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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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The economic might is only one part of it. China may, at some point, wield enough economic clout to affect India's economy significantly like the US does.

However, China lacks the second, and most essential aspect, of this strategy, which is attitude control through media brainwashing. Only American and British media dominates the globe, and India is especially vulnerable given the penetration of global media there.

China has better chance of effecting India with economic might than with military might, though economically India is not intertwined with China as of now, but in future it might be. Any use of military might by China will get equal response that in the end will harm China immensely.

As on media strategy, China has zero chances. World doesn't understand Mandarin.
In a conflict with Sino-Pak, USA will be the major external player for India and maybe the Russians too.

Only USA will and can mobilize military assets in event of Indian request of assistance.

1) Northern Indian border with China is too far away for the USA to actually help India directly. Border is far from the sea, so, USA cannot attack with planes from its ACs. Its pilots cannot even find out the Chinese targets over the Himalayan mountain. It is not Iraq, very near to the sea. It can extend only diplomatic pressure to China.

2) However, Japan and the USA together can help India by opening other fronts in the Pacific and China ports from Guam and Okinawa. It will force China to fight a widely separated two front war. China cannot probably sustain a long war. It will have to seek peace.

3) India will have very long northern front with China from Arunachal to Ladakh. If BD remains neutral and does not allow Indian planes to fly over its territory, India will find it difficult to ferry its troops and logistics to its NE. China enters Arunachal.

4) Equation again changes when Pakistan attacks India's western front. In the past wars with Pakistan, India used to extend the front from Kashmir to Sindh because it has three times more troops than Pakistan. But, in the present context, India cannot widen the front with Pakistan because it has to mobilize troops in the north as well as east.

Results: India loses territories to China in the north and to Pakistan in the west. But, then China's Shanghai and other ports are destroyed. Japan/US navy stops Chinese commercial ships from getting oil and raw materials, china loses the ownership of oil fields in the south Pacific etc.

I think there will be a compromise, because all the countries will be exhausted. India may have to vacate lands claimed by China as its own. however, since Kashmir is not an issue in this war, so it may remain with India because USA does not care.
@Chinese-Dragon.... already answered.... you talk big only in PDF. If your army has that much courage and is that much powerful, fire one single shot and then face the music. But before that happens , talk big in PDF. I won't stop you anymore and let you Dream BIG. :D

USA came inside Pakistan and did an operation.Whereas Powerful Chinese army scuffling with Indian army at the border. One guy running inside and Indian army pulling him back. BIG and Powerful PLA! :omghaha:

Anyways you stay in delusion. I won't stop you any more. Enjoy!! :wave:
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Did you know that India cut off buying any Iranian oil in the month of July?

India bought zero barrels of Iranian oil in July, they got the extra supply from Iraq and Saudi Arabia instead. Your competitors.

Whereas China buys more than 50% of Iranian oil every month. We buy more Iranian oil than the rest of your customers combined.

So why would Iran possibly send soldiers to fight against China + Pakistan, on behalf of India?

Nobody will send any soldiers in case of the war. What is the need for soldiers when India itself has 1.5 million active forces with another 1 million standing. Most of the support will be diplomatic
Did you know that India cut off buying any Iranian oil in the month of July?

India bought zero barrels of Iranian oil in July, they got the extra supply from Iraq and Saudi Arabia instead. Your competitors.

Whereas China buys more than 50% of Iranian oil every month. We buy more Iranian oil than the rest of your customers combined.

So why would Iran possibly send soldiers to fight against China + Pakistan, on behalf of India?

I can't see any point in such a discussions :

@Chinese-Dragon.... already answered.... you talk big only in PDF. If your army has that much courage and is that much powerful, fire one single shot and then face the music. But before that happens , talk big in PDF. I won't stop you anymore and let you Dream BIG.

LOL Chinese soldiers have already made hundreds of incursions into Indian territory, that is according to your own defence minister AK Anthony! :lol:

We have already made our move and India hasn't done anything.

Oh wait, India did do something. They backed down and agreed to all our demands.

Indian troops suspend patrols at Chumar - Times Of India

Ask any member of any nationality here, to look at the recent border incursions, and tell me who is talking big and doing nothing? :P
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IMO. The situation will be like this.

1. Russia - Will start mobilizing and exert pressure on Chinese Border but not declare war
2. USA will sit idle and watch. They will supply older weapons at lower rates, but otherwise only pay lip service to India. Their military assistance to Pakistan will also stop.
3. Afghanistan will seal its borders(ok at least it will try to) and bark against Pakistani aggression
4. Nepal and Bhutan will try to stay neutral. But China will have to either bring them in camp or overrun them. So later they may be forced to join the Indian camp.
5. Bangladesh will stay neutral as far as possible. They are likely to join later - they will be opportunistic. Will join China overtly if they are winning, covertly India if she is.
6. Myanmar will covertly support China.
7. SE Asia will remain neutral.
8. Saudi Arabia will cut of oil supply to India if she is doing well saying that supply line is not safe.
9. Iran will supply oil to India covertly.Also with intel and other support.
10. Central Asian Republics will follow the foreign policy of Russia - unlikely to support China or Pakistan
11. Europe will debate and pass lots of resolutions but do nothing.
12. Latin America will continue as if nothing happened.
13. Israel will send a 'volunteer advisory group' to India and mobilize herself.
14. Africa will stay out. In fact they would supply China overtly.
15. Australia will support India - though not declaring war against China/Pakistan.
16. Japan would cut of diplomatic ties with China and monitor war. They will mobilize. Same for South Korea.
17. Middle Eastern countries by and large will lend a lot of money and oil to Pakistan but for real support in manpower - they will do nothing.
18. Sri Lanka will covertly join China/Pakistan and allow Chinese Navy to dominate the 'Indian Ocean'.
This thread is hypothetical.

