found strange is the fact that Indian troops were beheaded and the Indian allegation that Pakistani troops are involved in this sad incident. Did Pakistani troops crossed Indian border?

400m inside Indian border...
I think this the right time to launch an attack on j&k border and liberate Kashmir from Indian occupied forces.

Wow! come on.... You are greatest and sane mind I ever discusses in PDF..... This is what I am advocating long time now, Come on, We are ready.... Better to die if we cannot hold what we believe in!

I am ready to die in a war field with my gun in my hand and a bullet piercing my body through the chest than dying as civilian by a terrorist bullet piercing my back with no arms to protect myself!
abhi kal hi thread mein ro rahe the tyar reh rona nahi.

kal ro rhe the jaisy aj tm ro rhy ho,,,,,,,,,

But like i said we took revenge too tum logo ny aik mara hmne 2 mar dye or aik wound kia tha us k jawab main 2 hamne kr lea hain.

This is called divine justice.....
Line of fire

The exact sequence of events around the incident in which one of our soldiers lost his life on the Line of Control (LoC) last Sunday is, as ever, disputed. According to our own military spokesperson Indian troops crossed the LoC and attacked a military post. Our soldiers responded, eventually repulsing the attack with the loss of one soldier and two others being seriously wounded. The Indian Defence Ministry’s version is diametrically opposite. They say that our troops opened fire entirely unprovoked in the north Uri sector of Indian-administered Kashmir and that the Indian troops responded and forced our troops to ceasefire. There are now reports of another clash along the LoC, and it is being said to have led to the death of two Indian soldiers in Sona Gali in Mendhar Sector of the LoC. There has been a bilateral ceasefire along the disputed border since November 2003, and this is the most serious incident of recent times. There have been numerous violations of the ceasefire, and each side accuses the other of failing to honour it and the entire border region remains highly volatile, despite a thaw in relations over the last year. Incidents such as this have the potential to put relations between the two countries back in the freezer unless they are handled with the utmost delicacy.

Diplomacy got into gear on Monday morning as Pakistan warned India against any recurrence of the attack and urged the Indian government to take such measures as necessary to avoid anything similar in the future. Indian Deputy High Commissioner Gopal Bagal was called to the Foreign Office and given a formal protest note. Later in the day the US expressed its concern over the incident and urged both sides to exercise restraint. The US State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said that the US ...”consistently supported attempts between India and Pakistan to find a positive way forward between them and to work on issues of Kashmir.” It is not for us to adjudicate one way or another, but it is for us to urge moderation and restraint by all sides. The LoC is a flashpoint along its entire length and has the capacity to derail the efforts of those with peaceful intent. Neither nation needs or wants another war, both countries have moved beyond that, but the various ‘tracks’ that make up a still-frail peace process need to gain weight and traction to the extent that they are a counterweight to any military contacts, and that peace is the ultimate winner. Serious as this incident is we cannot, must not, allow it to propel us in the direction of further confrontation.

Line of fire - thenews.com.pk
What i found strange is the fact that Indian troops were beheaded and the Indian allegation that Pakistani troops are involved in this sad incident. Did Pakistani troops crossed Indian border?

Did you have the same question in 1999?
But we have everything to lose! That is what stopping... But people think that this is cowardly! A way human life designed by GOD!
well if u think that is Coward well yr welcome......

But we will do everything to make sure our safety first in LOC area.
hi everyone....i just saw the blog and thought i must log in....as expected...the issue has been blown out of proportion by indian media....due to following reasons...
...the government wants attention to be diverted from girl rape thing...which they have succeeded
...indian army being guilty conscious ...as a result of their miscalculated and poorly executed raid attempt on pakistani post on sunday...that resulted in 1xsoldiers shahadat and anothers injury..
...to some extent...frustration of defeat in cricket
please see things in right perspective and it will make sense....

I now understand how you guys became experts in conspiracy theories!

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