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Turks To Help Britain Built It's Type 26 Frigate

1) You are still calling airdefence missiles offensive while difference is mostly range
Range is not the only factor here they are ESSM and the SM ranges are set up to intercept different threats. Call it defense if you like what i said is still true. ESSM is used as a defensive missile while SM is offensive. I can not make this more simple maybe list out more ships that have both rather then one ? I mean the SM is longer range but the ESSM is better at intercepting other threats. There is a reason many ships operate both they compliment each other.

2) No to all of your assumptions, since the TF100 is still non-existent and weapons pack have not even chosen yet
There is no assumption here. They are all being built out of the same superstructure there is only so much you can fit on it without compromising stealth. The program is for 8 corvettes and 4 frigates the frigates will probably have the front hull extended and they will drop in a VLS behind the 76mm cannon. Why would we replace the MEKO 200s with something that has a shorter range, lesser armament and is slower and smaller. Like i said they will probably be replaced by another ship after 2025 considering they were built in the 90s. The TF-100 is not a brand new ship.

3) Again pure assumption, you can only compare the main tasks as the TF100 is meant for, namely multipurpose frigate. Older multipurpose frigates will be replaced by new generation multipurpose frigates, what don't you understand in this?

Everything is multipurpose at this point. AAW multiperpose, corvette multipurpose, frigate multipurpose, destroyer multipurpose. However depending on the specs they fill specific roles. The corvettes will be doing ASW in a littoral environment while i take it the frigates will operate as something else. We use our MEKOs as offensive ships. They are heavily armed because they are to be used to inflict maximum damage on enemy vessels and they have the range,speed,armament to do it.
There is no assumption here. They are all being built out of the same superstructure there is only so much you can fit on it without compromising stealth. The program is for 8 corvettes and 4 frigates the frigates will probably have the front hull extended and they will drop in a VLS behind the 76mm cannon. Why would we replace the MEKO 200s with something that has a shorter range, lesser armament and is slower and smaller. Like i said they will probably be replaced by another ship after 2025 considering they were built in the 90s. The TF-100 is not a brand new ship.
You are contradicting yourself, you say there is no assumption and than you say the frigates will probably have the front hull extended.

Well that's an assumption my friend.

If they are not assumptions, you know for sure and there must be a design of the ship available. Please show me the design.
You are contradicting yourself, you say there is no assumption and than you say the frigates will probably have the front hull extended.

Well that's an assumption my friend.

If they are not assumptions, you know for sure and there must be a design of the ship available. Please show me the design.

I am not taking it for granted that the hull will be extended however its quite likely that is what will happen to drop in the VLS. Unless your saying there is no Hull extension required. The design of the ship is the Milgem corvette we see now. Only with domestic sensors and VLS for ESSM by giving it ESSM and making it larger we can put it on frigate duties as it will be able to defend itself from surface threats effectively while using its SSM against ships. This saves on logistics.
I am not taking it for granted that the hull will be extended however its quite likely that is what will happen to drop in the VLS. Unless your saying there is no Hull extension required. The design of the ship is the Milgem corvette we see now. Only with domestic sensors and VLS for ESSM by giving it ESSM and making it larger we can put it on frigate duties as it will be able to defend itself from surface threats effectively while using its SSM against ships. This saves on logistics.
So you are in the design team? Fine, more easier for you please show the design.

Listen dude, you speak out your assumption as if it is reality but in fact you don't know anything. TF100 has not even entered conceptual design phase, as is right now she is the idea project what the navy wants. Many people assume it will be an extended form of Milgem, possible but it is not granted. And even if it is an extended Milgem no one knows how much extended and what missile and sensor suite she will have. All that is known is that the navy wants a multipurpose frigate dubbed TF100 project.
So you are in the design team? Fine, more easier for you please show the design.
Listen dude, you speak out your assumption as if it is reality but in fact you don't know anything. TF100 has not even entered conceptual design phase, as is right now she is the idea project what the navy wants. Many people assume it will be an extended form of Milgem, possible but it is not granted. And even if it is an extended Milgem no one knows how much extended and what missile and sensor suite she will have. All that is known is that the navy wants a multipurpose frigate dubbed TF100 project.

Plz this is a pointless circle. If you want to believe that it is a new ship and will be better then the MEKO200 class and more will be built to replace all of them then i am not stopping you. However unlikely that is you can believe it. Talk about me making assumptions. I wonder why many people assume it will be a extended Milgem. Food for thought.
Plz this is a pointless circle.
1)If you want to believe that it is a new ship and will be better then the MEKO200 class and more will be built to replace all of them then i am not stopping you. However unlikely that is you can believe it.
2)Talk about me making assumptions. I wonder why many people assume it will be a extended Milgem. Food for thought.
1) This is a strange assertion, no any nation is that fool to replace better ship by lesser ones. Ofcourse the TF100 will be better than Meko's

2) Well the food for thought is not hard to explain, we have only the Milgem so many people assume the TF100 will be an extended version and maybe it really will I cannot claim the opposite since I don't know, there are no concrete decission on that yet there are only assumptions.
1) This is a strange assertion, no any nation is that fool to replace better ship by lesser ones. Ofcourse the TF100 will be better than Meko's

2) Well the food for thought is not hard to explain, we have only the Milgem so many people assume the TF100 will be an extended version and maybe it really will I cannot claim the opposite since I don't know, there are no concrete decission on that yet there are only assumptions.

I agree with you Nutuk, it is truly strange to think that a Modern ship as the TF100 will be, is lesser then older ships it's stated to replace.
1) This is a strange assertion, no any nation is that fool to replace better ship by lesser ones. Ofcourse the TF100 will be better than Meko's

Your making the assumption they will be replacing them and that more will be built. So will the TF-100 replace all G-Class and Meko 200 ships 16 ships our whole navy pretty much. Obviously not. TF-100 is 4 ships atm that is not a assumption but a fact. The Program is calling for 8 corvettes and 4 frigates looking at what needs to be retired and what is being upgraded we see the that the B-class will go consider they are almost 40 years old and some don't even have their exocet launchers on them anymore and there is good reason to believe the TF-100 (the 4 being built) will replace the non upgraded OHPs. Your also forgetting the roles the OHPs and the Meko-200s fill are very different from each other. This is why i am saying another class will replace the MEKOs. Look at in logically and you will see B-Class replaced by Milgem. OHP VLS upgraded other 4 retired possible replacement by 4 TF-100 while the other 4 will probably face replacement by the TF-200 (Which has been stated the TF-100 is a precursor for. Leaving the MEKOs for another future ship to replace. Obviously this future ship will be better in its role then the MEKOs are currently.

2) Well the food for thought is not hard to explain, we have only the Milgem so many people assume the TF100 will be an extended version and maybe it really will I cannot claim the opposite since I don't know, there are no concrete decission on that yet there are only assumptions.

Then you shouldn't be criticizing me on making logical assumptions that they will be based on the same superstructures to save logistics. Unless you believe we have the cash to R&D 3 ships back to back considering we didn't even have the funds to buy those type 214s we had to take out a loan to pay for them. This has gone off topic long enough.

---------- Post added at 06:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 AM ----------

I agree with you Nutuk, it is truly strange to think that a Modern ship as the TF100 will be, is lesser then older ships it's stated to replace.

Plz show me where this is stated that the TF-100 will replace the MEKO class frigates.
I think a more pressing matter than developing the ships is how they're being tested, any combat experience would give invaluable input on their performance.

Does anyone know if they are being used as escort to prevent pirate attacks ? And has they been used in any combat.

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