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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

I have visited China and dont find any difficulty. One thing they dont like is "Pointing finger to them"
At times one seems to lose in the haze of India's divergently stated positions.

To the West and Americans, Indians howl that China is their number one enemy.

To the Chinese, they say we are your friends and don't want any war with you.

Yet, the Indians are raising 2-3 strike corps and other additional infantry and armour formations against the Chinese. They have stationed SU-30s and are endeavouring to improve their military related infrastructure in the area.

Their Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar is stated to be in a position to block the Chinese ship movement anytime they want to.

They themselves say that we can take care of Pakistan - no problem. So against whom are these new military raisings and enhancement of military infrastructure.

hmmmmm ....... it may be Bhutan.

I don't know how many uneducated Dumb ***** are writing in PDF....I'm tiered of replying the same thing again and again.....you Idiot it was them first building roads and Airbases making naval bases and surrounding India... just to counter that we deployed SU-30 and raising 2 mountain strike corps,... it was them saying they want peace even now they send defense minister to India and at the same time building roads along the border and navel bases in IOR. tell me what is the reason behind to deploy nuke capable missiles along the border, why new port in Srilanka, Pakistan,Myanmar and Bangladesh....that's the only reason we setup tri-Service in Andaman- Nicobar Island....thats the only way they can enter or exit right(straight of Malacca) ......so don't to teach anyone anything with your dirty thought in mind....k..........learn first then come and right.....i think your country like Arabs teaching the kids that Israel doesn't have the right s to exist in Middle East, same like i think you're tough wrong about indian movements....
I have visited China and dont find any difficulty. One thing they dont like is "Pointing finger to them"
It is impolite in china to point finger to others, lets say not middle finger. What about this gesture in India means?
Indians see Chineese military expansion/ upgradation as a capability challenge and thus there is a need to balance the change where there is assymetry of forces not by numbers alone but with quality also. Improvement of infra in NE is happening after decades of neglect and is rightly fits even though belatedly in both defence and civil arena. The A&N area is of strategic value by its geography and even the works have started only recently. compare with the volume and quality of chineese upgradation it is very modest.

Historically, there is no reason for enemity between the two giants but last conflict along with the active role played by China in assistance to Nuke development for Pakistan has reinforced a major feeling of her trying to balance the power equation in Asia. If viewed coldly, chineese actions seem very logical and part of a balanced and nuanced policy.Pragmatism demands re enforcing weak areas so as to enable non existence of force assymentry which will further rule out the option of cooercioin/ limited clashes/ accidental use of force. Ihis will in turn strengthen diplomatic engagement and resolution of friction areas.

Not related but India's enemy are terrorism, poverty and corruption. Pakistan's conventional forces are well factored and matched favourably on western borders however, open space for non state actors ( whatever definition is implied) are a major threat and irritant to strengthening diplomatic engagements. That is what is to be looked out for.just my two cents.

Excellent comments. Let me highlight some of the aspects that one can discern about India's strategy for China.

China’s defence effort is much bigger than that of India. This can pose a potent threat to India.

A major geographical imbalance places many of India’s political and economic centres close to the Himalayan Ranges. Particularly Siliguri Corridor places India in a delicate position if there is uncertainty in the area.

Contrarily, almost all of China’s economic and political centres of gravity are in Eastern China though Tibet certainly is a sensitive region.

China has carried out major improvements in her logistical infrastructure in areas close to Indian border.

The possibility of Chinese gaining a strategic surprise against India are indeed low, with fair bit of warning time available to India.

China is unlikely to embark on any major adventure to disturb the status-quo along the border in the near to mid-term future.

Indians feel that the Chinese would be able to deploy about 33 Divisions against them which indeed is a potent threat.

The Indians feel that as Chinese and Indian interests clash, Chinese may enhance military presence and may initiate support to insurgent groups in disputed areas.

The Chinese could also use Burmese territory to extend threat and may use Bay of Bengal for limited projection of power.

India is likely to follow a strategy of dissuasive defence. However, as dissuasion being a comparatively weaker option, it will be coupled with strategic offensive capability having a potent deterrence.

