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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

1. India never performed FORWARD policy on your territory.

2. Cut the crap and make sence. Don't post BS it's not kidds play to say I am not ready and nobody is arguing that.

And I want this to strict dialog so please keep it that way than ranting

India can only big talk and do nothing

China talk less, do more :china:
1. India never performed FORWARD policy on your territory. Tibet was autonomous and had its own govt if PSU don't know. India and china were not neighbours. It became so after you take over Tibet. Not before that. You can't perform that policy now no matter what you think. It will be pure blood shade and 62 will look small to that and even China feel the heat this time as both countries have no first use Nuke policy. It will be china vs India ( others helping India except Pak )

2. Cut the crap and make sence. Don't post BS it's not kidds play to say I am not ready and nobody is arguing that. I can replying to Shutter who was saying IA started war if so they would have been prepared not like what I say

3. Well go and search USA's released documents. You will get e answer. IAF was strong enough. But no point in tell it to you. India was neutral at that time and USSR wasn't seeing India as a friend neither USA. Search NAM movement

4. Again keep that humar and troll to yourself and don't make me do that to you. Keep to point than BS

And I want this to strict dialog so please keep it that way than ranting
1.the time Peaceful Liberation of Tibet was 1951,and the war was 1962,
India never performed FORWARD policy on your territory. Tibet was autonomous and had its own govt if PSU don't know. India and china were not neighbours.
so 1962 is before 1951.I have a headache, a little confusion.
2.so it is my fault haven't tell your troop to prepare.
3.USA's released documents are Bible !There is no need to sign treaty:The enemy of enemy is friend
4.maybe I was not able to help you inspire thinking,or you are not a good student
So you agree Nehru was warmongering and NAM was nothing but a mask to hide his thrust for power ???
If Nehru would have wanted any if that he would have chosen one side like what MRS. INDIRA GANDHI did. Then it would have been hell for China. If Nehru like Indira had made pact with USSR then PRC wasn't anywhere in bargain.
And lastly you should tell the world Nehru wasnt a man of peace but was a hungry man for land piece.
Russian wont help in China and India war, never and ever. Trust me my friend, China too large for Russia to contain. Nehru took chance of weak China in 1960s to expand Inidan territory. Standing on the position of a Prime minister and national interest , he might not make his intention wrong at that time. But he wrongly estimated the firece reaction CCP will have and the determination to proctect soverigh integration. From then, India and China relationship fall to the valley bottom. Over and all, Nehru underestimate the power and capacity of PLA, which led to the defeat.
I dont think the IAF was strong enough. Even during 1965, the Pakistanis had qualitatively superior aricraft. Nehru wrote 2 letters to Kennedy asking for 12 squadrons of planes and also American airmen to pilot those planes cuz Indians werent trained, but Kennedy refused.

So I dont think the IAF would have made any significant difference. The Chinese could have used their own airforce too.

From our perspective, China attacked. From the Chinese perspective, they saw that India was aggressive so they attacked. And we were unprepared. So we lost.
My dear friend mfreak, what you talking about is really im quite worried. Some hawk Indian menbers in this forum think India would have won by using air force in 1962. This kind of ideology is extremely dangerous! Let put it other words, India might win the war with China now if IAF join in the warr. Do any Indian member think IAF will crash PLAAF in any case of the war? China win the 1962 war, but India win over lands in essence. We both are big loser for forfeiting our relationship for nearly 50 years. God bless Nehru for his benevolence.
My dear friend mfreak, what you talking about is really im quite worried. Some hawk Indian menbers in this forum think India would have won by using air force in 1962. This kind of ideology is extremely dangerous! Let put it other words, India might win the war with China now if IAF join in the warr. Do any Indian member think IAF will crash PLAAF in any case of the war? China win the 1962 war, but India win over lands in essence. We both are big loser for forfeiting our relationship for nearly 50 years. God bless Nehru for his benevolence.

People generally think the IAF would have made a difference, because of analysis of the war that happened in India after the war. So its all speculation. But it was also accepted fact, that the Pakistanis had qualitatively superior aircraft than India did in 1965. That is why they were able to shoot down more of our planes than we did. They had like F1 Starfighters and some other modern american planes. We had WW2 vintage.

