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Twitter unblocked In Pakistan!

That could be an option, but why allow a website with explicit anti Islam policies, to do business in Muslim world. A few days back they took off all video's of an ad starring Ashton Kutcher, in which he was acting as an Indian, it was termed as RACIST and was removed from YouTube and Facebook.

Go to hell FB Jewish tw.t founder, he is a hypocrite and a first class bigot.

My my, says the man whose avatar belongs to one of the investors of Facebook. And whose avatar also belongs / owned by a Jew :rofl:
I must be missing something here, are you implying that we can make progress by putting up with racism on Facebook? You don't overlook something bad just because it is happening elsewhere too, sorry to say, but your understanding here is utterly flawed.
For your second para, your inane analogy is way out of order. I have every right to protest against the outlet of that company in my own land since the owner(doesn't matter where he/she is from) is all out to hurt the sentiments of the people of my country............... And this is what we are debating, NO? banning of SN's in Pakistan. Nobody asked them to ban Facebook in America or elsewhere.

By what you are suggesting if we start getting prank calls abusing our prophet from the US we ban all the calls coming from the country? If these banning things would work I would be all for them. But human nature says that giving importance to the fools keeps creating more of them. I need this ignorant behavior to stop, and therefore I am purposing that we do not pay heed the calls that make us act like chimpanzees. I can live without both facebook and twitter. What bothers me is that maybe tomorrow I cant make phone calls to any country that isn't muslim, maybe even Iran if the fatwa throwers are overly excited. Maybe that is acceptable to you as a Pakistani, but it is not to me.
Godammit, not again. Using their logic, they might as-well ban Google for containing anti-muslim content. This is ridiculous, it's not
like banning twitter will stop people from posting anti-muslim content. These politicians and mullah's don't even know what's Twitter
all about or how these sites even work. Bunch of pompous pricks if you ask me.
LOL everyday this country seems to make me laugh but also frustrated at the same time. A good example to other countries who want to mix religion with the state. Don't go the Pakistan way or you'll regret it!
just another temporary thing thankfully probably just block specific pages again like last time . Facebook and twitter now seem to be working just fine in pakistan.
Just in case you guys don't know PTA also banned Google for a good hour and a half around a week back, it was not announced neither it got any media coverage.
Just last night, shaitan Malik said that no such thing is going to happen
apparently its been unblocked at gilanni's request
Pakistan blocks, then restores, Twitter access

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s telecommunications regulators shut down Twitter for about eight hours Sunday because the social networking site would not remove content the government found objectionable to Muslims, but the nation’s prime minister stepped in to reverse the ban, officials said.

Pakistan blocks, then restores, Twitter access - The Washington Post
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