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Turks Love for Pakistanis

well of course, this is what I said
"I will be very candid with you guys and I mean no disrespect, an average Iranian has no feelings what so ever for pakistan! "When I first talked to you in AF I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT PAKISTAN and I mean nothing. All that was b/c I had never even thought about pakistan. I'm not saying we hate or love pak, I'm just saying that most of us are so selfish that we only think about ourselves and countries that matter to us, and those countries are usually to the west of us.

When did Ayatollah Ali Khamenei make you Iran's spokesperson? :lol:
well of course, this is what I said
"I will be very candid with you guys and I mean no disrespect, an average Iranian has no feelings what so ever for pakistan! "
When I first talked to you in AF I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT PAKISTAN and I mean nothing. All that was b/c I had never even thought about pakistan. I'm not saying we hate or love pak, I'm just saying that most of us are so selfish that we only think about ourselves and countries that matter to us, and those countries are usually to the west of us.

Ok Nima,

I am quoting Sphagettimonster from Afghan forum

Is Nimroo (Nima) Banned?

uff, Nimroo is a burden on the rest of the AF irooni community (aka me); i often have to clean up after the messes he makes

Nimroo stop disrespecting every country within 1000 miles radius of Iran.. you are NOT doing us any favors..

Although I have to admit some of your posts on Afghan forum were extremely funny.. :rofl::rofl:
if we love persians, we dont love them more than we love indians or afghanis, do you agree?

if they will hate us, why will any pakistani love iranian, are they so especial or so courteous towards pakistanis

take out indians and i will agree :) i love afghans as well despite all their hatred for us. and all the pakistanis whom i have met in my life had the same view. and a proof of this is that hardly any afghan refugee was targeted in pakistan by pakistani ppl only bec he was afghan... despite all the issues they created for us.

well i dont know y we lov them when they hate us but thats how it is...
Ok Nima,

I am quoting Sphagettimonster from Afghan forum

Is Nimroo (Nima) Banned?

uff, Nimroo is a burden on the rest of the AF irooni community (aka me); i often have to clean up after the messes he makes

Nimroo stop disrespecting every country within 1000 miles radius of Iran.. you are NOT doing us any favors..

Although I have to admit some of your posts on Afghan forum were extremely funny.. :rofl::rofl:

your views are as strange as a tale attached to a human

why do we have to take out indians, its a fact that our culture in related to them, and we can understand them, but we only have few ghalib, iqbal poems dedicatted to farsi language. but spanish language in 25% arabic, does it make an difference, we love indians more than we love iranians, iranians are like just another arab, or more distant than an arab, i have first hand experience of indian and an iranian people
i dont know how you think. but you guys should think lik rumi, iqbal, amir khusro who even today tell the world about Persian richness...

but in the end we dont care... you hate us but ultimately we will still love you :cheers:

no we don't hate you! We just think we're so important that we don't need to know about others nor we should concern ourselves with others. Iranians think they're god's gift to humanity.
I'll give you an example, my father opened my lap top once and saw that I was reading about Afghanistan and he gave me a weird look. That same day I said smtg about Iraq and he confronted me with a surprised look on his face and asked me why I care about these countries?!
I asked him what he knows about Iraq and he said that it's not important!!!! Now here's the shocking part, he's a communist and absolutely hates nationalism (according to him)!
I'm just saying that even a muslim neighbor country like Iran can one day be an enemy so never ever love another country cause they will not love you back.
One more example. during the Iran-Iraq war there were thousands of shia Afghans in the front lines. They fought and died along side Iranians. We speak the same language and have the same culture. But after the war we refused to let them in to universities, we refused to give them citizenship (even if they were born in Iran and never set foot in AFG) and made it mandatory for employers to give them half the wage of an Iranian so that they would go back!!! This is just the tip of the ice berg btw, an Afghan that has lived in Iran will tell you how bad we treated them. In Pakistan however the situation was the exact opp. You guys accepted smtg like 5 mil Afg and treated them as one! In Iran some Afghans were scared to walk in the streets alone at night!
your prof is a moron lol
You dissing your countrymen....should i take that as a compliment?

but what you said about the whole ummah thing and arabs is def true
Even religious Iranians are extremely nationalistic and sometimes way more than other Iranians. They consider Shiaism as being one with Iranianism and feel proud that they're different than other muslims. Some of them don't even consider themselves muslims, they consider themselves shias!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao

Though I agree Iranians are a weird bunch when it comes to attitudes towards other neighbours. I have studied their ideology and their struggle, and i can safely say that if Pakistans sunni's learn what the Iranian Shittes think about sunni's, im sure they would not love them anymore lol
Ok Nima,

I am quoting Sphagettimonster from Afghan forum

Is Nimroo (Nima) Banned?

uff, Nimroo is a burden on the rest of the AF irooni community (aka me); i often have to clean up after the messes he makes

Nimroo stop disrespecting every country within 1000 miles radius of Iran.. you are NOT doing us any favors..

