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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real


Can u suggest some gud chinese movies ???

N why is that except for Jackie Chan or Jet Li other Chinese movies aren't that successful these days like Kung Fu Hustle, etc. ???
i mean they miss that charm that Jackie or Li carry...

N why is that there r more Americans having leading roles in Chinese movies when u guys don't like them much or r these American movies with Chinese Stars???:what:
American movie always being science fiction , like alien and predator, prometheus. As Jacky and jet li fade away from hollywood screen , Chinese movie will be at valley bottom quite a while. I mean we don't have those animation technology demonstrated in movie like avatar,china movie entertain audience by personal Performance, it is not sustainable.
Is east Pakistan is Indian problem? then why India militarily intertwined?

India intervened after Pakistan actually aerially raided us. So apart from the humanitarian angle, we had reason to attack.

SL tamils PROBLEM is not Indian problem ryt then why it deployed its IPKF at SL?

India intervened after the Sri Lankans signed the Indo-Srilankan accord. It was a bilateral agreement and completely in keeping with international law. We didnt just go in.

Maldives problem is not our concern

Again Maldives ASKED us to intervene. Recently they asked too, just a few months back. We refused.

India betrayed tamils all the time.

As a Tamil I think your overtly nationalistic stance, is pretty stupid. If you think India betrayed Tamils, thats like saying Tamils are not Indians. Most Tamils dont feel that way. So if you dont like India, go to Pakistan. Or to your brothers in Sri Lanka. Dont sit here in India, enjoy the protection India gives you, and then speak against India. What a hypocrite.
All strategic moves. 3 millions were killed and raped and entire world was silent, India had the opportunity to get rid of East Pakistan which if not separated would have become another threat with nuclear weapons just like current Pakistan is and it would have done same thing in NE as it did in Kashmir.

For Sri Lanka, they helped Pakistan in 1971, so since then India wanted friendly govt. rather than Pakistan friendly Sri Lanka.

Maldives is same for India. We don't need hostile govt.s As simple as that. If you want to grow, you need to minimize the external threat and possible enemies.

I don't know why you feel India betrayed you where as TN is getting developed. You want separate country, go ahead, India won't give it and even if we do, who will give you security ?

First and foremost thing is security and survival. its easy to say This wasn't done, That wasn't done, but reality is that you need security umbrella

Bold part clearly explains your intelligence so U are not worth 2 talk crucial things.

TN is developed bcoz of our hard work nothing to do with India after hindi protest how we suffered do you know?If we asks separate country means India is able to handle us?:no: we aren't having small population like Kashmir or NE first clean your shyte there. If we feel threatened we won't hesitate to take China side thats huge threat for India, India ruling IOR because of us mind it. Did India providing security for Singapore , Malaysia, Papua guinea etc get life mate world is not revolving around India.
TN is developed bcoz of our hard work nothing to do with India after hindi protest how we suffered do you know?If we asks separate country means India is able to handle us? we aren't having small population like Kashmir or NE first clean your shyte there. If we feel threatened we won't hesitate to take China side thats huge threat for India, India ruling IOR because of us mind it. Did India providing security for Singapore , Malaysia, Papua guinea etc get life mate world is not revolving around India.

:rofl: :rofl:

Nice try. You need get out of that hole you are living in. Tamils will throw you out, and continue being a part of India. Thats what will happen.
All strategic moves. 3 millions were killed and raped and entire world was silent, India had the opportunity to get rid of East Pakistan which if not separated would have become another threat with nuclear weapons just like current Pakistan is and it would have done same thing NE as it did in Kashmir.
So What you are suggesting is that India hid its nefarious designs against Pakistan under of cloak of morality and struck in east pakistan when it found opportune time.Morality was just an excuse otherwise Balochis deserve same moral response from india as bengali did .But india knows that it cant repeat BD in Balochistan lest end up in nuclear cloud....:no:

For Sri Lanka, they helped Pakistan in 1971, so since then India wanted friendly govt. rather than Pakistan friendly Sri Lanka.
Really ???So did india punish Iran,Indonesia,Oman and other Gulf countries ?they too helped Pakistan in both in 1971 and 1965...No india didnt.Point is India act same like that bully child in a class who bullies small kids and when bigger bully comes to the mohalla it just slip away.Thats why India couldnt punish Iran its coz it knew that its baap USA is sitting in gulf.