The question i am interested in is that || 'Which regional state/states in your opinion will join India in an 'active combat' scenario if India finds itself in a FULL SCALE 2 front war against China and Pakistan' ?

I am not talking about diplomatic/economic support, but the state/states that might fight alongside India in this scenario.

The multiple choice option is available.

Best Regards.

Come on man,we are just enjoying over a hypothetical question :D

In the mean time Bhutan and Afghanistan scored 3 goals each.Come on Bangladesh and Nepal go for it :victory:
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This thread is hypothetical.

The question i am interested in is that || 'Which regional state/states in your opinion will join India in an 'active combat' scenario if India finds itself in a FULL SCALE 2 front war against China and Pakistan' ?

I am not talking about diplomatic/economic support, but the state/states that might fight alongside India in this scenario.

The multiple choice option is available.

Best Regards.

In case of conflict, Pak will not join China in attacking India.
Hold back China - Finish off Pakistan - Then Finish off China

Simple, no help needed, piece of cake :P

Easy boy !!! :whistle:

In my opinion no one would actually directly help in combat, maybe indirectly Iran. Rest of the world will just call for peace. There is no country near India which it has a border with that can actually help India in direct combat, Countries like Israel Afghanistan and Iran that have ties with India will help them maybe indirectly. All the other Major powers in the world USA, Europe, Russia etc would just try and end the war.

We are not interested in WAR !!! :coffee:
China should not hurt itself by engaging with a 3rd world country like india

better leave them to us.just arm us with a couple of SSBN and a few squadrons of j-11b.

we already are in a state of war.it wont effect our economy since the FDI is already down,global ranking is is not also.

while in a war we will give them so much damage in a conventional war that it will take them 2 decades more to bring themselves to what they are now.

Better would be if china directly gets involved with USA and leave 3rd would country like india to us.

even a kargil type of war inshAllah in 2015-16 will make there economy worse
LOL Chinese soldiers have already made hundreds of incursions into Indian territory, that is according to your own defence minister AK Anthony! :lol:

We have already made our move and India hasn't done anything.

Oh wait, India did do something. They backed down and agreed to all our demands.

Indian troops suspend patrols at Chumar - Times Of India

Ask any member of any nationality here, to look at the recent border incursions, and tell me who is talking big and doing nothing? :P

Your way of drawing a conclusion is amazing. Anyways be a happy and powerful PDF Chinese, I won't stop you. So better don't quote me when you troll, so that I don't have to respond. Thank You!! :D
China should not hurt itself by engaging with a 3rd world country like india

better leave them to us.just arm us with a couple of SSBN and a few squadrons of j-11b.

we already are in a state of war.it wont effect our economy since the FDI is already down,global ranking is is not also.

while in a war we will give them so much damage in a conventional war that it will take them 2 decades more to bring themselves to what they are now.

Better would be if china directly gets involved with USA and leave 3rd would country like india to us.

even a kargil type of war inshAllah in 2015-16 will make there economy worse

Nor did they in 1971.......................Result is in front of you....................
Any Indians want to reply to the post above? @Aka123?

We all saw the video of PLA soldiers pushing their way into Indian territory without resistance.

Chinese soldiers can push deep into Indian territory and India can't do anything about it, as they have proven over and over again. We can go deep into Indian territory and stay there for weeks without the slightest resistance.

India can open fire on the Bangladesh border and the Pakistan border, regardless of whether the targets are soldiers, civilians or even cattle traders.

But when the PLA comes in, India just backs down and agrees to all our demands.

Indian troops suspend patrols at Chumar - Times Of India

PLA soldiers pushing their way into Indian territory shows the professionalism of the PLA, they were childish and acting like school kids with their commander in no sight. One shot by Chinese would have started a war that would have been catastrophic.
I have no doubt Chinese will be the first to start a war with India and in the end both countries will loose immensely.
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China has better chance of effecting India with economic might than with military might, though economically India is not intertwined with China as of now, but in future it might be. Any use of military might by China will get equal response that in the end will harm China immensely.


As on media strategy, China has zero chances. World doesn't understand Mandarin.

For better or for worse, the legacy of the British Empire lingers on and English-speaking countries have the advantage (courtesy of the US) in the global propaganda war.

Indians are leveraging that advantage already using American and British media organs as mouthpieces for Indian point of view.

Anyway, this is probably getting a bit off-topic...
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