That said, if the US had complied with India's request, then probably yes, it could have made a difference. But anyway again speculation, cuz its not just the planes that matter. Terrain, supplies, weather, men and material everything does.

I dont know what planes PLAAF had at that time, but anyway I am not sure if we could have deployed fighters given the fact that we couldnt even mobilize ground troops. So there are lots of questions, and it is a 50 yr old event. We can only keep speculating, but looking back at it, it was a small war. Less than a month. No permanent damage done. So its not that big of a deal. People should really put it behind them and look toward the future, cuz what is done cannot be undone, especially through excuses or accusations. :) What we can do undo however is the spoiled relationship. Which we should improve for future generations.
India can only big talk and do nothing

China talk less, do more :china:

All while you can only show off and do nothing. When it comes to attacking or firing the first round, Reds shyte bricks and scamper. :lol:

China is not a threat to India , Nor India to China but Indian War Mongering Media is a Threat to everyone .

It is not the war-mongering media but spineless pacifists who like to escape reality and dwell into LALA-land that is going to be a trouble for our country. The media exaggerates only in words; not in what it says.

Last time another foolish romantic called Nehru went about like how you're talking and we suffered. Good thing that the Army doesn't have pacifist, attention-seeking clowns and is preparing for the real, possible scenario.
Last time another foolish romantic called Nehru went about like how you're talking and we suffered. Good thing that the Army doesn't have pacifist, attention-seeking clowns and is preparing for the real, possible scenario.

What real possible scenario you talkin about dude? Yes we have to be prepared for any security threat. But specifically when it comes to China what are you talkin about? In 1971, when we were at war with Pakistan, the US asked China to attack. But China refused. Same in 1965.

Of course world politics, involvement of the Soviet Union and other reasons played a role in China's decision, but the fact that they refrained and remained militarily neutral at a time when India was vulnerable is proof enough that they are not an actual threat.

We should build our forces, for our own purposes, but this doesnt mean they are a threat that we should be paranoid about.
1.the time Peaceful Liberation of Tibet was 1951,and the war was 1962,

so 1962 is before 1951.I have a headache, a little confusion.
2.so it is my fault haven't tell your troop to prepare.
3.USA's released documents are Bible !There is no need to sign treaty:The enemy of enemy is friend
4.maybe I was not able to help you inspire thinking,or you are not a good student

1 if you want to presume. Fell free to that. Just constrain it to forward policy
2. Are you outta mind ??? Where did I say it was your fault. I merely replied to e point that Indians were not the offenders if so then they will have been prepare. Get it or not
3. USA release documents- I am talking about the documents those were classified and they release them to public after 30 years. And I think that's only country to do that. It has transcripts of actual conversation without any delete. Yes they are more RELIBLE about policial flow than anything availbe in India. I would have said or china but I don't think your govt. ever release official documents
4. Don't try hard. You need to learn something before you can teach somebody
Russian wont help in China and India war, never and ever. Trust me my friend, China too large for Russia to contain. Nehru took chance of weak China in 1960s to expand Inidan territory. Standing on the position of a Prime minister and national interest , he might not make his intention wrong at that time. But he wrongly estimated the firece reaction CCP will have and the determination to proctect soverigh integration. From then, India and China relationship fall to the valley bottom. Over and all, Nehru underestimate the power and capacity of PLA, which led to the defeat.

China is too large and too powerful now. And Russia isn't USSR anymore.
You guies are accusing Nehru for war. I think that may be the best possible explanation for your country but NOT to world. If one party is offending your interests and you have diplomatic relations you talk not go tit for tat unless it's the intention from start to find such act to do warmongering.

If you don't know China and USSR relations saw a very long see-saw. And as I said AGIAN Nehru wasn't preparing for war if he was then you would have get one. It's just logical. Not a blame game
I dont think the IAF was strong enough. Even during 1965, the Pakistanis had qualitatively superior aricraft. Nehru wrote 2 letters to Kennedy asking for 12 squadrons of planes and also American airmen to pilot those planes cuz Indians werent trained, but Kennedy refused.