Maldives is same for India. We don't need hostile govt.s As simple as that. If you want to grow, you need to minimize the external treat and possible enemies.
So that means every other country who is interfering in india through their proxy are right in own way after all its india which lead them on this path.

i don' know why you feel India betrayed you where as TN is getting developed. You want separate country, go ahead, India won't give it and even if we do, who will give you security ?
Yes India has betrayed tamils by allowing tamil massacre in srilanka.Its the same india who you claim went into east pakistan to save bengalis but in srilanka its the india who helped srilanka to massacre tamil. india's hands are soiled in innocent tamil bloods.To save kashmiris India want Tamil soldiers to be deployed in kashmir etc but for north indian ruled delhi tamil blood spilled in SL doesnt matter.

First and foremost thing is security and survival. its easy to say This wasn't done, That wasn't done, but reality is that you need security umbrella
Tamils will be better protected if they form separate country along with enjoining tamil regions of srilanka then being part of indian union.Indian union has let down tamils big time.
I don't want to talk about our history here.

Is east Pakistan is Indian problem? then why India militarily intertwined?. SL tamils PROBLEM is not Indian problem ryt then why it deployed its IPKF at SL? and why India given training to LTTE?. PLOTE captured Maldives but Indian army intertwined and devastated everything. Maldives problem is not our concern but India planned to deploys its force when military rule threatening its democratic govt. India is not holy as you think.

India betrayed tamils all the time.

Cool down a bit brother....let me sum up it this way-

1. India intervained in East Pakistan bcoz we were having a bit reffugee problem n we had fought 3 wars by that time 2 with Pak n 1 with China so we were surrounded by 3 sides so it was a golden opportunity for India to librate East Pakistan n break it in 2 pieces thereby making it weak n removing the possibility of a 2 front war with Pak.

So it was more on political grounds than on moral grounds we just defended our nation interest

2. Maldives was again a political decision to keep India friendly govt. in power.
That the same reason why in the past(when they didn't had nukes) we never intervan in Pak matters no matter how many coups they have simply bcoz they r Anti-India.

3. IPKF was sent on SL's own request to control their domestic situation as SL Govt was India friendly that time n secondly we weren't running terror camps all over India for LTTE but TN Govt. or some influential people could have provided covert support so i can't rule out the possibility of Indian support for LTTE although there is no documentary proof for Indian support.

So u can see all these decisions were political rather than moral or out of brotherhood so the question of Tamil betrayal doesn't arise

As i said earlier we don't have problem in u protesting on humanitarian ground but the GOI Won't attack SL for that we can create diplomatic pressure that to only a certain extent which we did by supporting US resolution against SL against all Asian nations

Geo politics is a dirty game to keep up national interest at any cost is all i can say...:agree:
India intervened after Pakistan actually aerially raided us. So apart from the humanitarian angle, we had reason to attack.

India intervened after the Sri Lankans signed the Indo-Srilankan accord. It was a bilateral agreement and completely in keeping with international law. We didnt just go in.

Again Maldives ASKED us to intervene. Recently they asked too, just a few months back. We refused.

As a Tamil I think your overtly nationalistic stance, is pretty stupid. If you think India betrayed Tamils, thats like saying Tamils are not Indians. Most Tamils dont feel that way. So if you dont like India, go to Pakistan. Or to your brothers in Sri Lanka. Dont sit here in India, enjoy the protection India gives you, and then speak against India. What a hypocrite.

Self delete
Yes India has betrayed tamils by allowing tamil massacre in srilanka.Its the same india who you claim went into east pakistan to save bengalis but in srilanka its the india who helped srilanka to massacre tamil. india's hands are soiled in innocent tamil bloods.To save kashmiris India want Tamil soldiers to be deployed in kashmir etc but for north indian ruled delhi tamil blood spilled in SL doesnt matter.

