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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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Why would Russians/Americans help indians against Sino-Pak alliance?

Not a chance!

Chinese own U.S economy...

Why would U.S severe its relations with China due to something as regional as Sino-Pak alliance against india in South Asia?

As I said, indians have no way of countering the deadly Sino-Pak alliance in South Asia!

I said can... not will...
wrong,chinese need USA economy to survive, because of their export oriented economy.
India was non allied in 71, but did some maneuvers to ward off USA's threat ...

If we really thought the situation to be as scary, we would have joined USA coalition. We should have contingency plan for such eventuality though.
China will stop all warmongering and become a very peaceful country when democracy arrives. Counterclaims can be made by its neighbors on China if it does not desist from its unnecessary aggression and provocation. If China wants land, it is free to capture as much as it wants from Muslim occupiers in any part of the world. The best would be areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, and in south-east Asia.

India has been a bulwark against the spread of Islam into China. why would they be so ungrateful as to invade India with a country that spews spit on the Chinese regarding them as infidels and inferior and that which so cunningly and deceptively shows fake admiration and love for the Chinese over the internet but never in its real approach to the Chinese. It is only the Maoists in China who are doing this to divert the attention of the Chinese people to remain in power.
Sino-Pak alliance? I never think this will happen.

It is already happening...

China and Pakistan have jointly produced JF-17 Thunder aircraft...increasing Pakistan's airpower in the region by huge magnitude...

Pakistan building its indigenous tanks with China's help..

China is funding Gwadar seaport...

Pakistan Military has direct access to Chinese Beidou navigation system for military purposes...

China has agree to fund strategic roads b/w Pakistan's seaports to China's western region, cutting off india's leverage over Chinese supply-lines passing through indian ocean (can be disrupted by indian navy)...

Pakistan and China are doing joint-air exercises as we speak! Major exercises b/w two nations are ongoing for years now..

There are alot of things...but these are enough I guess.

Sino-Pak alliance will strangle totally india!!!!!!!

Pakistan has already cut-off india from central Asia by capturing Gilgit-baltistan region...Chinese are making significant incursions in india from north....Pakistan has already outclassed india on Afghanistan's endgame..

india has no where to expand and project power....

Remember, Pakistan Military also helped Sri Lanka in their fight against indian-backed tamil tigers? Pakistan provided training, ammunition, and even military officers to crush Tamils!!!
This thread is about realistic scenarios, not dreams.

Read this post from above:

We all saw the video of PLA soldiers openly pushing their way into Indian territory without resistance.

India can open fire on the Bangladeshi border and the Pakistani border regardless of whether they are soldiers, civilians or even cattle traders. But on the Sino-Indian border India does not fire a shot even though we push deep into Indian territory and stay there for weeks.

Like it or not, the ones who lack "courage" in your own words, are the Indian leaders themselves.

Like kids pushing each other for lollypop.... CD this is epic comment that i didn't expected from you.... we can say it other wise.. we still hold thousands of KM that china claiming since decades, with less military installation....
\ If China wants land, it is free to capture as much as it wants from Muslim occupiers in any part of the world. The best would be areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, and in south-east Asia.

Chinese aren't some retarded junkards who will enter in a strategic struggle against the Islamic World...Even United States along with whole West can't do that.

It will be the end of the world...

Chinese will have many Muslim nations as their allies to protect their interests in Islamic World..and in return, those Muslim Nations will use China to help their interests globally...Kinda like U.S and Saudis etc...

Keep your mental orgasms to yourself...
India has been a bulwark against the spread of Islam into China.

india couldn't defend itself, forget about stopping the spread of Islam to China.

Chinese were too big and too far...

Also, Islam has already reached China and million of Muslims live there...please stop your bs.
why would they be so ungrateful as to invade India with a country that spews spit on the Chinese regarding them as infidels and inferior and that which so cunningly and deceptively shows fake admiration and love for the Chinese over the internet but never in its real approach to the Chinese.

Islam has always respected China...and therefore, you don't see any major strategic confrontation b/w Islam and China in the past...