Indians are putting due emphasis on improved logistics infrastructure while reducing the teeth to tail ratio.

To gain appropriate warning time, India is enhancing its integrated surveillance capability linked with satellite based surveillance. Improved intelligence acquisition capability in particular collusion with Americans.
Excellent comments. Let me highlight some of the aspects that one can discern about India's strategy for China.

China’s defence effort is much bigger than that of India. This can pose a potent threat to India.

A major geographical imbalance places many of India’s political and economic centres close to the Himalayan Ranges. Particularly Siliguri Corridor places India in a delicate position if there is uncertainty in the area.

Contrarily, almost all of China’s economic and political centres of gravity are in Eastern China though Tibet certainly is a sensitive region.

China has carried out major improvements in her logistical infrastructure in areas close to Indian border.

The possibility of Chinese gaining a strategic surprise against India are indeed low, with fair bit of warning time available to India.

China is unlikely to embark on any major adventure to disturb the status-quo along the border in the near to mid-term future.

Indians feel that the Chinese would be able to deploy about 33 Divisions against them which indeed is a potent threat.

The Indians feel that as Chinese and Indian interests clash, Chinese may enhance military presence and may initiate support to insurgent groups in disputed areas.

The Chinese could also use Burmese territory to extend threat and may use Bay of Bengal for limited projection of power.

India is likely to follow a strategy of dissuasive defence. However, as dissuasion being a comparatively weaker option, it will be coupled with strategic offensive capability having a potent deterrence.

Indians are putting due emphasis on improved logistics infrastructure while reducing the teeth to tail ratio.

To gain appropriate warning time, India is enhancing its integrated surveillance capability linked with satellite based surveillance. Improved intelligence acquisition capability in particular collusion with Americans.

I think you know India and China better than they know themself....
It is impolite in china to point finger to others, lets say not middle finger. What about this gesture in India means?

Pointing finger to some one in India is showing "hostile to him" :angry: and about 80 % of Indian I think dont know meaning of pointing middle finger.... ;)
Raj Kapoor In China

I have visited china , I was travailing by a village named Hongcun. we took a trip by local boat in river , My sister was with me and she was in "sari". we were in front side of Boat . Suddenly We heard a song from back side " Mera joota hai Japani" from 1951 film Awara of Raj Kapoor In china !! accent was so clear ,we thought there must be some Indian and when we looked back a group of Chinese workers was singing song for us !!! Due to sari of my sister they might have recognized us as Indian (i think so). they sung fool song without any mistake. They tried to communicate with us But Language barrier was there But IT WAS AWESOME EXPERIENCE MAN !!!! :smokin:
Tourism is not a big priority for the Indian Govt, IMO.

However cultural ties with China should be improved.

I think face to face exchange is important, and Business first, Tourism second, many Chinese visitors have a habit, take photos every day and post them on forum with introduction and feelings after back
such as visitors post after India visiting
Pointing finger to some one in India is showing "hostile to him" :angry: and about 80 % of Indian I think dont know meaning of pointing middle finger.... ;)

well I thinkj thats only when you ar ethreatening them verbally while pointing the finger at them..or else we do it so often while talking to each other..its not really offending (only pointing the fingers)
They take china threat as an excuse for developing nuke. How many Indian member in this forum take china as a must opponent to defeat,no chance for coexistence?

The realistic in china is we love Indian culture and know Pakistan is our closest ally. Not much hatred described by global times.

As far as I am concerned ....My take on this is GOI only racks up China # 1 enemy slogans is to hide their in-efficiency...India will never be a real enemy to China...As an Indian I admire the Chinese for what they have achieved...
This is a good example of culture difference. I'd love Indian way of expression, straight and sensational.

sorry ..bro .I had to delete that comment for my brother anilindia already answered that.

I think there is a lot of learning from Indian and Chinese culture...we both have preserved our great cultures for centuries and thats what keeps us still going strong.
It is a total surprise for me.

Hindi Cheeni dobara bhai bahi ho gaye.

ha ha ha .... lets wait for the next thread.
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