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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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Look at the option given , the OP was definitely trying desperately to lighten his day up.

Hathion ki Ladai me chentio ne kya hath pana he,,. India on its own hold population well over all these countries combined.

Pakistan is gona get shut down the moment it makes its intentions clear. A rally for disarmament's of nukes from the west and total annihilation from the inside ,Pakistan is already stretched thin.

And after than we can take our time dealing with China.

Japan,Vietnam,SG,USA,Russia,France,(even Australia if we have a moral grounds) are plausable candidates to ally by our side.
This is case allout war breaks out WW3 style.
I took this answer from Quora.. Its worth reading it.

"What if China , Pakistan and Sri Lanka go to war with India"

Look at it this way. If military strength is compared to a no holds barred fight, we have roughly a following distribution.

China is a professional boxer Lee. A world class one at that.
India is a street cop, Kumar. Can take care of street rats, but no match for the boxer when it comes to fight.
Pakistan is his 13 year old brother, Ali, aggressive, hot head, but untrained and fragile.
Srilanka is a 5 year old kid, Thiru.

Now, suppose, Ali, Lee and Thiru, all have decided to beat the **** out of Kumar, in a no holds barred street fight at Kumar's home. Who will Kumar worry the most about? But obviously, Lee.

Kumar quickly slaps Thiru and Ali, making way to save himself from Lee. Lee, however is a professional, he throws a solid punch at Kumar's face, Kumar ducks, but couldn't evade the second punch right into his ribs. Kumar starts bleeding. He throws a couple of hands at Lee himself, but Lee doesn't find it anything close to painful. Meanwhile, Ali, tries to get hold of Kumar, Kumar, lends a solid kick to Ali, fending him off for some time, but this gives ample opportunity to Lee to deliver another sucker punch.

Kumar clearly knows that he will be defeated by Lee. He knew it before the fight even began. But what are Lee's intentions? Is it beating down Kumar just enough, or to do some serious damage?

If it is beating down Kumar, then he is probably done. He will leave the fight, and Kumar will let go of his anger on Ali. Thiru is just a kid here, whom Kumar loves very much anyways, so after a couple of slaps, Thiru would just be crying beyond measure.

Now, suppose, that's not the case. Then, it's a no holds barred fight, remember. Lee keeps on taking Kumar's case. Kumar is adamant, he won't bow. In this mind numbing scenario, Kumar accidentally punches Thiru, and Thiru was badly bruised. Ali keeps on getting his share of mis delivered punches from Lee, and a couple of solid blows from Kumar.

Kumar knows, that if he ends up fighting with Lee, with punches, he will be crippled permanently. So, he knows he has a grenade. But then, Lee has a grenade too. Both of them warn each other of their own grenades. Ali says, I have a grenade too. Both Kumar and Lee share a laugh. Ali says, I am damn serious. Both of them know, grenades are only to be used in situation of desperation, as they would both die, if it comes down to them, but have no faith whatsoever in Ali. Lee increases his unintentional blows to Ali. Things get ugly, the fight between Lee and Kumar becomes seriously bloody, but hasn't yet come down to the bombs.

Now, there are 3 neighbors down the next lane, USA as Andy, UK as Wilson and Russia as Vladimir. Andy is the MMA world champion. He hates Lee and has an on and off relationship with Ali. Andy, although he is the best in the world, shows off his power by beating and looting random 10 year olds like Iraq and Afghanistan, and uses them to practice actual fight. So, he is feared, seriously.
Wilson and Vlad are both WWE wrestlers, plenty of show off, but not really in a mood of real fight.
They all are seriously pissed off with Lee, for stealing all their business.

Now, when they realize that with Kumar beaten up, Lee will be ruling a full corner of the neighborhood, they realize that this would make Lee a grave danger to themselves and their livelihood. They also know that Lee, ultimately aims to take over the full area. They also know that if it comes down to bombs, the whole neighborhood is destroyed.