So I dont think the IAF would have made any significant difference. The Chinese could have used their own airforce too.

From our perspective, China attacked. From the Chinese perspective, they saw that India was aggressive so they attacked. And we were unprepared. So we lost.

CAS made a statement few days ago. And he didn't speak in dream land
1. IAF was strong enough for PLAF
2. IAF pilots were more experienced and we're outa war from 1965
3. Do you know which places PLAF has during 1962 ???
4. Do you know the operational situation in conflict area ??? Even today it's advantage India
5. IAF wasn't used because Nehru don't want the war to extend beyond limits. He ran to US and acted against the advice of our forces and deny the use of IAF
6. Chinese would have used their airforce. Sure. Where ??? Do you know where the conflict area is ??? Even today's modern jets have difficulty in that area. And from Chinese side they have to climb platue and they cost the efficiency
My dear friend mfreak, what you talking about is really im quite worried. Some hawk Indian menbers in this forum think India would have won by using air force in 1962. This kind of ideology is extremely dangerous! Let put it other words, India might win the war with China now if IAF join in the warr. Do any Indian member think IAF will crash PLAAF in any case of the war? China win the 1962 war, but India win over lands in essence. We both are big loser for forfeiting our relationship for nearly 50 years. God bless Nehru for his benevolence.

Even CAS of India think that and Unfortunatly he is in more good position and knowledge than your friend mfreak. And he isn't any hawkish member here on PDF.

If you understand the geography of our border. You will understand what I mean. Do you remember PLAF test flanker design near boarder. You know why ??? To check operational capacity. From Indian side it's not like that.
IAF will not/can't over power PLAF true but PLAF won't be able to gain air dominance for sure.
Again even though I don't like Nehru , he wasn't responsible for 1962.

And please refrain from ranting and keep it to discussion. You should rebutt the argument than calling anybody hawkish
CAS made a statement few days ago. And he didn't speak in dream land
1. IAF was strong enough for PLAF
2. IAF pilots were more experienced and we're outa war from 1965
3. Do you know which places PLAF has during 1962 ???
4. Do you know the operational situation in conflict area ??? Even today it's advantage India
5. IAF wasn't used because Nehru don't want the war to extend beyond limits. He ran to US and acted against the advice of our forces and deny the use of IAF
6. Chinese would have used their airforce. Sure. Where ??? Do you know where the conflict area is ??? Even today's modern jets have difficulty in that area. And from Chinese side they have to climb platue and they cost the efficiency
If this one pull it all over again, India has less than 50% chance of win. I mean you should check how many Fourth generation fighter we have now in PLAAF. My friend service in PLAAF at Guangdong, the training time is much more than you guys know. Red and blue counterattack excercise is doing on trimester basis.
India can only big talk and do nothing

China talk less, do more :china:

Go learn some English kid. I am tired of teaching you. And please don't quote me for ^^^ such posts. Post something valuable or atleast arguable then come. Google will not be of help here.
If this one pull it all over again, India has less than 50% chance of win. I mean you should check how many Foutth generation fighter we have now in PLAAF. My friend service in PLAAF at Guangdong, the training time is much more than you guys know. Red and blue counterattack excercise is doing on trimester basis.

Common didn't you read it ???
were did I say India can defeat PLAF now.
And I don't think even you know how many 4th Genration AC your AF have. How could I know ???

IAF isn't in winning portion right now. If PLAF has to attack India its the right time. Only MKIs and that too nearly 180/190.
Red and blue team is good practice but tell me how any of team is going to know how IAF pilots will fly ??? You never practice with other AF. India on other hand achieved much form such exercises. But like always it's difficult to prove to you
Common didn't you read it ???
were did I say India can defeat PLAF now.
And I don't think even you know how many 4th Genration AC your AF have. How could I know ???

IAF isn't in winning portion right now. If PLAF has to attack India its the right time. Only MKIs and that too nearly 180/190.
Red and blue team is good practice but tell me how any of team is going to know how IAF pilots will fly ??? You never practice with other AF. India on other hand achieved much form such exercises. But like always it's difficult to prove to you

stop big talking in front of chinese people :wave:
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