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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

Better not to have it in India, it will ruin your normal life. We don't have good cartoon producers here in china, you may not have any choice but to let your kid to watch a cartoon movie of same series for 5years.

Actually earlier Indian Cartoon market was dominated by Japanese n American Cartoons only but nowadays they r heavily loosing their share to Indian Cartoon which r generally based on our methodological characters like Krishna n Bhima n the parents also don't mind much they help them to teach their own history in a more entertaining way...:D
I dont think India will simply adore USA or take any prejudice stance agianst China if India could be Permanent seat of UNSC. Westerner has too much saying in the UNSC, we need new member to join for balance.

India is neutral toward the US. The US was never India's friend in anyway. Infact they sent couple of ships to attack India in 1971!!! They even tried to get China to attack India, and actually talked to the Chinese. China categorically refused. Who is the honorable one? It will take a long long time before Indians even begin trusting the US completely.

UNSC is properly arranged now, not perfect but okay! any extra seat will make the place too crowdy!

China, or anyone in the perm does not like to see their votes be diluted! Not for indians - and the chip on their table is just the south Xizang occupation! no way!

What you dont understand Shuttler, is the fact that Regional stability and peace are required for development. An Us vs Them mentality is always gonna slow you down at the least. Apart from border issues, what other problem do you have with India? Nothing. Put the border issue on the backburner, and concentrate on trade, investments and development. That will make Asia unbeatable. At this stage when China is a threat to American dominance, at this stage when India is close behind, we need to stick together to be able to progress. Being divided has always been our weakness. It was the reason for colonialism, and it is the reason why America enjoys such dominance worldwide. Cuz they are united with the richest nations while they divide others. You are not gonna be able to take on the US by yourself and succeed. You need partners. And in this region, who else do you think would be able to support your cause? If India is in the UNSC she will definitely veto any American plan to dominate the region. Atleast for selfish reasons. Which will inturn benefit you.

Tamils wage war against their own mother? that never going to happens. Tamils are more patriotic and loyal sons of mother India that why she given us place near to her feet. I agree tamils having some problems with our government regarding SL tamil issue but it doesn’t means that tamils go against India. Do you witness any bomb blast/riots at TN? Can you explain Indian oppression over TN? Just curious to know. TN is not like Baluchistan or Sindh province where filled with illiterate fools.

I am a Tamil. And I dont support SL Tamils. They are not Indians. And I categorically hate the LTTE and other terrorist groups there. Every Tamilian's loyalty is only to India. Its the political class in that state that try to use the SL Tamil issue to control the center.

When Asian stick together in some day, those westerners will be like a guy wearing pajamas roaming at black room.

France and England fought hundreds of years, they are strategic competitors for real. What is the situation in Europe now? Should India and China take lesson from this case, yes or no?

Very rightly said. Cooperation and peace and stability should be the goal.
Actually earlier Indian Cartoon market was dominated by Japanese n American Cartoons only but nowadays they r heavily loosing their share to Indian Cartoon which r generally based on our methodological characters like Krishna n Bhima n the parents also don't mind much they help them to teach their own history in a more entertaining way...:D
Nowadays, Japanese cartoon flush China market. We need dedicate some resource to rebuild our cartoon glory in the past. When i was a kid, Black cat police office, The mighty monkey king Sun wu Kong, Huluwa Brothers are Chinese methodological chareacter animation well popular. But now what all we have are overseas cartoons occupied market and blank on our own. Although Xiyangyang and huitailang makes me fed up with, at least it was produced by Chinese producer.
1.If you see/read the Chinese media or talk to Chinese diplomats / military officers, India is almost totally absent from their consideration for any conflict. In fact, they do not believe India will be able to pose any threat to them in a hundred years. China's concerns are Taiwan which she believes to be Chinese territory under US control, and Japan which is a US colony where US military is present. Unlike the Indians, the Japanese are a factor that China does not overlook. They are a warrior nation, a disciplined people having a huge industrial base. They are also united always and highly patriotic / nationalistic. Historically Japan and China have fought each other. India does not have the characteristics to be posing any threat to China - in land, air or sea.Unfortunately they are under the occupation of USA who will exploit this factor to unleash them on China.

