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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real

You cant deal national relationship with personal emotion. No one asked you to betray Pakistan. I mean we need India's friendship for a safe and peaceful Asia. Will you support Japan join the permanent seat for India? Absolutely no. It is USA don't wanna add one more permanent seat to UNSC, not China.

good play acting for many others onboard!

Let the indians blame the USA for pete's sake! Please serve a notice through your credit to india that when it happens, it is not China who screws up their most desired dream!
I didn't knew that i thought he was a hard core patriotic Chinese as in most of his older movies he has played roles like saving normal Chinese from britishers n their subordinate Chinese kings n talk about Chinese unity...:P

I like him bcoz he is a very good kung fu fighter n played very patriotic roles...:D

But i m also a big fan of Jackie Chan i have seen almost all of his movies since when he was a young actor to Rush Hour3 n Forbidden Kingdom. I love that guy he so damn funny as well as a great fighter.
Sometime back i heard that he donated half of his wealth for development of the poor now thats a Man of Respect...:agree:
Jacky Chen is a tight follower of CCP, jet li maybe the other way around. If you are a real patriotic, you will only choose to do something for your national benifits, no personal emotion should be get involved within to influence your decision making. Jet li is not a typical patriotic, I think Jacky might be in someway.time will tell, let us wait and see.
indians are the most insecure creatures on earth i must say...

1st u made every one in ur neibour ur enemy & than u becomes insecure, or may be this is a new stunt to get more sympathies from US & EU....

don't try to show your innocence and insecurity here :P.first you tell me that,who had tried to invade invade India in the last 4 major wars,and faced great major blows against us :hang2:.India never and ever would had tried to invade any of its neighbors.
Pakistan should have attacked india during 1962 Indo-China war and liberated the indian occupied Kashmir. I don't think we will ever make the same mistake again. If india goes to war with Pakistan, china should move in to Tibbet and Arunachal and assist in Nexal freedom.

If india goes towar with China, Pakistan should move in and liberate Kashmir and assist in Khalistan freedom.

If that happpens, Tamils along Srilankan border may also choose to declare independence from indian opression.

So, any future war involving india has the potential to become a two or three front war.


Tamils wage war against their own mother?:rofl::rofl::rofl: that never going to happens. Tamils are more patriotic and loyal sons of mother India that why she given us place near to her feet. I agree tamils having some problems with our government regarding SL tamil issue but it doesn’t means that tamils go against India. Do you witness any bomb blast/riots at TN? Can you explain Indian oppression over TN? Just curious to know. TN is not like Baluchistan or Sindh province where filled with illiterate fools.
I think many members have highlighted the possibility that it could be the most powerful union if India and China come together. may be the west knows this. I would love to see India and China threat to each other deminish forever and we live peacefully..no one wants war and is good for none....I come from a state in India where there is a big chinese comunity who is living in India peacefully for decades...we have hundreds of Chinese restaurants out here and we love your food...its time we solve the border issue forever and end this drama.

Tangra is now China Town. Everyone has their own favourite Chinese restaurant, including the local Chinese consular staff. I have one, too, but hate going alone, because being unable to navigate my way through a non-vegetarian menu, i need sommeone to order things for me.

Not to mention the people. The Chen brothers were great sportsmen, the eldest a pillar of the rugger pack, younger ones helping us grind the other schools under in swimming competitions. My friend, Tony Yang, alias Yang Yen-Thaw, qualified as a lawyer, moved to Bangalore and set up a firm with offices in several cities. He is now in Singapore. He shared with me his shock when he first travelled abroad, to Tokyo, and stepped out on the road to find that he was no longer the only person with his skin complexion!
The vanity hatred shadow the eyes of Indian and Chinese to find out so many commonality and friendship they ever posess. I hated that war in 1962, I want to restore the relationship. Maybe someone dislike me, I will make my try at the best.
Indian , Chinese and Pakistani Trolls having a Troll Fest this weekend on this thread . Nonetheless go out guys and enjoy .

Till the time we become like Europe , Forgetting Past rivalries and Enmity we will always be a "third world"/"Developing" countries . Imagine The Kind of Economic/Military Block russia\india\china\pakistan and Saarc Countries will Make . NATO would become thing of the past .
The best one I like is ""Red Cliff". I have seen it more than two times and I have saved it in my collections of best foreign movies.


And here I was thinking I was the only one! Here's my list of my favourites, other than Red Cliff.

The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
House of Flying Daggers
An Empress and the Warriors
14 Blades
Warriors of Heaven and Earth

and my Kung Fu set of three,

Snake in the Monkey's Shadow
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow
Rage of the Two Masters

I recommend the first list of six to everybody; very good technically, and good story lines. That would be seven with Red Cliff, which is truly epic, though sadly slightly divergent from the actual history, and several more if some Japanese movies are included

Seven Samurai
Red Beard

(yes, I am fond of Kurosawa!)
The vanity hatred shadow the eyes of Indian and Chinese to find out so many commonality and friendship they ever posess. I hated that war in 1962, I want to restore the relationship. Maybe someone dislike me, I will make my try at the best.
Not hust this guy, but most Chinese would be against china-India friendship. I personally do not see friendship between these nations as they are natural strategic competitors.
When Asian stick together in some day, those westerners will be like a guy wearing pajamas roaming at black room.
i think that Chinese Movies n Japanese Cartoons r very much popular in India...:D
Its just that Indian Media doesn't pay much attention to them...:undecided:
Not hust this guy, but most Chinese would be against china-India friendship. I personally do not see friendship between these nations as they are natural strategic competitors.
France and England fought hundreds of years, they are strategic competitors for real. What is the situation in Europe now? Should India and China take lesson from this case, yes or no?
i think that Chinese Movies n Japanese Cartoons r very much popular in India...:D
Its just that Indian Media doesn't pay much attention to them...:undecided:
I hate that stupid cartoon Xiyangyang and huitailang.it is marked as iq impediment for child in France and get banned. Every day 5pm you are forced to see that on CCTV.
I hate that stupid cartoon Xiyangyang and huitailang.it is marked as iq impediment for child in France and get banned. Every day 5pm you are forced to see that on CCTV.

I don't know which cartoons u r talking about i don't think we have them in India...:undecided:

I was talking about Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Ben Ten,etc..:P
Better not to have it in India, it will ruin your normal life. We don't have good cartoon producers here in china, you may not have any choice but to let your kid to watch a cartoon movie of same series for 5years.
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