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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

to wanglaokan & 坯瓶wanglaokan的同学们:
wanglaokan is not a false-flag but he is foolish. He ignorantly believes india is some kind of ancient civilization like China, so he thinks india can be China's friend. He is daydreaming and does not understand the truth about india.

Today's india has nothing to do with ancient indian civilization just like today's Egypt has nothing to do with pharohs and pyramids. That ancient civilization is gone and destroyed.

Todays' india is just the mixed-blood descendents of hindus subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and then by Anglos for another 200 years. Today's india is a creation of the British out of the ashes of the Mughal Empire.

However, india's foreign policy is based on Arthashastra, which basically says "make friends with far away countries and attack your non-hindu neighbors. Start by attacking the small and weak and work your way up to the big ones."

As soon as one reads Arthashastra, one realizes that india will always be China's enemy unless one day China becomes a hindu-majority country or after a major war China splits india into many smaller countries.

The guy is a faker. He slipped several times when I tested him. there are many foreigners who have stayed in China for a lengthy period and they can speak perfect Putonghua.

He can do what he wants. I reserve my opinion on him!

Relating to the 1962 Sino-indian war, it was Nehru who started it, what was known as the "Forward Policy" thinking the indians can win it easily due to 1. China was alienated by the two superpowers then; 2. got exhausted by the Korean war 3. further weaken by the famine 4. poor infrastructure and hostile terraine in Xizang which made the deployment of everything very difficult So the rest is history.

indians are very aggressive people in fact and and very treacherous. the 1962 war is an example.
The guy is a faker. He slipped several times when I tested him. there are many foreigners who have stayed in China for a lengthy period and they can speak perfect Putonghua.

He can do what he wants. I reserve my opinion on him!

Relating to the 1962 Sino-indian war, it was Nehru who started it, what was known as the "Forward Policy" thinking the indians can win it easily due to 1. China was alienated by the two superpowers then; 2. got exhausted by the Korean war 3. further weaken by the famine 4. poor infrastructure and hostile terraine in Xizang which made the deployment of everything very difficult So the rest is history.

indians are very aggressive people in disguise and very treacherous. the 1962 war is an example.

If India wanted war, we would have prepared our army for it. At least given it equipments to fight in cold. It is true that the war was mostly Nehru`s fault, but he was an idealistic fool. Thought China accepted the McMahon line. And there is no dispute. Mao never made it clear enough for him to understand. There was nothing to win, as he didn`t even realize that there was a conflict!

Besides, India had supported China, be it UNSC seat, or Tibet issue.
If India wanted war, we would have prepared our army for it. At least given it equipments to fight in cold. It is true that the war was mostly Nehru`s fault, but he was an idealistic fool. Thought China accepted the McMahon line. And there is no dispute. Mao never made it clear enough for him to understand. There was nothing to win, as he didn`t even realize that there was a conflict!

Besides, India had supported China, be it UNSC seat, or Tibet issue.

Then you people have failed yourselves by electing Nehru! Was there any protests against his decision to wage the war? We never accepted the M line! Nothing in official writing. If Mao and Zhou didn't make it clear for Nehru why didnt he seek for clarification?

What matter about UNSC and Xizang ( our official name of the territory!!!!!) which were not the issues to be considered in 1962 or thereafter. You never sincerely accept that the whole Xizang belongs to us!

Why don't you cite the facts instead?

trust me I tried in the past. He understand only this. Even you can try explaining him. I won't post again if you are able to make him understand :D
Even you go through this thread when I was sensiblly repling these guies they preffer to troll. So troll they get.

Still deleted the POST I hope you will be able to make him understand. BTW he has made some GOOD comments in Agni thread. I suggest start from there. Good luck
The guy is a faker. He slipped several times when I tested him. there are many foreigners who have stayed in China for a lengthy period and they can speak perfect Putonghua.

He can do what he wants. I reserve my opinion on him!

Relating to the 1962 Sino-indian war, it was Nehru who started it, what was known as the "Forward Policy" thinking the indians can win it easily due to 1. China was alienated by the two superpowers then; 2. got exhausted by the Korean war 3. further weaken by the famine 4. poor infrastructure and hostile terraine in Xizang which made the deployment of everything very difficult So the rest is history.

indians are very aggressive people in disguise and very treacherous. the 1962 war is an example.
1. It was china who started it when India was unprepared. If India would have intentions of war men in Himalayas should have been well prepared and would have given hell to PLA

2. War was for short turm gain. And in the shadow of Cuban crisis. The movement Cuban crisis were over PLA return to barracks.

