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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

How and when? Do you believe USA is a threat to the world?

Depends on the part of the world you live, definitely US is a threat to a big part of the world, but not us, now the question is which region will be China's basket and whether we will be a part of it.
India never howled it to the west that China is our no 1 enemy, about the rest of your post, wanglaokan correctly put it, it's the lack of trust, and it will be always there.

After the 1998 nuclear tests, India's PM Mr. Vajpayee wrote a letter to the world leaders stating that India conducted these tests against China.

India's defence ministers have repeatedly said it out loud that China is India's number one enemy.

In which class do you study son.
In culture relation, china is closer with India than Pakistan.

After the 1998 nuclear tests, India's PM Mr. Vajpayee wrote a letter to the world leaders stating that India conducted these tests against China.

India's defence ministers have repeatedly said it out loud that China is India's number one enemy.

In which class do you study son.
China and india is hostile at government level. As to civilian, not that bad except in this forum.
China-India was a political enmity , the social relation of two country are very good. Chinese people love Indians.

this is not case with Pakistan their ally with china is political and also very professional from china side, Chinese people don't have much respect for Pakistanis ,they are facing Islamic terrorism .
After the 1998 nuclear tests, India's PM Mr. Vajpayee wrote a letter to the world leaders stating that India conducted these tests against China.

India's defence ministers have repeatedly said it out loud that China is India's number one enemy.

In which class do you study son.
They take china threat as an excuse for developing nuke. How many Indian member in this forum take china as a must opponent to defeat,no chance for coexistence?

China-India was a political enmity , the social relation of two country are very good. Chinese people love Indians.

this is not case with Pakistan their ally with china is political and also very professional from china side, Chinese people don't have much respect for Pakistanis ,they are facing Islamic terrorism .
The realistic in china is we love Indian culture and know Pakistan is our closest ally. Not much hatred described by global times.
indians are the most insecure creatures on earth i must say...

1st u made every one in ur neibour ur enemy & than u becomes insecure, or may be this is a new stunt to get more sympathies from US & EU....
Since 1967 not a single shot has been fired by the Chinese or by Indians against each other. I dont think China is a threat to India. All this scaremongering is only to urge the govt to spend more money to buy weapons and modernize the army. That is how the US media and defense contractors work too. They will put out studies, graphs and pie charts to lobby for money for the military and consequently for the corporations.

At times one seems to lose in the haze of India's divergently stated positions.

To the West and Americans, Indians howl that China is their number one enemy.

To the Chinese, they say we are your friends and don't want any war with you.

Yet, the Indians are raising 2-3 strike corps and other additional infantry and armour formations against the Chinese. They have stationed SU-30s and are endeavouring to improve their military related infrastructure in the area.

Their Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar is stated to be in a position to block the Chinese ship movement anytime they want to.

They themselves say that we can take care of Pakistan - no problem. So against whom are these new military raisings and enhancement of military infrastructure.

hmmmmm ....... it may be Bhutan.

India does not complain to the US about China as much as it complains about Pakistan.

As for the military build up, as both India and China transition from developing economies to more developed and stronger nations, each and every year, they both will build up their forces. This is not to "counter" anybody, this is to drive home the fact that both are global powers. It sends out a message not just to the nations in South Asia, but to the entire world.

Also, in order to have peace a status quo is necessary. Thus building a strong army is indeed necessary. Throughout history that has been a feature of successful and thriving cultures.

This however does not mean India is being offensive toward China or that China is being offensive toward India. Its the media that spin stories like calling the Agni 5 missile "China killer". Its nonsense.

On a side note, defense development and research also helps in scientific endeavors and brings jobs to the people. So India's military build up is not to go to war with anybody, but rather an attempt to project power as well as to build a deterrent.
The relationship between Pakistan and india is very subtle for China to handle, basically hopes status quo. I mean is the relationship between India and Pakistan worse than China and Japan ? How many hatred you guys conceive against each other?
indians are the most insecure creatures on earth i must say...

1st u made every one in ur neibour ur enemy & than u becomes insecure, or may be this is a new stunt to get more sympathies from US & EU....

Everyone know who is Insecure , Every time apako koiee to chahiye india se bachanewal. USA hands off so went to china for help But slowly recognized china not going to help against India.

then now seeking Russia as new "SAHARA" but Russians even don't consider Pakistan...worth a visit .....:lol:
The relationship between Pakistan and india is very subtle for China to handle, basically hopes status quo. I mean is the relationship between India and Pakistan worse than China and Japan ? How many hatred you guys conceive against each other?

