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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

Then it's matter of Chinese and Indians , Why a Pakistani is posting a provocation when both parties are celebrating their cultural bond and looking forward for great relationship.......:azn:

ha ha ha ...... cultural bond and great relationship.

And a Pakistani posting a provocation.

wow .... tum hai kon oye
I strongly oppose baseless attack by each other members of Chinese and Indians in PDF, why not bring in some logic and sensational move. Think considerately before you post here. It might influence the impact each nation got for the other.
They won't change. Just learn to ignore them. Little leg pulling is fine. Soon you will have a list of people not respond to or react to.

Be rational as you have shown in your posts. Blame game is too much so its better to remain at sidelines. :enjoy:
They won't change. Just learn to ignore hem. Little leg pulling is fine. Soon you will have a list of people not respond to or react to.

Be rational as you have shown in your posts. Blame game is too much so itws better to remain at sidelines. :enjoy:
Very appreciated.
They won't change. Just learn to ignore them. Little leg pulling is fine. Soon you will have a list of people not respond to or react to.

Be rational as you have shown in your posts. Blame game is too much so its better to remain at sidelines. :enjoy:
some times it is quite interesting I like to lock horns with chinese and pakistanies :cheers:
Indian and Chinese border problem is nothing compare to other... but the only problem is mistrust....and Pakistan-India is ego hat-redness etc...... i don't think Indians and Chinese hate each other...
Tell this to people sitting in delhi if they are ready to vacate south Tibet in order to bridge the trust deficit with china and improve relations with it.And tell the same thing to hyperactive shrill indian media if they can tone down their criticism of china just on a drop of a hat?
They won't change. Just learn to ignore them. Little leg pulling is fine. Soon you will have a list of people not respond to or react to.

Be rational as you have shown in your posts. Blame game is too much so its better to remain at sidelines. :enjoy:

So you have assumed the mantle of Indian's leader here and you are instigating Indians to react against Pakistanis in the hateful manner that they react with.

Who has given you this authority to play God.

Are you going to prepare and forward such a list.

Or is it that the Mods have given you a free hand through your new appointment to use it against any Pakistani who does not agree with you.
Tell this to people sitting in delhi if they are ready to vacate south Tibet in order to bridge the trust deficit with china and improve relations with it.And tell the same thing to hyperactive shrill indian media if they can tone down their criticism of china just on a drop of a hat?
As to south Tibetan, maybe half to half in the end. Who knows?
Indian and Chinese members should not react aggressively on Provocation thread posted by any Pakistani......:pop:
Would you like to say something my friend Krait?:cheers:
From where I see, more the borders are secure, more the peace will happen. No country will initiate anything as both have their own goals to achieve in coming decades. China's main interest lies in SCS and being powerful against US. Its energy requirement is also main interest. To achieve this and to maintain economic growth, Same goes for India considering its economy which needs boost and its goal to be a regional power and more say in world affairs.

What both countries are going through are transition phases. The threat perception created in public is never a good sign. Especially for businessmen.

Another thing is A-stan and Africa where both countries are trying to tap the resources present. Mutual cooperation and healthy competition will help in fulfilling of our own requirements. Both need stable regions for investment.

Indians should also admit that Chinese are ahead in many fields and doing advanced research. Collaborating with them is need of the hour. Being emotional will be detrimental for us.
At times one seems to lose in the haze of India's divergently stated positions.

To the West and Americans, Indians howl that China is their number one enemy.

To the Chinese, they say we are your friends and don't want any war with you.

Yet, the Indians are raising 2-3 strike corps and other additional infantry and armour formations against the Chinese. They have stationed SU-30s and are endeavouring to improve their military related infrastructure in the area.

Their Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar is stated to be in a position to block the Chinese ship movement anytime they want to.

They themselves say that we can take care of Pakistan - no problem. So against whom are these new military raisings and enhancement of military infrastructure.

hmmmmm ....... it may be Bhutan.
Hmmm...It's always prudent to cover one's a$$. Better to be safe than sorry.
These serials are in hindi. Do you know hindi?

Sadly, Chinese people can't understand Hindi, that is the reason why they couldn't understand the slogan - "Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai" & wrongly took it as "Hindi-Chini Bye Bye" & just because of this language barrier we had to fight a bitter war in 1962 :lol:

JK :)
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