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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

Pakistan didn lose 1971 instead india took credit of war of independence which bengalis fought.

In 1971 we Bengalees (in fact Bengalee Muslims as there was hardly any Hindu participation) and W Pakistanis fought each other till at the eleventh and half hour India barged in to steal our victory.
You feel that way about the North, because the North has the lower literacy, higher poverty rates. The South has done much better because of the presence of harbours and ports. Because of increased literacy. We were also relatively unscathed during the partition. So there are a multitude of reasons why the South is more developed and peaceful. We should extend this to other parts of India rather than try and divide it.
better union than didvid. When you become a smaller country, you got to be vulnerable.
haha thank you for using our flag whatever you are!:china::china:

no india in perm UNSC period!

we stay with Pakistan! :china::pakistan:
wanglaokan is not a false-flag but he is foolish. He ignorantly believes india is some kind of ancient civilization like China, so he thinks india can be China's friend. He is daydreaming and does not understand the truth about india.

Today's india has nothing to do with ancient indian civilization just like today's Egypt has nothing to do with pharohs and pyramids. That ancient civilization is gone and destroyed.

Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.

However, india's foreign policy is based on Arthashastra, which basically says "make friends with far away countries and attack your non-hindu neighbors. Start by attacking the small and weak and work your way up to the big ones."

As soon as one reads Arthashastra, one realizes that india will always be China's enemy unless one day China becomes a hindu-majority country or after a major war China splits india into many smaller countries.
wanglaokan is not a false-flag but he is foolish. He ignorantly believes india is some kind of ancient civilization like China, so he thinks india can be China's friend. He is daydreaming and does not understand the truth about india.

Today's india has nothing to do with ancient indian civilization just like today's Egypt has nothing to do with pharohs and pyramids. That ancient civilization is gone and destroyed.

Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.

However, india's foreign policy is based on Arthashastra, which basically says "make friends with far away countries and attack your non-hindu neighbors. Start by attacking the small and weak and work your way up to the big ones."

As soon as one reads Arthashastra, one realizes that india will always be China's enemy unless one day China becomes a hindu-majority country or after a major war China splits india into many smaller countries.

As always, thanks for your valuable inputs... LOLita :lol:
Bold letters and large font doesn't add weight to your logic and point.

In our civilizations, in our scriptures, in our mythology, concept of Artificial rainmaking, teleportation, Telepathy, Artificial transmutation, Tele-communication are mentioned. Mention one civilization where these advanced field are even mentioned. I am not taking Airplanes and genetic modification etc. in the account. Even the speed of light is mentioned to almost near to the actual value, so is the astronomical distances.

You want me to lecture on what is written in our scriptures. Go search about it if you want to refute my claim.

Wanglaokan is a Chinese poster, I accept, and he is like those Chinese whom I personally met, who are humble and rational people which gives equal respect to Indians as we have given them.
But I know I am hitting my head against the wall.

Just saying that I respect posters like him who don't spew hatred even if they don't agree on few things. So as long as he is rational, even if he criticize us constructively and in limits, we will give him the respect.

Any problem ? :azn:
Why dont you answer my question instead of skirting around it.?i never insult hinduism or any other religion.its the blame you people put on me wrongly and im not gonna take this lie silently.:angry:

Sadly, that is the only positive element in your posts. The rest is relentless publicity-seeking.
wanglaokan is not a false-flag but he is foolish. He ignorantly believes india is some kind of ancient civilization like China, so he thinks india can be China's friend. He is daydreaming and does not understand the truth about india.

Today's india has nothing to do with ancient indian civilization just like today's Egypt has nothing to do with pharohs and pyramids. That ancient civilization is gone and destroyed.

Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.

However, india's foreign policy is based on Arthashastra, which basically says "make friends with far away countries and attack your non-hindu neighbors. Start by attacking the small and weak and work your way up to the big ones."

As soon as one reads Arthashastra, one realizes that india will always be China's enemy unless one day China becomes a hindu-majority country or after a major war China splits india into many smaller countries.

I am disappointed. You are not keeping up your usual high standards.

Where is the warning? How can a Sino Challenged comment be complete without a warrant?

Secondly, you are getting into history. Before this, you tended not to look for excuses, but insulted from the hip. That was a nicer, flashier style. You should go back to that, which lends an air of sinister authority to you. When you start using history to explain events, the whole post becomes comical. It is difficult to shiver in one's shoes at a comical villain.

Why did you put everything in bold face? Was it an experiment with the typographic controls, or were you making a forceful point, with all the force at your command?
To tell you the truth i wouldn't know that there was a war between China and India in 1962 if it wasn't for the fact that Indians all over the internet can't stop posting about it. Personally i don't feel any animosity towards India or Indians. But let me say this if India wants to arm her self to the teeth against China and Pakistan then i will say just let them do that. For every dollar they spendt on (foreign) weapons is one dollar they cannot spend on building their economy or their domestic arms industry. So that the gap between China and India will widen even further in the future both economically and technologically.
to wanglaokan & 坯瓶wanglaokan的同学们:
India and China learn to know each other by 1962 war. We get off on the wrong feet at the first stand. Now it's time to build positive relationship. China and India are both great souls in Asia worth of respect from each other.
To Sinochallenger:
You shall not shadow your eyes by animosity. Things change all the time. Even those elites hierarchy Indian in new Dehli think we are number 1 enemy, we are here to tell they are wrong. As India has rational persons like Krait and others, peace will be sustainable. You might get pissed of my demur, but I have my own world ideology and consideration. At civillian level, most Indian post against Chineses for their ego, not hate.
wanglaokan is not a false-flag but he is foolish. He ignorantly believes india is some kind of ancient civilization like China, so he thinks india can be China's friend. He is daydreaming and does not understand the truth about india.

Today's india has nothing to do with ancient indian civilization just like today's Egypt has nothing to do with pharohs and pyramids. That ancient civilization is gone and destroyed.

Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.

However, india's foreign policy is based on Arthashastra, which basically says "make friends with far away countries and attack your non-hindu neighbors. Start by attacking the small and weak and work your way up to the big ones."

As soon as one reads Arthashastra, one realizes that india will always be China's enemy unless one day China becomes a hindu-majority country or after a major war China splits india into many smaller countries.

My dear Lolita ,
You don't know anything about ARTHSHASTRA. So cut the BS and go read the online translation. And you are saying today's India is following a medieval book great ;) you are an idiot.
ARTHSHASTRA tells the duties of all authorities and king. Plus it give suggestion to King how to generate money. And yes it include the expansion of state which was a medeival phenomenon

And I don't know if you understand or not but you just insulted your higher than mountains friends too
Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.
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