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Twist in MMRCA

Guys, MMRCA has gone from being a stop-gap measure to actually being a key part of IAFs strike force in years to come. And every aircraft offered in MMRCA is superior to these Mirage 2000s.

In addition, Mirage 2000 production has stopped. getting spares and upgrades for these Mirages will be hard. even our current Mirages, upgrades included, are no longer top-of-the line. And once the french move completely to rafale, to get upgrades for mirages will be hell. then we will have a huge impotent fleet of mirages.

If given a good price we should choose these aircraft, but they should be a stopgap till LCA and MMRCA arrives, not a permanent solution. Our real MMRCA should have the ability to negate threats from chinese and Pakistani fighters of this decade and next.
Guys, MMRCA has gone from being a stop-gap measure to actually being a key part of IAFs strike force in years to come. And every aircraft offered in MMRCA is superior to these Mirage 2000s.

In addition, Mirage 2000 production has stopped. getting spares and upgrades for these Mirages will be hard. even our current Mirages, upgrades included, are no longer top-of-the line. And once the french move completely to rafale, to get upgrades for mirages will be hell. then we will have a huge impotent fleet of mirages.

If given a good price we should choose these aircraft, but they should be a stopgap till LCA and MMRCA arrives, not a permanent solution. Our real MMRCA should have the ability to negate threats from chinese and Pakistani fighters of this decade and next.

Exactly my point.. These are not MRCA replacement, but if price is good, they represent a significant jump from some of the existing inventory (like Mig 27s ).. And may also negate the need to buying 150 MMRCA instead of 126 as originally planned.. Plus there already is infra in india to maintain Mirages...

As I said before, why let a good deal(if it is) slide by, just because they have been used before.. They are still newer than a whole lot of planes in our inventory(even after Mig 21 replacement)
Guys.. this is not a cheap knock off like you know what ;)

Its a used plane and that too not in any war.. And each of them is probably newer and better than all the planes in Indian Inventory except the flankers and some fulcrums.. Pride should not be an issue here.. Get 80 of them to plug the gap in Mig 21s and go directly to LCA Mk II or buy them instead of next batch of flankers..

If the price is good, its a waste to let a good deal slide by...

And half of them are 10 years or so old (as old as our 1st batch flankers)
Sir, it totally depends on price issue..If the price charge by them will high, then it will be a foolishness to go for mirages...Though mirage a good fighter, still we have better options...
Sir, it totally depends on price issue..If the price charge by them will high, then it will be a foolishness to go for mirages...Though mirage a good fighter, still we have better options...

Oh! Absolutely.. Thats what I have been saying. The deal should be explored on its own merit, unlinked to MRCA. If the price is good.. Go for it..

I was just reading up on M2k-5 and it is as capable if not better than a F 16 block 52. Now all these 80 planes are more or less equal to the capabilities of a m2k-5 plus we have 51 of ours going in for upgrades to get them to that level.. So with a 130 M2k-5 equivalants on our western front along with the plathora of Fulcrums and Migs/LCA will virtually leave the whole fleet of Flankers and MRCA to balance out the eastern front from where the threat is technically and numerically at a higher plane..

In my view, anything less than 40 mill per pop (including refurbishing by french), we should go for it...
hey guys, i have a different no. strategy for the IAF(dont hate me for this if u dont like the idea,constructive criticism and more ideas will be appreciated)

i think we should buy 200 f-16 block 70 from US
as our general said that any future war can be a 2 front war we need good squadron nos and quality to get air superiority,i guess we should have atleast 60 squadrons

270 su 30 mki's
200 f-16's
250 lca tejas
250 fgfa
50 mirages 2000
60 mig 29's
100 mig 27's
100 jaguars
125 mig 21 bison
and also we can buy lots ofold f16 blk 50/52's or lesser and can use it for point defence aircraft. i knw we will have tejas for that role but f16 is a tried and tested platform,if we r looking to buy eurofighter or rafale for just 126 planes the cost of infrastructure would by relatively high

one reason y i didnt went for gripen was becoz of its short range..and even though PAF has f 16's we will have it in good enough no's so that there no's will look a meagre amt to tackle with,and also f16 can take care of j10 and other fighters with china

f 16 blk 70 or IN is worth 50 million,we can easily acquire loads of older versions of f 16's at lesser amt,i knw most of u will say it is an old technology and not worth buying for a 4th generation fighter

but hw many 4th gen. aircraft do we require,we already have su 30,mirage,mig 29 ,lca etc

and the threat we r facing nw or maybe 25 years down the road wont be big enough that we cannot tackle it with f16's..f16 along with tejas can be our new mig 21(i mean point defence/escort/close support fighters)and mirage will take care of ground attack ,stricke aircraft will be su 30 and fgfa..just a thought:azn:
270 su 30 mki's
200 f-16's
250 lca tejas
250 fgfa
50 mirages 2000
60 mig 29's
100 mig 27's
100 jaguars
125 mig 21 bison

dude are we going to conquer MARS with so many fighters..?

jus kiddin...:cheers:
no brother,two front war scenario will require lot of fighters,we will be facing some 1200 to 1500 chinese aircraft and some 500 pakistani aircraft,we cannot achie air superiority by having jst 800 of them,that's y i said that it fits the modern scenario of 60 squadrons,n hence f 16's can be more than handful,they r cheap n useful,with decent range
^^^ Brand new GRIPEN-D comes at the price of old F-16..why not GRIPEN..??
270 su 30 mki's
200 euro or rafales
250 lca tejas
250 fgfa
50 mirages 2000
60 mig 29's

this iz what we will have and will be left with
^^^when we will have 250 FGFA , Mirages will already be on their way out...
yeah.dats y we can do with f16's they can compliment su30 n fgfa really well n effectively replace mig 21 as point defence fighter,close support n escort role to strike bombers
although i doubt the genuineness of the news , i would thoroughly support the deal if given at good price. in that case INDIA can just buy 120 MRCA and have a formidable 4.5+ gen. air force...plus the mirages will also be enough in numbers so no need to increase no. of MRCA ...

so in place of buying more costly MRCA we can use the money to further develop LCA...just 2 cents..

not about the pride it is about there condition
even if they r offering it for less money
it is bst for us to go for rafale or eurofighter

if i am wrong correct me....
as it is a light weight aircraft not of use as we already have 5o + of these and our lca mk2 is better option
yeah.dats y we can do with f16's they can compliment su30 n fgfa really well n effectively replace mig 21 as point defence fighter,close support n escort role to strike bombers

but the role that u r giving to f-16 has already been given to lca
and and which is better option as we can't trust u.s. for spares and upgrades
bt as tejas is homemade we don't have much trouble
xcept some engine

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