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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

From where I see, more the borders are secure, more the peace will happen. No country will initiate anything as both have their own goals to achieve in coming decades. China's main interest lies in SCS and being powerful against US. Its energy requirement is also main interest. To achieve this and to maintain economic growth, Same goes for India considering its economy which needs boost and its goal to be a regional power and more say in world affairs.

What both countries are going through are transition phases. The threat perception created in public is never a good sign. Especially for businessmen.

Another thing is A-stan and Africa where both countries are trying to tap the resources present. Mutual cooperation and healthy competition will help in fulfilling of our own requirements. Both need stable regions for investment.

Indians should also admit that Chinese are ahead in many fields and doing advanced research. Collaborating with them is need of the hour. Being emotional will be detrimental for us.

But your ex PM Vajpayee clearly said that India's nuclear tests were against the Chinese.

Your defence ministers have repeatedly named China s India's Number One Enemy.

You can just express your rhetoric here and nothing more.

It is the Indian government which has clearly stated its position that China is India's main enemy.

What crap are you talking about
Please peace all we dont want any wars not me not my family but as chinese have done in 1962 if they do the same thing agin we cant be at peace one more war between india nad china and 60%india will blow up and 40% china. not agood thing so please chinese people peace dont try to hurt us.
As to south Tibetan, maybe half to half in the end. Who knows?
Its Tawang that basically CCP puts its interest in due to being one of the seat of Dalai lama.More so it depends on India if it let it go.
Sadly, Chinese people can't understand Hindi, that is the reason why they couldn't understand the slogan - "Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai" & wrongly took it as "Hindi-Chini Bye Bye" & just because of this language barrier we had to fight a bitter war in 1962 :lol:

JK :)

Oh Sir but have you forgotten the hiding Chinese gave you in 62.
Oh Sir but have you forgotten the hiding Chinese gave you in 62.

The same way you forgot 1947,1965 , 1971 :) and 1999.
Hate won't bring peace. Let go my friend ;)
Oh Sir but have you forgotten the hiding Chinese gave you in 62.
dear friend from pakistan or in favour of pakistan we loose that fight because we were not ready for it. my granddad told me it was atotal betrayal. but hey if we talk today war will be the end of both countries. and believe me CHINA is demanding a war.
Now most Chinese love to watch TV series on net or on TV, some of them are Indian TV series, such as

Banoo Main Teri Dulhann(I like this)
Saat Phere


these r old dramas they aren't shown these days but they were good:coffee:
no but we remember Punch on face given by us to Pakistan in 1971.....:woot::lol:
do u believe china is demanding a war and india is tolerating too much. my friends circle in arunachal told me todays storys about china trying to take arunachal looks war is inevitable do u think so sir?
With a rapidly ballooning trade and a militarily strong India, there will be no war between India and China. Both nations have other priorities.
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