Betrayed how? India went into east pakistan not just to solve the human rights issue. It was for strategic reasons. India went into East Pakistan, so that we wont have to fight a 2 front war with Pakistan in the future. So we had to split it. Secondly, we went in and we had good reason, because pakistan attacked us first. They aerially raided us.

As for Sri Lankan Tamils, they are NOT Indians, and they are NOT India's problem. Yes there is a human rights crisis there, but that needs to be resolved using the UN and other diplomatic means.

Even Sri Lankan tamils feel that way. They feel they belong to Sri Lanka, NOT India, NOT Tamilnadu. So what are you talking about? The kinship you feel is one way. Thats just stupid.

Tamils will be better protected if they form separate country along with enjoining tamil regions of srilanka then being part of indian union.Indian union has let down tamils big time.

Let down how? The Indian govt has let down Indian people in a big way. So Tamils are not alone in this.

You have to understand that this divisive politics is what weakens India. If Tamil Nadu ever splits into a separate country, I will uproot my entire family from Tamil Nadu, and go somewhere else. Like I said before, my loyalty is to my country, not to some hopeless, weak and hypocritical separatist movement.

Whose asks your protection? why should I go to Pakistan? you people came from bholan and Khber pass we are not. TN is my land its for tamils , India have no rights to vacate us(me) from our land. Tamils ruled entire IOR and Bay of Bengal was our lake its the history .**** off .........

Yeah we cant go by 1000 yr history. Tamils havent ruled **** for the last I dont know how many years. So you can take your Tamil Nationalism and shove it. Now TN is a part of India. You either get to live here as a part of India, or you can get out. Your choice. Even Tamil politicians are toning down their separatist rhetoric and you are going on about some nonsense that you ruled this and that for 300 years. Going by that same argument even some brit can come here and claim land because they ruled for 200 odd years. What nonsense.
Cool down a bit brother....let me sum up it this way-

1. India intervained in East Pakistan bcoz we were having a bit reffugee problem n we had fought 3 wars by that time 2 with Pak n 1 with China so we were surrounded by 3 sides so it was a golden opportunity for India to librate East Pakistan n break it in 2 pieces thereby making it weak n removing the possibility of a 2 front war with Pak.

So it was more on political grounds than on moral grounds we just defended our nation interest

2. Maldives was again a political decision to keep India friendly govt. in power.
That the same reason why in the past(when they didn't had nukes) we never intervan in Pak matters no matter how many coups they have simply bcoz they r Anti-India.

3. IPKF was sent on SL's own request to control their domestic situation as SL Govt was India friendly that time n secondly we weren't running terror camps all over India for LTTE but TN Govt. or some influential people could have provided covert support so i can't rule out the possibility of Indian support for LTTE although there is no documentary proof for Indian support.

So u can see all these decisions were political rather than moral or out of brotherhood so the question of Tamil betrayal doesn't arise

As i said earlier we don't have problem in u protesting on humanitarian ground but the GOI Won't attack SL for that we can create diplomatic pressure that to only a certain extent which we did by supporting US resolution against SL against all Asian nations

Geo politics is a dirty game to keep up national interest at any cost is all i can say...:agree:

If you don't know details don't write random things as you want.
Bold part clearly explains your intelligence so U are not worth 2 talk crucial things.

TN is developed bcoz of our hard work nothing to do with India after hindi protest how we suffered do you know?If we asks separate country means India is able to handle us?:no: we aren't having small population like Kashmir or NE first clean your shyte there. If we feel threatened we won't hesitate to take China side thats huge threat for India, India ruling IOR because of us mind it. Did India providing security for Singapore , Malaysia, Papua guinea etc get life mate world is not revolving around India.
Bold part was one of the reason. RAW supported LTTE but Rajiv Gandhi stopped the operation and rather sent IPKF to fight against LTTE. It was the reason why he was killed. RAW directly answers to PM. Time to read few things about India-Sri lanka.
. IPKF was sent on SL's own request to control their domestic situation as SL Govt was India friendly that time n secondly we weren't running terror camps all over India for LTTE but TN Govt. or some influential people could have provided covert support so i can't rule out the possibility of Indian support for LTTE although there is no documentary proof for Indian support.

