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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

Indian Army’s two front war strategy follows deterrence against Pakistan and dissuasion against China. According to recent news reports, this may have changed a bit to, active deterrence against Pakistan and active dissuasion against China.

This strategy underlines the fact that, in case of a two front war, against Pakistan, India would launch major offensive inside Pakistani territory in order to destroy and or neutralize Pakistani forces while remaining short of Pakistan’s nuclear thresholds. This war would be short and violent, as the forces after dealing with Pakistan would be needed either for Chinese front or to retain balance.

Against China, the dissuasive strategy would use the terrain friction to delay and or deny Chinese manoeuvre forces from gaining access to depth areas in time and space. With the new planned raising of the strike corps, its artillery division and beefed up front line forces with additional two divisions and other support echelons, while delaying the Chinese advance, Indian Army would be able to launch the strike forces to either effect a recoil on Chinese forces or deny any further penetration. Against China, the war effort would be relatively protracted as compared to Pakistan.

The Indian Navy would deny access to Chinese navy in to IOR. Against Pakistan IN may effect a blockade and attain domination of IOR against both Pakistani and Chinese Navies.

Indian Air Force would conduct counter air operations as well as support the ground and naval operations endeavouring to attain air superiority against Pakistan and air parity against China.

The use of nuclear forces would be avoided against Pakistan by remaining short of its perceived thresholds and against China by denying them penetration which may cross Indian thresholds. The effort thus would be to keep the war to conventional level without escalating it to nuclear level. However, nuclear forces would remain prepared to respond if the need arises.
I think many members have highlighted the possibility that it could be the most powerful union if India and China come together. may be the west knows this. I would love to see India and China threat to each other deminish forever and we live peacefully..no one wants war and is good for none....I come from a state in India where there is a big chinese comunity who is living in India peacefully for decades...we have hundreds of Chinese restaurants out here and we love your food...its time we solve the border issue forever and end this drama.
When that day finally comes, we shall have cup of drink for celebration.
to be honest I love to fight with chinese members on PDF but I hate their cheer leaders from south-asian countries
mod's make it sticky thread... he he he such rare feet.... both are giving compliment to each other... I know people-people relation Between China and India are good .... recently my cousin went to china for medicine....
Sincere communication instead of trolling is the only way India and china could build up trust. You should be responsible for what you say. That's called a real man.
Indian Army’s two front war strategy follows deterrence against Pakistan and dissuasion against China. According to recent news reports, this may have changed a bit to, active deterrence against Pakistan and active dissuasion against China.

This strategy underlines the fact that, in case of a two front war, against Pakistan, India would launch major offensive inside Pakistani territory in order to destroy and or neutralize Pakistani forces while remaining short of Pakistan’s nuclear thresholds. This war would be short and violent, as the forces after dealing with Pakistan would be needed either for Chinese front or to retain balance.....................................

look like some third party desperately wants war between these two countries more than anyone else . But it's not going to happen , Day by Day relation between china and Indian are moving towards a great relationship....... :)
The main reason for military reinforcement of china is to counter balance USA hegemony and provocation, not that relevant to India.
look like some third party desperately wants war between these two countries more than anyone else . But it's not going to happen , Day by Day relation between china and Indian are moving towards a great relationship....... :)

The topic of the thread is "Two-front war remote, but threat from China real."

What do you want me to post - Hindi Cheeni Bhai Bhai love affair.
The topic of the thread is "Two-front war remote, but threat from China real."

What do you want me to post - Hindi Cheeni Bhai Bhai love affair.

Then it's matter of Chinese and Indians , Why a Pakistani is posting a provocation when both parties are celebrating their cultural bond and looking forward for great relationship.......:azn:
The topic of the thread is "Two-front war remote, but threat from China real."

What do you want me to post - Hindi Cheeni Bhai Bhai love affair.
:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:let's go to other threads:smitten:
Its not the people-to-people contact of common folks which shapes the relations between the states rather its people sitting in corridors of power, controlling the power decides how relations between the states be shaped.And then there are different power center with in the corridors of powers with many different agendas of their own to effect any normalcy move.
Sincere communication instead of trolling is the only way India and china could build up trust. You should be responsible for what you say. That's called a real man.
Indian and Chinese border problem is nothing compare to other... but the only problem is mistrust....and Pakistan-India is ego hat-redness etc...... i don't think Indians and Chinese hate each other...
Accept it , We hate Pakistanis , They killed thousands of innocent Indian in terror attacks.

Indian-Pakistan social realtionship is worst than China-Japan .

I actually dont think so, but I cant speak for everyone. Atleast I dont hate. However I do hate it when terrorism or attacks from Pakistan happens. But that's all there is to it. And Ive NEVER heard any Indian actually say, "I hate Pakistanis" in RL. Never. I think most Indians are neutral.
I strongly oppose baseless attack by each other members of Chinese and Indians in PDF, why not bring in some logic and sensational move. Think considerately before you post here. It might influence the impact each nation got for the other.
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