So, Andy threatens Lee to stay away from Kumar. Lee, says "Bullshit". Vlad and Wilson will keep on delivering Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson style lines, but will wait for Andy to do anything. Andy delivers couple of warnings more to Lee who in turn delivers another couple of punches to Kumar, and Andy says it's enough. Kumar is seriously bleeding now, and is seriously contemplating taken Lee down with himself using bombs, before Lee does some permanent damage to him. Andy knows this, and Lee knows this, but Lee wants to extract some more. Andy sees, it's enough.

Ali, meanwhile knows he can't take on Andy, says sorry to Andy, and sits like a good boy at home, leaving Kumar and his home. Andy even gives him money for an ice cream. Thiru, has gone missing in all this. May be, he would be found sometime later.

Andy steps in, delivers 3 solid kicks to Lee. Lee starts bleeding now. He knows that things have gone out of hand. Depending upon his mood, he will either step back, still swearing at Kumar, or if he has grown really powerful, take a stone and throw it at Andy's house.

This seriously infuriates Andy, who is now going to beat the **** out of Lee. He punches and kicks and punches and kicks Lee. Fighting moves to Lee's home. Lee, threatens Andy now, that he has got the bomb. Andy replies, "You have got bombs? I have got 100 times bigger bombs than you do." (which is by the way completely true). Lee is afraid. Wilson and Vlad join in, deliver a couple of punches to Lee, who is strangled by Andy.

Lee knows that this is seriously getting out of his hand now. He calls for help. But everybody hates him. Nobody comes. His own brother, Lama (Tibet), who is merely a 10 year old kid, whom he used to bully, comes to join the party and deliver two unconsequential blows to Lee.

Lee quickly changes stance, and makes peace with Andy. He gives all the money he made from Andy's customers back to Andy. Wilson and Vlad demand a share from Andy. Andy is like "Seriously?". They both shut up. Lee is bruised enough not to take on Kumar again. Kumar is bruised enough not to take on him again. Lee takes out his wrath on Lama. Seriously.

Kumar's and Lee's houses as well as bodies are a shitty mess. One fourth of Kumar's house needs to be rebuilt, but he still owns the property. Ali never had a house, and has taken some serious damage. Thiru is still missing. Another kid, Gorkha (Nepal) has gone missing.

Meanwhile, in the next lane, Kawasaki (Japan) and Pufendorf (Germany) are celebrating Christmas in July, with Lee and Kumar out of business.
@Chinese-Dragon , @Aeronaut , @notsuperstitious , Agree with it?
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This thread is hypothetical.

The question i am interested in is that || 'Which regional state/states in your opinion will join India in an 'active combat' scenario if India finds itself in a FULL SCALE 2 front war against China and Pakistan' ?

I am not talking about diplomatic/economic support, but the state/states that might fight alongside India in this scenario.

The multiple choice option is available.

Best Regards.

First tell us how come you conclude that China would be fighting along with you? Any historical evidence or present behavioral instances would do.

And if thats also hypothetical than i believe US, Russia, BD, Japan, Vietnam and Taiwan would be few of those who would be fighting along with us to deter dragon red and terror forces.

None of those nations would send their military to fight alongside India against China.

Apart from the war we fought previously, there have been a lot of so-called "Chinese incursions" deep into Indian territory, and not one single nation in the entire world even gave a statement of support to India.

Not even a statement.

If they won't even give a statement in all these incidents of Chinese soldiers going deep into Indian territory, then how can they be expected to send soldiers to war over it?

Let them first make a statement of support to one side over the other regarding the recent incursions.

You really think we need external feet to give you a bloody nose?

And if pak comes along with you, just few naval vessels with 1-2 A/C in Indian ocean from US will make you pi$$.
I took this answer from Quora.. Its worth reading it.

"What if China , Pakistan and Sri Lanka go to war with India"

Look at it this way. If military strength is compared to a no holds barred fight, we have roughly a following distribution.

China is a professional boxer Lee. A world class one at that.
India is a street cop, Kumar. Can take care of street rats, but no match for the boxer when it comes to fight.
Pakistan is his 13 year old brother, Ali, aggressive, hot head, but untrained and fragile.
Srilanka is a 5 year old kid, Thiru.