3. War was mistake on behalf of Nehru only NOT allowing IAF to bomb otherwise result would be different

4. That war was actually a backstab by china when India was it's only mediator with outside world. When whole world was against China it was India who supported main land. What what we get in return was ..............
Then you people have failed yourselves by electing Nehru! Was there any protests against his decision to wage the war? We never accepted the M line! Nothing in official writing. If Mao and Zhou didn't make it clear for Nehru why didnt he seek for clarification?

What matter about UNSC and Xizang ( our official name of the territory!!!!!) which were not the issues to be considered in 1962 or thereafter. You never sincerely accept that the whole Xizang belongs to us!

1. Nehru was people's choice. I personally don't like him
You are lieing about who started war. If you would have know Nehru you won't have said that. Nehru was thinking India don't need army and it should be disbanded. I say thanks for Patel and Pakistan for not letting him do that

2. There were issue and they were on table for discussion including TIBET which was autonomous and wasn't your province till INDEPENDANCE. And that's what we call it evenif you don't like it. And India had shown great composer on Tibet issue be it leaving right over Lahsa or not supporting CIAs OP in Tibet. You guies sight Mr. Lama's stay and govt. in exil. But how would India refused to Mr. Lama. And I think you know if Mr. Lama would have gone to USA then it would have been interesting politics. You should actually thank India for that

3. We publicly accepted Tibet is integral part of China but you want our AP too. That's not going to happen ever
1. It was china who started it when India was unprepared. If India would have intentions of war men in Himalayas should have been well prepared and would have given hell to PLA

2. War was for short turm gain. And in the shadow of Cuban crisis. The movement Cuban crisis were over PLA return to barracks.

3. War was mistake on behalf of Nehru only NOT allowing IAF to bomb otherwise result would be different

4. That war was actually a backstab by china when India was it's only mediator with outside world. When whole world was against China it was India who supported main land. What what we get in return was ..............

We had eye witnesses in the PLA who testified in our documentary that it was the indians who stealthily crossed the LoC and killed our people in the outposts!

Based on the "no first strike" policy we refrained for over a week before the Top Brasses ordered the counter strike! We wouldnt have initiated a war based on the reasons that I stated - post Korean war, famine, poverty ..etc We were more inclined to heal and recuperate than to start another war. We knew at that era we were much less equipped than the indians!

If you think not bombing us was a mistake, we didnt take back our land was even a bigger mistake upon our easy victory!

Your "endorsement" for the UNSC was before the war. no back stabbing whatsoever when we fought off the indian aggressors and you are still keeping illegally the land today.

The Brits have robbed you and China. The Brits gifted South Xizang to you when they left! We were robbed twice essentially - by the Brits and you !
We had eye witnesses in the PLA who testified in our documentary that it was the indians who stealthily crossed the LoC and killed our people in the outposts!

Based on the "no first strike" policy we refrained for over a week before the Top Brasses ordered the counter strike! We wouldnt have initiated a war based on the reasons that I stated - post Korean war, famine, poverty ..etc We were more inclined to heal and recuperate than to start another war. We knew at that era we were much less equipped than the indians!

If you think not bombing us was a mistake, we didnt take back our land was even a bigger mistake upon our easy victory!

Your "endorsement" for the UNSC was before the war. no back stabbing whatsoever when we fought off the indian aggressors and you are still keeping illegally the land today.

The Brits have robbed you and China. The Brits gifted South Xizang to you when they left! We were robbed twice essentially - by the Brits and you !

1? Yes similarly we have eye witnesses before Vietnam attack by US. If you know that was fake
Let's say what you are saying is true. Then why in the world issue wants taken to GOI ??? China had official relations with India and they could have and should have talked before war. But you guies choose otherwise. I call it unprofessional. And that was first strick. Did you know what No first stick policy is to warn enemy that it is act of aggression and will be taken as Offence ??? But I think you guies have your own definations in there

2. You was in no position to retain what you win. Your supply lines were stretched. Indian army was well prepared in short time and was ready to take PLA. And plans were favourable to Indian than you and your supply line. Cuban crisis were over and US wasn't happy about your aggression. It's released documents clearly say US president think of Nuclear stick on China if war wouldnt end and china not withdraw. I currently don't have link to that document but it's worldly know and I hope you know it too. Still if you want will find it for you.