2. India has a load of corrupt unpatriotic leaders. Creation of a Sino-Indian tension through the media, etc helps them in procuring ever more arms. These generate huge kick back. USA has brainwashed military political leadership in India into believing a Chinese assault is imminent. These are sold to the gullible simple Indians.

3. The other aspect is looking at this from an Indian point of view. While fooling the international community into believing they are arming against China, as a matter of fact, they are acquiring these firstly to use against own population, half of whom are fighting GOI troops. Secondly these are to bully her neighbors, all of whom are small.

4. Eventually, to justify these acquisitions to her poor population, she needs to fight a war. Pakistan is no go, because she will nuke India even before India realizes what's happening. The target definitely will be - is, BD. People of BD know this, and never mind these BAL dogs.
1.If you see/read the Chinese media or talk to Chinese diplomats / military officers, India is almost totally absent from their consideration for any conflict. In fact, they do not believe India will be able to pose any threat to them in a hundred years. China's concerns are Taiwan which she believes to be Chinese territory under US control, and Japan which is a US colony where US military is present. Unlike the Indians, the Japanese are factor that China does not overlook. They are a warrior nation, a disciplined people having a huge industrial base. They are also united always and highly patriotic / nationalistic. Historically Japan and China have fought each other. Unfortunately they are under the occupation of USA who will exploit this factor to unleash them on China.

2. India has a load of corrupt unpatriotic leaders. Creation of a Sino-Indian tension through the media, etc helps them in procuring ever more arms. These generate huge kick back. USA has brainwashed military political leadership in India into believing a Chinese assault is imminent. These are sold to the gullible simple Indians.

3. The other aspect is looking at this from an Indian point of view. While fooling the international community into believing they are arming against China, as a matter of fact, they are acquiring these firstly to use against own population, half of whom are fighting GOI troops. Secondly these are two bully her neighbors, all of whom are small.

4. Eventually, to justify these acquisitions to her poor population, she needs to fight a war. Pakistan is no go, because she will nuke India even before India realizes what's happening. The target definitely will be - is, BD. People of BD know this, and never mind these BAL dogs.


Do all BD think like this ^^^ or you are alone J?A?
I am a Tamil. And I dont support SL Tamils. They are not Indians. And I categorically hate the LTTE and other terrorist groups there. Every Tamilian's loyalty is only to India. Its the political class in that state that try to use the SL Tamil issue to control the center.

Kid don't speak like a stupid, either u might be frm chennai or Brahmin ryt?
Kid don't speak like a stupid, either u might be frm chennai or Brahmin ryt?

I am neither Brahmin, nor from Chennai. And am an Atheist, born in a Christian Family. Your point? All you Tamil nationalist morons, jerkin off to Sri Lankan politics. You dont in the slightest way worry about the fact that the LTTE who are bunch of terrorist goons, killed our own Prime Minister?

Lemme tell you something. The Sri Lankan Tamils Themselves, HATE the LTTE. How do I know this? My dad was a professor, and one of his students was a Srilankan Tamil. This guy used to visit, and even brought his parents. And they told us countless stories of how the LTTE used and abused the Tamil population. Now what is wrong if the Sri Lankan army kills these morons? They are a threat to Sri Lankan national security. If you want SL to give equal rights for Sri Lankan Tamils, do it diplomatically. Or better yet, leave them to their devices. It isnt our country, we dont need to worry about them.
Is it a binding criteria,that everybody has to agree with your point of view to be an Indian Tamil ?

Did I said that? here most of immature don't know anything about SL tamils even they never seen them in their life. you don't know previous history and SL atrocities against tamils in SL. Tell me one thing why Mujbir rebellious against west Pakistan? same thing applicable in SL.
Did I said that? here most of immature don't know anything about SL tamils even they never seen them in their life. you don't know previous history and SL atrocities against tamils in SL. Tell me one thing why Mujbir rebellious against west Pakistan? same thing applicable in SL.