Now, suppose, Ali, Lee and Thiru, all have decided to beat the **** out of Kumar, in a no holds barred street fight at Kumar's home. Who will Kumar worry the most about? But obviously, Lee.

Kumar quickly slaps Thiru and Ali, making way to save himself from Lee. Lee, however is a professional, he throws a solid punch at Kumar's face, Kumar ducks, but couldn't evade the second punch right into his ribs. Kumar starts bleeding. He throws a couple of hands at Lee himself, but Lee doesn't find it anything close to painful. Meanwhile, Ali, tries to get hold of Kumar, Kumar, lends a solid kick to Ali, fending him off for some time, but this gives ample opportunity to Lee to deliver another sucker punch.

Kumar clearly knows that he will be defeated by Lee. He knew it before the fight even began. But what are Lee's intentions? Is it beating down Kumar just enough, or to do some serious damage?

If it is beating down Kumar, then he is probably done. He will leave the fight, and Kumar will let go of his anger on Ali. Thiru is just a kid here, whom Kumar loves very much anyways, so after a couple of slaps, Thiru would just be crying beyond measure.

Now, suppose, that's not the case. Then, it's a no holds barred fight, remember. Lee keeps on taking Kumar's case. Kumar is adamant, he won't bow. In this mind numbing scenario, Kumar accidentally punches Thiru, and Thiru was badly bruised. Ali keeps on getting his share of mis delivered punches from Lee, and a couple of solid blows from Kumar.

Kumar knows, that if he ends up fighting with Lee, with punches, he will be crippled permanently. So, he knows he has a grenade. But then, Lee has a grenade too. Both of them warn each other of their own grenades. Ali says, I have a grenade too. Both Kumar and Lee share a laugh. Ali says, I am damn serious. Both of them know, grenades are only to be used in situation of desperation, as they would both die, if it comes down to them, but have no faith whatsoever in Ali. Lee increases his unintentional blows to Ali. Things get ugly, the fight between Lee and Kumar becomes seriously bloody, but hasn't yet come down to the bombs.

Now, there are 3 neighbors down the next lane, USA as Andy, UK as Wilson and Russia as Vladimir. Andy is the MMA world champion. He hates Lee and has an on and off relationship with Ali. Andy, although he is the best in the world, shows off his power by beating and looting random 10 year olds like Iraq and Afghanistan, and uses them to practice actual fight. So, he is feared, seriously.
Wilson and Vlad are both WWE wrestlers, plenty of show off, but not really in a mood of real fight.
They all are seriously pissed off with Lee, for stealing all their business.

Now, when they realize that with Kumar beaten up, Lee will be ruling a full corner of the neighborhood, they realize that this would make Lee a grave danger to themselves and their livelihood. They also know that Lee, ultimately aims to take over the full area. They also know that if it comes down to bombs, the whole neighborhood is destroyed.

So, Andy threatens Lee to stay away from Kumar. Lee, says "Bullshit". Vlad and Wilson will keep on delivering Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson style lines, but will wait for Andy to do anything. Andy delivers couple of warnings more to Lee who in turn delivers another couple of punches to Kumar, and Andy says it's enough. Kumar is seriously bleeding now, and is seriously contemplating taken Lee down with himself using bombs, before Lee does some permanent damage to him. Andy knows this, and Lee knows this, but Lee wants to extract some more. Andy sees, it's enough.

Ali, meanwhile knows he can't take on Andy, says sorry to Andy, and sits like a good boy at home, leaving Kumar and his home. Andy even gives him money for an ice cream. Thiru, has gone missing in all this. May be, he would be found sometime later.

Andy steps in, delivers 3 solid kicks to Lee. Lee starts bleeding now. He knows that things have gone out of hand. Depending upon his mood, he will either step back, still swearing at Kumar, or if he has grown really powerful, take a stone and throw it at Andy's house.