I dont know about political support. But thats besides the point. The Sri Lankan govt and Indian Govt signed the Indo-SriLankan Accord in 1987, based on which India sent its forces down there.
Bold part clearly explains your intelligence so U are not worth 2 talk crucial things.

TN is developed bcoz of our hard work nothing to do with India after hindi protest how we suffered do you know?If we asks separate country means India is able to handle us?:no: we aren't having small population like Kashmir or NE first clean your shyte there. If we feel threatened we won't hesitate to take China side thats huge threat for India, India ruling IOR because of us mind it. Did India providing security for Singapore , Malaysia, Papua guinea etc get life mate world is not revolving around India.
Tamil are hard working and world is aware of it.You are right that TN dont live on the legacy of center like other north indian states like J&K and beemaru states of cowbelt.For majority of time after Independence unfortunately Indian politics has been in the hands of north indian leaders which took whole india down like their own respective states except for the period of one south indian who ruled the roost at delhi ie PM PVNR hi changed the india for good.I think south as separate country has potential to do better than north and emerge as super power.Its the north thats dragging the superpower ambitions of indians down.
So What you are suggesting is that India hid its nefarious designs against Pakistan under of cloak of morality and struck in east pakistan when it found opportune time.Morality was just an excuse otherwise Balochis deserve same moral response from india as bengali did .But india knows that it cant repeat BD in Balochistan lest end up in nuclear cloud....:no:

Really ???So did india punish Iran,Indonesia,Oman and other Gulf countries ?they too helped Pakistan in both in 1971 and 1965...No india didnt.Point is India act same like that bully child in a class who bullies small kids and when bigger bully comes to the mohalla it just slip away.Thats why India couldnt punish Iran its coz it knew that its baap USA is sitting in gulf.

So that means every other country who is interfering in india through their proxy are right in own way after all its india which lead them on this path.

Yes India has betrayed tamils by allowing tamil massacre in srilanka.Its the same india who you claim went into east pakistan to save bengalis but in srilanka its the india who helped srilanka to massacre tamil. india's hands are soiled in innocent tamil bloods.To save kashmiris India want Tamil soldiers to be deployed in kashmir etc but for north indian ruled delhi tamil blood spilled in SL doesnt matter.

Tamils will be better protected if they form separate country along with enjoining tamil regions of srilanka then being part of indian union.Indian union has let down tamils big time.
You are contradicting yourself. If you say India went to Sri Lanka to help Tamils while at the same time you say why didn't help Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Tell me one country who fought war for morality. The nation interest are the reasons, always. Its not a NGO work its geo-politics and strategic moves. We needed to get ri of Bangladesh. You know about Indira Gandhi and her interview. What do you suggest why she did gave orders t attack East Pakistan.

Same is done when supporting BLA. Its all for changing the situation and make predator the prey. We are not involved with them for some emotional reasons which you are always high on.

As for India not attacking other countries which helped Pakistan, you really think Sri Lanka can be put in same category with them. Look at Sri Lanka's position in the map. India looks at its regional interest. You say bullying, let it be. I don't see you blaming other countries. Every power bully one way or the other. Want me to give example.

Are you new to geo-politics ?

Stop your rants. Just going against the majority to get attention. Blah Blah Queen. :lol:
Tamil are hard working and world is aware of it.You are right that TN dont live on the legacy of center like other north indian states like J&K and beemaru states of cowbelt.For majority of time after Independence unfortunately Indian politics has been in the hands of north indian leaders which took whole india down like their own respective states except for the period of one south indian who ruled the roost at delhi ie PM PVNR hi changed the india for good.I think south as separate country has potential to do better than north and emerge as super power.Its the north thats dragging the superpower ambitions of indians down.

You feel that way about the North, because the North has the lower literacy, higher poverty rates. The South has done much better because of the presence of harbours and ports. Because of increased literacy. We were also relatively unscathed during the partition. So there are a multitude of reasons why the South is more developed and peaceful. We should extend this to other parts of India rather than try and divide it.
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