So much so, that Prophet Muhammad himself praised China and Chinese knowledge...and told Muslims to go to China to seek Knowledge. Do you think Muslims will not respect China? You must be joking!

Yeah...we don't respect pesky hindus..and our great Prophet didn't too...no wonder Muslims slaughtered india throughout history.... :lol:

It is only the Maoists in China who are doing this to divert the attention of the Chinese people to remain in power.

CCP is the reason China is respected globally today....unlike your 'democratic' india
Sri Lanka, Bhutan siding with india to counter Sino-Pak alliance? :lol:

Poor indians have no choice...

There is no counter to Sino-Pak alliance in the region!

U.S doesn't have borders with india..nor do Russia...

Sino-Pak alliance will completely contain india....

The best option for india would be to stop being a western lackey...and co-operate with its neighbors...

Pakistan-India-Iran-China-Arabs-Turks etc should co-operate with each other...

Asia deserves to lead the world, not West. West is only ahead due to our differences/disunity...

USA major ally in s.asia for 6 decades...

Why would Russians/Americans help indians against Sino-Pak alliance?

Not a chance!

Chinese own U.S economy...

Why would U.S severe its relations with China due to something as regional as Sino-Pak alliance against india in South Asia?

As I said, indians have no way of countering the deadly Sino-Pak alliance in South Asia!

lolz.....USA importers and china exporters ..... is that mean china owns USA economy... i dnt know whether Pentagon and CIA have a idea about it..
As I said, indians have no way of countering the deadly Sino-Pak alliance in South Asia!

I just doubt that with so many internal problems Pakistan is even capable of forming an alliance with China. :lol:
None of these nations will likely ally themselves to India the only power that would consider supporting India would be Russia for it seeks to maintain a check on Chinese power other than that the West would likely threaten with economic actions and possibly consider a small strike but would definitely sanction Pakistan.
I just doubt that with so many internal problems Pakistan is even capable of forming an alliance with China. :lol:

Ignoring the tone of your post, sir, it is clear that Pakistan's focus has shifted to its Western regions. Most of the Pakistanis do not want a conflict with India that much is true. However, I do not believe that that should be taken as a sign of weakness rather a shift in priority.
Chill man. He is fighting a fanatic :D

Btw you got a cute avatar :)
Ignoring the tone of your post, sir, it is clear that Pakistan's focus has shifted to its Western regions. Most of the Pakistanis do not want a conflict with India that much is true. However, I do not believe that that should be taken as a sign of weakness rather a shift in priority.
This thread was a waste of disk space in PDF servers...
Hehe :D Your avatar actually reminded me of Kids version of Team Fortress! Play the game - pretty cool.
PS - Only TF exists. There is no Kids version :rofl:
I am cool though I believe fanatics should be ignored rather than fought.

Thank you for liking the avatar :)
This thread is hypothetical.

The question i am interested in is that || 'Which regional state/states in your opinion will join India in an 'active combat' scenario if India finds itself in a FULL SCALE 2 front war against China and Pakistan' ?

I am not talking about diplomatic/economic support, but the state/states that might fight alongside India in this scenario.

The multiple choice option is available.

Best Regards.

In response to this hypothetical situation the answers are :

1. With the exception of Iran no other country would matter materially to India in such a situation. Even at its worst India will be in a situation to ensure that if these countries do not help - they will not aid the enemy against India.

2. It is extremely unlikely that India will need foreign troops on its soil to defend India. In any case no one fights someone else's war . Howsoever hard it may seem , Indian Military does have the resources to stand up to a two - front situation. The attrition on all three sides will be very very severe and shall set back all parties by a few decades. One of them may even go back to the ' stone ages" as mentioned on a phone call some years ago .

3. The help India can expect & will get is very active Intel , Real time Satellite imagery, Protection of sea lanes, Air Space, Elint and the like from a No of countries - I do not wish to discuss these nor contest a counter view.

4. If the push comes to a shove, the world needs India in its present shape, stature and role. No other country in this region can replace India on this.

All in all not a very happy situation but contingency planning exists.
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