This seriously infuriates Andy, who is now going to beat the **** out of Lee. He punches and kicks and punches and kicks Lee. Fighting moves to Lee's home. Lee, threatens Andy now, that he has got the bomb. Andy replies, "You have got bombs? I have got 100 times bigger bombs than you do." (which is by the way completely true). Lee is afraid. Wilson and Vlad join in, deliver a couple of punches to Lee, who is strangled by Andy.

Lee knows that this is seriously getting out of his hand now. He calls for help. But everybody hates him. Nobody comes. His own brother, Lama (Tibet), who is merely a 10 year old kid, whom he used to bully, comes to join the party and deliver two unconsequential blows to Lee.

Lee quickly changes stance, and makes peace with Andy. He gives all the money he made from Andy's customers back to Andy. Wilson and Vlad demand a share from Andy. Andy is like "Seriously?". They both shut up. Lee is bruised enough not to take on Kumar again. Kumar is bruised enough not to take on him again. Lee takes out his wrath on Lama. Seriously.

Kumar's and Lee's houses as well as bodies are a shitty mess. One fourth of Kumar's house needs to be rebuilt, but he still owns the property. Ali never had a house, and has taken some serious damage. Thiru is still missing. Another kid, Gorkha (Nepal) has gone missing.

Meanwhile, in the next lane, Kawasaki (Japan) and Pufendorf (Germany) are celebrating Christmas in July, with Lee and Kumar out of business.
@Chinese-Dragon , @Aeronaut , @notsuperstitious , Agree with it?

Hahah what load of crock plopage.:lol:
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I took this answer from Quora.. Its worth reading it.

"What if China , Pakistan and Sri Lanka go to war with India"

Look at it this way. If military strength is compared to a no holds barred fight, we have roughly a following distribution.

China is a professional boxer Lee. A world class one at that.
India is a street cop, Kumar. Can take care of street rats, but no match for the boxer when it comes to fight.
Pakistan is his 13 year old brother, Ali, aggressive, hot head, but untrained and fragile.
Srilanka is a 5 year old kid, Thiru.

Now, suppose, Ali, Lee and Thiru, all have decided to beat the **** out of Kumar, in a no holds barred street fight at Kumar's home. Who will Kumar worry the most about? But obviously, Lee.

Kumar quickly slaps Thiru and Ali, making way to save himself from Lee. Lee, however is a professional, he throws a solid punch at Kumar's face, Kumar ducks, but couldn't evade the second punch right into his ribs. Kumar starts bleeding. He throws a couple of hands at Lee himself, but Lee doesn't find it anything close to painful. Meanwhile, Ali, tries to get hold of Kumar, Kumar, lends a solid kick to Ali, fending him off for some time, but this gives ample opportunity to Lee to deliver another sucker punch.

Kumar clearly knows that he will be defeated by Lee. He knew it before the fight even began. But what are Lee's intentions? Is it beating down Kumar just enough, or to do some serious damage?

If it is beating down Kumar, then he is probably done. He will leave the fight, and Kumar will let go of his anger on Ali. Thiru is just a kid here, whom Kumar loves very much anyways, so after a couple of slaps, Thiru would just be crying beyond measure.

Now, suppose, that's not the case. Then, it's a no holds barred fight, remember. Lee keeps on taking Kumar's case. Kumar is adamant, he won't bow. In this mind numbing scenario, Kumar accidentally punches Thiru, and Thiru was badly bruised. Ali keeps on getting his share of mis delivered punches from Lee, and a couple of solid blows from Kumar.

Kumar knows, that if he ends up fighting with Lee, with punches, he will be crippled permanently. So, he knows he has a grenade. But then, Lee has a grenade too. Both of them warn each other of their own grenades. Ali says, I have a grenade too. Both Kumar and Lee share a laugh. Ali says, I am damn serious. Both of them know, grenades are only to be used in situation of desperation, as they would both die, if it comes down to them, but have no faith whatsoever in Ali. Lee increases his unintentional blows to Ali. Things get ugly, the fight between Lee and Kumar becomes seriously bloody, but hasn't yet come down to the bombs.