3. Technically speaking Tibet wasn't part of China. And Brithish hold the LAHSA it's too much that Indians give up their right on Lahsa and accepted Tibet as part of China. And UNSC was really a mistake on india's part. Nehru was ideally blind. He should have sided with US and then both of our problems would have solved

4. Brits robbed eveybody. And by same logic you are claiming everything in SCS and you are opposing same logic to India , isn't that strange ???
The guy is a faker. He slipped several times when I tested him. there are many foreigners who have stayed in China for a lengthy period and they can speak perfect Putonghua.

He can do what he wants. I reserve my opinion on him!

Relating to the 1962 Sino-indian war, it was Nehru who started it, what was known as the "Forward Policy" thinking the indians can win it easily due to 1. China was alienated by the two superpowers then; 2. got exhausted by the Korean war 3. further weaken by the famine 4. poor infrastructure and hostile terraine in Xizang which made the deployment of everything very difficult So the rest is history.

indians are very aggressive people in fact and and very treacherous. the 1962 war is an example.
i agree with you except for the bold part.
1. It was china who started it when India was unprepared. If India would have intentions of war men in Himalayas should have been well prepared and would have given hell to PLA

2. War was for short turm gain. And in the shadow of Cuban crisis. The movement Cuban crisis were over PLA return to barracks.

3. War was mistake on behalf of Nehru only NOT allowing IAF to bomb otherwise result would be different

4. That war was actually a backstab by china when India was it's only mediator with outside world. When whole world was against China it was India who supported main land. What what we get in return was ..............

let's have a brainstorming
1,do you know FORWARD POLICY?if we perform a forward policy in Sino-Indian border now ,what will india do?will you withdraw your troops to Delhi?If you fight back,i would say:sorry ,i'm not prepared ,let's play again.is it funny?
2.does that mean you are brave to attack China because you are supported by Soviet Union,an you lose the war because Soviet Union is busy.
3.is IAF stronger than UN air forces in north korea? the only result if iaf joined in is you lose it and more army.
4.backstab?you perform the forward policy with your eyes closed?humorous!!!

No intention to offend!Inspire you to make a correct way of thinking!!!
i agree with you except for the bold part.

So you agree Nehru was warmongering and NAM was nothing but a mask to hide his thrust for power ???
If Nehru would have wanted any if that he would have chosen one side like what MRS. INDIRA GANDHI did. Then it would have been hell for China. If Nehru like Indira had made pact with USSR then PRC wasn't anywhere in bargain.
And lastly you should tell the world Nehru wasnt a man of peace but was a hungry man for land piece.
let's have a brainstorming
1,do you know FORWARD POLICY?if we perform a forward policy in Sino-Indian border now ,what will india do?will you withdraw your troops to Delhi?If you fight back,i would say:sorry ,i'm not prepared ,let's play again.is it funny?
2.does that mean you are brave to attack China because you are supported by Soviet Union,an you lose the war because Soviet Union is busy.
3.is IAF stronger than UN air forces in north korea? the only result if iaf joined in is you lose it and more army.
4.backstab?you perform the forward policy with your eyes closed?humorous!!!

No intention to offend!Inspire you to make a correct way of thinking!!!
1. India never performed FORWARD policy on your territory. Tibet was autonomous and had its own govt if PSU don't know. India and china were not neighbours. It became so after you take over Tibet. Not before that. You can't perform that policy now no matter what you think. It will be pure blood shade and 62 will look small to that and even China feel the heat this time as both countries have no first use Nuke policy. It will be china vs India ( others helping India except Pak )

2. Cut the crap and make sence. Don't post BS it's not kidds play to say I am not ready and nobody is arguing that. I can replying to Shutter who was saying IA started war if so they would have been prepared not like what I say. USSR was not Indian friend in 1962 like it was in 1971 when Mrs. I. Gandhi sign a pact with USSR. It wasnt Nehru

3. Well go and search USA's released documents. You will get e answer. IAF was strong enough. But no point in tell it to you. India was neutral at that time and USSR wasn't seeing India as a friend neither USA. Search NAM movement

4. Again keep that humar and troll to yourself and don't make me do that to you. Keep to point than BS

And I want this to strict dialog so please keep it that way than ranting
IAF was strong enough

I dont think the IAF was strong enough. Even during 1965, the Pakistanis had qualitatively superior aricraft. Nehru wrote 2 letters to Kennedy asking for 12 squadrons of planes and also American airmen to pilot those planes cuz Indians werent trained, but Kennedy refused.

So I dont think the IAF would have made any significant difference. The Chinese could have used their own airforce too.

From our perspective, China attacked. From the Chinese perspective, they saw that India was aggressive so they attacked. And we were unprepared. So we lost.
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