Its not the kind of hatred China and Japan share I guess. The average Indian, is neutral towards Pakistan. After all there is historic and cultural connections to Pakistan, even if people arent willing to admit it :) I mean 7 decades ago, they were called Indian too.

So most Indians you can say have a sort of grudge or an annoyed feeling toward Pakistan. Not actual hate. Maybe this is because we have been successful in the wars against Pakistan and it is understandable that in Pakistan there could be a lot more hatred towards India BECAUSE they lost. But I have never heard of a story where an Indian travelling to Pakistan was treated bad or a Pakistani travelling to India was treated bad.
At times one seems to lose in the haze of India's divergently stated positions.

To the West and Americans, Indians howl that China is their number one enemy.

To the Chinese, they say we are your friends and don't want any war with you.

Yet, the Indians are raising 2-3 strike corps and other additional infantry and armour formations against the Chinese. They have stationed SU-30s and are endeavouring to improve their military related infrastructure in the area.

Their Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar is stated to be in a position to block the Chinese ship movement anytime they want to.

They themselves say that we can take care of Pakistan - no problem. So against whom are these new military raisings and enhancement of military infrastructure.

hmmmmm ....... it may be Bhutan.

Indians see Chineese military expansion/ upgradation as a capability challenge and thus there is a need to balance the change where there is assymetry of forces not by numbers alone but with quality also. Improvement of infra in NE is happening after decades of neglect and is rightly fits even though belatedly in both defence and civil arena. The A&N area is of strategic value by its geography and even the works have started only recently. compare with the volume and quality of chineese upgradation it is very modest.

Historically, there is no reason for enemity between the two giants but last conflict along with the active role played by China in assistance to Nuke development for Pakistan has reinforced a major feeling of her trying to balance the power equation in Asia. If viewed coldly, chineese actions seem very logical and part of a balanced and nuanced policy.Pragmatism demands re enforcing weak areas so as to enable non existence of force assymentry which will further rule out the option of cooercioin/ limited clashes/ accidental use of force. Ihis will in turn strengthen diplomatic engagement and resolution of friction areas.

Not related but India's enemy are terrorism, poverty and corruption. Pakistan's conventional forces are well factored and matched favourably on western borders however, open space for non state actors ( whatever definition is implied) are a major threat and irritant to strengthening diplomatic engagements. That is what is to be looked out for.just my two cents.
In culture relation, china is closer with India than Pakistan.

China and india is hostile at government level. As to civilian, not that bad except in this forum.

Good. Let the forum members decide for Indian and Chinese governments.
indians are the most insecure creatures on earth i must say...
1st u made every one in ur neibour ur enemy & than u becomes insecure, or may be this is a new stunt to get more sympathies from US & EU....

IMO to put some weight on your view you could have done without the 'creature' word. The word in the first sentence itself portryas that the rest of your post will be based on your hatred on India than actually something informative or worth giving a thought.

On the rest of the post all I can says is...its actually the other way round.....we actually did make some enemies our neighbours ;). .and I dont know about US and EU but that does give us sympathy from the people who have suffered like us...for example afghanistan.
Its not the kind of hatred China and Japan share I guess. The average Indian, is neutral towards Pakistan. After all there is historic and cultural connections to Pakistan, even if people arent willing to admit it :) I mean 7 decades ago, they were called Indian too.

So most Indians you can say have a sort of grudge or an annoyed feeling toward Pakistan. Not actual hate. Maybe this is because we have been successful in the wars against Pakistan and it is understandable that in Pakistan there could be a lot more hatred towards India BECAUSE they lost. But I have never heard of a story where an Indian travelling to Pakistan was treated bad or a Pakistani travelling to India was treated bad.

Accept it , We hate Pakistanis , They killed thousands of innocent Indian in terror attacks.

Indian-Pakistan social realtionship is worst than China-Japan .
In culture relation, china is closer with India than Pakistan.

China and india is hostile at government level. As to civilian, not that bad except in this forum.
You are right in many ways but as history of the world shows it since man started living in society,it were always bhai-bhai who raise big wall of divide with in the home and it was always the neighbour who lived peacefully with the bhai.....You can draw your own conclusions from it.
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