Now, there are 3 neighbors down the next lane, USA as Andy, UK as Wilson and Russia as Vladimir. Andy is the MMA world champion. He hates Lee and has an on and off relationship with Ali. Andy, although he is the best in the world, shows off his power by beating and looting random 10 year olds like Iraq and Afghanistan, and uses them to practice actual fight. So, he is feared, seriously.
Wilson and Vlad are both WWE wrestlers, plenty of show off, but not really in a mood of real fight.
They all are seriously pissed off with Lee, for stealing all their business.

Now, when they realize that with Kumar beaten up, Lee will be ruling a full corner of the neighborhood, they realize that this would make Lee a grave danger to themselves and their livelihood. They also know that Lee, ultimately aims to take over the full area. They also know that if it comes down to bombs, the whole neighborhood is destroyed.

So, Andy threatens Lee to stay away from Kumar. Lee, says "Bullshit". Vlad and Wilson will keep on delivering Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson style lines, but will wait for Andy to do anything. Andy delivers couple of warnings more to Lee who in turn delivers another couple of punches to Kumar, and Andy says it's enough. Kumar is seriously bleeding now, and is seriously contemplating taken Lee down with himself using bombs, before Lee does some permanent damage to him. Andy knows this, and Lee knows this, but Lee wants to extract some more. Andy sees, it's enough.

Ali, meanwhile knows he can't take on Andy, says sorry to Andy, and sits like a good boy at home, leaving Kumar and his home. Andy even gives him money for an ice cream. Thiru, has gone missing in all this. May be, he would be found sometime later.

Andy steps in, delivers 3 solid kicks to Lee. Lee starts bleeding now. He knows that things have gone out of hand. Depending upon his mood, he will either step back, still swearing at Kumar, or if he has grown really powerful, take a stone and throw it at Andy's house.

This seriously infuriates Andy, who is now going to beat the **** out of Lee. He punches and kicks and punches and kicks Lee. Fighting moves to Lee's home. Lee, threatens Andy now, that he has got the bomb. Andy replies, "You have got bombs? I have got 100 times bigger bombs than you do." (which is by the way completely true). Lee is afraid. Wilson and Vlad join in, deliver a couple of punches to Lee, who is strangled by Andy.

Lee knows that this is seriously getting out of his hand now. He calls for help. But everybody hates him. Nobody comes. His own brother, Lama (Tibet), who is merely a 10 year old kid, whom he used to bully, comes to join the party and deliver two unconsequential blows to Lee.

Lee quickly changes stance, and makes peace with Andy. He gives all the money he made from Andy's customers back to Andy. Wilson and Vlad demand a share from Andy. Andy is like "Seriously?". They both shut up. Lee is bruised enough not to take on Kumar again. Kumar is bruised enough not to take on him again. Lee takes out his wrath on Lama. Seriously.

Kumar's and Lee's houses as well as bodies are a shitty mess. One fourth of Kumar's house needs to be rebuilt, but he still owns the property. Ali never had a house, and has taken some serious damage. Thiru is still missing. Another kid, Gorkha (Nepal) has gone missing.

Meanwhile, in the next lane, Kawasaki (Japan) and Pufendorf (Germany) are celebrating Christmas in July, with Lee and Kumar out of business.
@Chinese-Dragon , @Aeronaut , @notsuperstitious , Agree with it?

One shall always utilize his time very wisely and if he doesn't care about his time then have pity on others please :sleep:
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Nuclear deterrent is irrelevant here, since India has a "No First Use" nuclear policy, same as China.

No first use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So nukes are out of the question, unless Pakistan nukes first. Which they won't, since the China + Pakistan side has the overwhelming advantage.

As for International pressure, guess who is the largest trading partner for most of the countries in the world? China.

Guess who loans the most money to countries around the world? China.

As Hilliary Clinton said, "How can we be tough with our banker?"

Even if the above two points were not the case, then tell me how did International pressure stop Russia from invading Georgia? Their ally America didn't help, nobody helped. Countries care about their own interests, first and foremost.

