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Twitter unblocked In Pakistan!

Did that alleged anti muslim content get removed?

Don't think so. By the sound of it..looks like it's an unilateral decision taken by a nutjob in power to ban twitter. Don't think govt had anything to do with it. In anycase good to see that common sense has prevailed finally!!
these social applications are one of the ''real powers'' in the modern world --- blocking them in the absence of home grown alternatives is just cutting your own foot by an axe -- use them just like the others are using/ misusing these applications and get your view through to the other side

some times i dont delete indian borderline trolling [no offence intended] as i want to see practical conversation skills being employed by the pak members and these applications [including pdf] provide that important exposure for young pak members to hone their skills --- this is lack of capable foresight by pta , the same thing pta did to fb and youtube some years back --- egyptians were the people practically making it the islam convert day by uploading converties videos whereas pakistanis were on the streets creating mayhem and destruction of their own land-- stupid people dont even know how to get their msg to the otherside without burning flags , images which are captured by cnn depicting pakistan as a terrorist state
But obviously the voice of reason is liberal babble.
One thing for sure, the world honestly hopes that Pakistan, with it's close proximity, both in geography and in relationship, convinces china to let freedom of communication be offered to its citizenry. If Pakistan takes up such a democratric principle promoter role, pak's reputation will be heralded across the globe.
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