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Two-front war remote, but threat from China real


what do the chinese label on the screen say @0;28

I give you 3 minutes for this easy reply!

You many ask your Chinese pal perhaps!
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what do the chinese label on the screen say @0;28

I give you 3 minutes for this easy reply!

You many ask your Chinese pal perhaps!
Nothing displayed here, check it again.
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So any one who wanna be friend with India is a fake Chinese........I might need a India passport for betray national interest. Some one come in for help, God damn Jesus.

his post @ 176 is clocked 4 minutes behind my post #173. Plenty of time to answer my question on him to type up in Chinese the one liner label of less than 20 characters!
And in any case, you are hemmed in between two powerful countries from three sides

Correction: 1 powerful country. We dont consider those who lost wars to us as "powerful".

And by civilized you mean?

Not Pakistan :lol:

If india goes to war with Pakistan, china should move in to Tibbet and Arunachal and assist in Nexal freedom.

If india goes towar with China, Pakistan should move in and liberate Kashmir and assist in Khalistan freedom.

This is a nice scenario. Except that China is not that invested against India as Pakistan is. Secondly, it is in China's best interest to side with India more than it sides with Pakistan. Economically, politically and militarialy its India that is more powerful than Pakistan and in teh whole of Asia, it is the only country that challenges it while also being in a position to be supportive. So politically speaking, while Pakistan has friendly relations with China, this does not mean China will join Pakistan in any attack whatsoever.

That's not what your government said when they tested the neuclear weapons. In fact that is exactly what your government said, that these tests are directed towards China not Paistan.

The govt did not say that it was directed towards China or anybody else. India has always considered it peaceful nuclear deterrence with a no first use policy. Against anybody. You cannot "direct" a test towards anybody, that's pretty stupid.

Here in India no one even thinks about the Indo-Pakistan wars, or the Sino-Indian wars. People just go about their daily jobs. Pakistan is not even considered a threat. I mean people here are so lethargic about Pakistan's so called threat, that when Kargil was going on, people were more invested in the Cricket Worldcup that was taking place at the same time. We have this feeling that a victory in case of a Pakistani attack is a GIVEN. Maybe people that lost wars feel differently and maybe rightfully so. Similarly, Indians dont really perceive China as a threat. Infact if you ask many, they will probably feel Pakistan is a bigger threat to security than China, even though China defeated India in a war.

So anyway, there will be no war between China and India. Both countries know better.

As for Pakistan, cant say. They've been known to pull a stinker every now and then, but always lose.
I don't think china pose any threat to India. Don't worry, peace will continue.

You are right, India and China must develop their relations to the Next levels. As Syama Ayas sir told, cultural ties with China must improve. I think Indian media is little bit enthusiastic when it comes to China, It needs to be controlled. I dont know how many Indian members would agree, When General VK Singh took charge as an army chief, In a NDTV Intergiew he has clarified many things regarding rumours about chinese infiltration into India. I personally feel India and China must increase their trade and both the countries must have Defence Exchanges.
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