Look dude, its you that doesnt know Sri Lankan Tamils.

I met one dude, he was working for Eureka Forbes. He was being paid in cash, and employed without records in my hometown. He was a SL Tamil refugee, who escaped from the refugee camp. I asked him, to get a citizenship and settle down in Tamil Nadu. He told me "Sri Lanka is my home. I will go back one day". When even they think they are Sri Lankans, why do we have to bother? SL does commit atrocities against Tamils, but we dont need to hijack our foreign policy to support them. Our first priority is India. Infact a Bihari should matter more to a Tamilian than a SL Tamil. They are not Indians.
I am neither Brahmin, nor from Chennai. And am an Atheist, born in a Christian Family. Your point? All you Tamil nationalist morons, jerkin off to Sri Lankan politics. You dont in the slightest way worry about the fact that the LTTE who are bunch of terrorist goons, killed our own Prime Minister?

Lemme tell you something. The Sri Lankan Tamils Themselves, HATE the LTTE. How do I know this? My dad was a professor, and one of his students was a Srilankan Tamil. This guy used to visit, and even brought his parents. And they told us countless stories of how the LTTE used and abused the Tamil population. Now what is wrong if the Sri Lankan army kills these morons? They are a threat to Sri Lankan national security. If you want SL to give equal rights for Sri Lankan Tamils, do it diplomatically. Or better yet, leave them to their devices. It isnt our country, we dont need to worry about them.

Really then why tamils(both Indian &SL) protested against human rights violations in SL in England , US ,Norway ,Germany , Australia ,Switzerland ,France etc.. you mean they did for vote bank politics?.

Many of Indians happy with British regime and they getting proud of title SIR given by them which includes sir CV Raman , do thinking that whole India protested against British colonialism? never there are many traitors was there. South people in SL falls in that category I met many freedom supporters so wats ur point?. SL committed genocide on my race so revenge should be taken at any cost.
Really then why tamils(both Indian &SL) protested against human rights violations in SL in England , US ,Norway ,Germany , Australia ,Switzerland ,France etc.. you mean they did for vote bank politics?

Tamil Nationalism stoked for the purposes of vote bank politics. Its not wrong to protest, but to hijack a nations foreign policy issues is not right. India is our concern, not Sri Lanka.

Many of Indians happy with British regime and they getting proud of title SIR given by them which includes sir CV Raman , do thinking that whole India protested against British colonialism? never there are many traitors was there. South people in SL falls in that category I met many freedom supporters so wats ur point?. SL committed genocide on my race so revenge should be taken at any cost.

Whole India didnt protest, but thats how we stood divided. And you dont seem to understand that that was the reason the British were able to colonize India in the first place. Second, whatever the SL govt did to its citizens is not India's concerns. I am not saying India shouldnt intervene, but if they did, they need to do it diplomatically. India first, Sri Lanka next, according to our point of view. All this moronic support for SL is BS.
Look dude, its you that doesnt know Sri Lankan Tamils.

I met one dude, he was working for Eureka Forbes. He was being paid in cash, and employed without records in my hometown. He was a SL Tamil refugee, who escaped from the refugee camp. I asked him, to get a citizenship and settle down in Tamil Nadu. He told me "Sri Lanka is my home. I will go back one day". When even they think they are Sri Lankans, why do we have to bother? SL does commit atrocities against Tamils, but we dont need to hijack our foreign policy to support them. Our first priority is India. Infact a Bihari should matter more to a Tamilian than a SL Tamil. They are not Indians.

I am Indian for 64 years but I am tamilan for more than 3500yrs. I don't know after 200yrs India union would be there are not? but pretty sure tamil people will be there. Tamilian is my identity that should be protected and thats duty of every true tamils.
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