Who define policies? We will change it as we want and when we want. :cheesy:
We all saw the video of PLA soldiers openly pushing their way into Indian territory without resistance.

India can open fire on the Bangladeshi border and the Pakistani border regardless of whether they are soldiers, civilians or even cattle traders. But on the Sino-Indian border India does not fire a shot even though we push deep into Indian territory and stay there for weeks.

Like it or not, the ones who lack "courage" in your own words, are the Indian leaders themselves.

I think the disillusioned Indians still think China as brothers. India does not retaliate against PLA troops because brothers do not fight brothers.
Once China's GDP per capita reaches the level of Hong Kong then we won't need to worry about the Media war. Our economy will be so vast that no one will see it in their own interests to spread crap about us.

Even today, the West are already self-regulating their own statements in order to avoid offending China. Why? Because those same people who influence the decision makers have their own money invested in China. They need to protect their own profits.

Like Hillary Clinton said, "How can we be tough with our banker?"

And we have no intention of becoming American Empire Version 2.0, so it will be enough. We won't have to drum up support for wars halfway across the globe, because we won't be America "f*ck yeah" cowboys who want to do that in the first place.

Bold part: The reason that USA talks sweet to China is that China has $3,000 billion lent to the US govt since its economic melt a few years ago. The other reasons you said are not that valid.
[Bregs];4735420 said:
One shall always utilize his time very wisely and if he doesn't care about his time then have pity on others please :sleep:

hey , thanks for the advise bergs , but I never forced you or anyone else to READ it!!
The nations which assisted India in 1962 war - Bhutan and USA.

Nation which assisted India in 1971 war - Soviet Union.

Nation which assisted India in 1999 - Israel.

In a conflict with Sino-Pak, USA will be the major external player for India and maybe the Russians too.

Only USA will and can mobilize military assets in event of Indian request of assistance.

Consider the interests of US. U think it would actually go to war against pakistan...then pak will threaten to stop acting on terror outfits against US....
Ok let Pakistan and China attack India together then we will know who will support India.

The Chinese as usual are high on some exotic stuff on this thread.

They feel only they have the right to attack India in cooperation with another nation and other nations somehow do not have the same right... :omghaha:

Funny little Chinese as usual.

Speaking of evidence:

in 1962, 1965, 1971, 1999 Neither Pakistan nor China got involved in the war together.

US was about to enter in 1962. Soviet did enter in 1971. China asked both parties for peace in 1999.:laughcry: Wonder what stopped China to enter in 1999? fear of Russia?

So if going by evidence, the Chinese think they would attack India together with Pakistan and no one would support India then one just has to forgive them for being stupid.

Now coming to my view on the topic:

and I would only speak based on past evidence. the West, Japan and Russia maybe doing business with China (as indeed even India is doing and more of it with every passing second). this does not mean they do not regard China as a threat. Even today the biggest enemy of China is USA (biggest trading partner does not help much I guess :D)

Despite all this trade, still everyone in West, Russia, Japan view China as a potential threat. This threat would only grow in terms of its severity if China along with Pakistan is successful to take down India. Neither Russia nor West nor Japan would like to see a China totally dominating Asia.

So going by EVIDENCE and not mere wishful thinking. the chances of China getting away with a attack on India with Pakistan are extremely poor. If not for that, then by now this should have already happened IMO.

Conclusion(most probable realistic scenario based on evidence):

The world would get a perfect opportunity to tear China to shreds if it attacks India with Pakistan. Russia do not need China, China needs Russia.

If Chinese think otherwise, why didn't they dare attack India in 1971, 1999? Because they know their sorry condition to engage in such a misadventure.
No one will dare fight against India. This thread is stupid.
as the thread is hypothetical,

in case of two front war, with pak and china, Forget CSD and false flag a nuke attack on india, pin it on pakistan and launch massive nuke strike nullifying pakistani response in one clean swift action, China wouldn't want to get into nuky mess with India. Immediately call for US/Nato intervention to secure ceasefire arrangement with china...Pay massive amount to media lobbyists in western media to pin the blame on pakistan and china and play the victim card!
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