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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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Once China's GDP per capita reaches the level of Hong Kong then we won't need to worry about the Media war. Our economy will be so vast that no one will see it in their own interests to spread crap about us.

I disagree.

I believe media/cultural domination is far, far more powerful than economic or military domination. You can control their wallet or their hands, but nothing beats controlling their mind.

Of course, economic and military domination can be leveraged into cultural domination.

Anyway, that's a whole different debate...
I disagree.

I believe media/cultural domination is far, far more powerful than economic or military domination. You can control their wallet or their hands, but nothing beats controlling their mind.

Of course, economic and military domination can be leveraged into cultural domination.

Anyway, that's a whole different debate...

Then it's lucky we have no intention of becoming a US or Soviet style "superpower".

And a good thing too.

As long as we can control our own borders then we'll be fine. Once our economy is big enough we'll be able to leverage enough diplomatic influence to take care of our interests overseas as well. That will be enough.

The American Empire will have to go and pick on someone else, and sorry to whoever that may be.
The fact is that India (like many other countries) is an artificial entity which will break apart given the right stimuli. Indians will not admit it, especially on a Pakistani forum, but anyone who has interacted with Indians in real life knows that, after the obligatory 'unity in diversity' platitudes, the regional and ethnic chauvinism shines through. With proper nurturing in the context of an economic squeeze, this regionalism can mushroom into full-fledged separatism.

In my perception, this is correct.

Like it or not, the ones who lack "courage" in your own words, are the Indian leaders themselves.

You are absolutely correct ! It's the impotent, eunuch CONGI govt which doesn't have courage. Our defence forces hands are tied up by these Corrupt Blood Suckers.
I think India will never use its nuke even it loses Kashmir and life of Indian soldiers, because it will not take the risk of destroying Total India. I even think India will not even fight a conventional war for long time with Pakistan because it would fear the economical damage/loss. So I think, Pakistan can take a very good preparation and liberate Kashmir.
I hate to say this but you are the only one here who is right. since the 70s, defeating india conventionally is virtually impossible, even for the US. The best and most cost effective way is to break the country from the inside, causing it to disintegrate.

I feel the question itself is outdated. In the modern world, direct military conflict between nuclear powers is almost unthinkable.

The way to fight India is not militarily, but economically and socially. In fact, any overt military threat works to India's advantage because it unites the country against external threats.

The fact is that India (like many other countries) is an artificial entity which will break apart given the right stimuli. Indians will not admit it, especially on a Pakistani forum, but anyone who has interacted with Indians in real life knows that, after the obligatory 'unity in diversity' platitudes, the regional and ethnic chauvinism shines through. With proper nurturing in the context of an economic squeeze, this regionalism can mushroom into full-fledged separatism.

The good news for India is that neither Pakistan nor China possesses the means or skill to pull this off.

Could the US and the UK do it if they were so inclined? You better believe it!
IMO India should not only increase our nuclear arsenal multiple times of its current strength but should also covertly start Development of Deadly Biological and Chemical WMD
Then it's lucky we have no intention of becoming a US or Soviet style "superpower".

That's a short-sighted view. It's not about being a superpower, but protecting your interests. Military and economic might is important to make sure nobody else muscles in on your interests, but you also need the "soft sell" capability to maintain loyalty.

Let me give you an analogy: there are three ways to "get the girl"
A- you can use chloroform and rope.
B- you can flash hundred dollar bills.
C- you can use smooth talk and persuasion (bullsh!t artist).

Incidentally, the same logic applies in managing the domestic population. It's not about being the right choice; it's about making people believe that you are the right choice.
That's a short-sighted view. It's not about being a superpower, but protecting your interests. Military and economic might is important to make sure nobody else muscles in on your interests, but you also need the "soft sell" capability to maintain loyalty.

Let me give you an analogy: there are three ways to "get the girl"
A- you can use chloroform and rope.
B- you can flash hundred dollar bills.
C- you can use smooth talk and persuasion (bullsh!t artist).

Incidentally, the same logic applies in managing the domestic population. It's not about being the right choice; it's about making people believe that you are the right choice.

I'll tell you a story that my teacher told me a long time ago.

Two friends went camping in the forest.

After a while, out of nowhere, a hungry tiger appeared.

One of the friends took off his shoes and started putting on sneakers.

The other friend said: "What's the point, you can never outrun a tiger!"

And the first friend replied: "I don't need to outrun the tiger... I just need to outrun you".


We don't need to be a superpower to protect our interests. Neither does Switzerland or Singapore. We need to be the guy who puts on the sneakers first. And yes I am genuinely and truly sorry for whomever is eaten by the Tiger, but I hope it's one of our enemies.
In my perception, this is correct.

It's true of almost any country in the world. Only the most homogenous and tiniest countries, like Iceland or Finland or South Korea, might be immune.

The best and most cost effective way is to break the country from the inside, causing it to disintegrate.

Yup, as above.
IMO India should not only increase our nuclear arsenal multiple times of its current strength but should also covertly start Development of Deadly Biological and Chemical WMD

India and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India has a well-developed biotechnology infrastructure that includes numerous pharmaceutical production facilities bio-containment laboratories (including BSL-3 and BSL-4) for working with lethal pathogens. It also has highly qualified scientists with expertise in infectious diseases. Some of India’s facilities are being used to support research and development for BW defense purposes. India has ratified the BWC and pledges to abide by its obligations. There is no clear evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that directly points toward an offensive BW program. New Delhi does possess the scientific capability and infrastructure to launch an offensive BW program, but has chosen not to do so. In terms of delivery, India also possesses the capability to produce aerosols and has numerous potential delivery systems ranging from crop dusters to sophisticated ballistic missiles.
No information exists in the public domain suggesting interest by the Indian government in delivery of biological agents by these or any other means. To reiterate the latter point, in October 2002, Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam asserted that "we [India] will not make biological weapons. It is cruel to human beings..."
Agree with developereo the only sure way to get rid of india is from the inside - even that will take centuries to accomplish - conventionally i dont think even on the inside you can take on the armed forces they are too strong and ruthless - wont hesitate to make a million unmarked graves inside if the countries existence is threatened for real .
@Aeronaut India do not need any allies to wage a defensive war against Pakistan and China.
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