Although I have to admit some of your posts on Afghan forum were extremely funny.. :rofl::rofl:

lmao that's fukin awesome
he used to send me emails about my behavior :rofl::rofl:
your views are as strange as a tale attached to a human

why do we have to take out indians, its a fact that our culture in related to them, and we can understand them, but we only have few ghalib, iqbal poems dedicatted to farsi language. but spanish language in 25% arabic, does it make an difference, we love indians more than we love iranians, iranians are like just another arab, or more distant than an arab, i have first hand experience of indian and an iranian people

not just mine. many pakistanis..... again ill ask the same question. have you ever heard any afghan refugee been beaten up by pakistani ppl only bec he is afghan?... despite the fact they created many issues for us. but yet we do through rotten tomatoes on indians if we find their players in cricket ground. lolz..

indeed we pakistanis have feelings for every muslim deep inside our heart. this could be bec out whole existence is based on islam....
no we don't hate you! We just think we're so important that we don't need to know about others nor we should concern ourselves with others. Iranians think they're god's gift to humanity.
I'll give you an example, my father opened my lap top once and saw that I was reading about Afghanistan and he gave me a weird look. That same day I said smtg about Iraq and he confronted me with a surprised look on his face and asked me why I care about these countries?!
I asked him what he knows about Iraq and he said that it's not important!!!! Now here's the shocking part, he's a communist and absolutely hates nationalism (according to him)!
I'm just saying that even a muslim neighbor country like Iran can one day be an enemy so never ever love another country cause they will not love you back.
One more example. during the Iran-Iraq war there were thousands of shia Afghans in the front lines. They fought and died along side Iranians. We speak the same language and have the same culture. But after the war we refused to let them in to universities, we refused to give them citizenship (even if they were born in Iran and never set foot in AFG) and made it mandatory for employers to give them half the wage of an Iranian so that they would go back!!! This is just the tip of the ice berg btw, an Afghan that has lived in Iran will tell you how bad we treated them. In Pakistan however the situation was the exact opp. You guys accepted smtg like 5 mil Afg and treated them as one! In Iran some Afghans were scared to walk in the streets alone at night!

yeah we treated them as one and they backed stabbed us like this ahmed guy here, who says that he will press any button which can make pakistan jump, its time for pay back

and as you say how iranians treat afghanis who fought war for iran, but still they always kiss iranian a.ss only because you kick their a.ss and thats what they like.
One more example. during the Iran-Iraq war there were thousands of shia Afghans in the front lines. They fought and died along side Iranians. We speak the same language and have the same culture. But after the war we refused to let them in to universities, we refused to give them citizenship (even if they were born in Iran and never set foot in AFG) and made it mandatory for employers to give them half the wage of an Iranian so that they would go back!!! This is just the tip of the ice berg btw, an Afghan that has lived in Iran will tell you how bad we treated them.

So in a way you DO KNOW something about Afghanistan eh? :police: In other words you are contradicting your own statement that Most Iranians know nothing about Afghanistan :victory:

In Pakistan however the situation was the exact opp. You guys accepted smtg like 5 mil Afg and treated them as one! In Iran some Afghans were scared to walk in the streets alone at night!

Thanks for giving us some credit.. but Afghans themselves whine and whine... even though we opened our hearts for them.. ;)

To be honest.. I would prefer an Iranian over an Afghan and Indian anyday.. Afghans and Indians get on my nerves... but Iranians have only been nice with me.. on globalpersia forum (which doesn't exist anymore).. they even banned Afghans just on my request.. :rofl::rofl:
no we don't hate you! We just think we're so important that we don't need to know about others nor we should concern ourselves with others. Iranians think they're god's gift to humanity.
I'll give you an example, my father opened my lap top once and saw that I was reading about Afghanistan and he gave me a weird look. That same day I said smtg about Iraq and he confronted me with a surprised look on his face and asked me why I care about these countries?!
I asked him what he knows about Iraq and he said that it's not important!!!! Now here's the shocking part, he's a communist and absolutely hates nationalism (according to him)!
I'm just saying that even a muslim neighbor country like Iran can one day be an enemy so never ever love another country cause they will not love you back.
One more example. during the Iran-Iraq war there were thousands of shia Afghans in the front lines. They fought and died along side Iranians. We speak the same language and have the same culture. But after the war we refused to let them in to universities, we refused to give them citizenship (even if they were born in Iran and never set foot in AFG) and made it mandatory for employers to give them half the wage of an Iranian so that they would go back!!! This is just the tip of the ice berg btw, an Afghan that has lived in Iran will tell you how bad we treated them. In Pakistan however the situation was the exact opp. You guys accepted smtg like 5 mil Afg and treated them as one! In Iran some Afghans were scared to walk in the streets alone at night!

im highly impressed with the amount of effort you are putting in to change our minds. but your being nationalistic doesnt matter to us. be wat you want. your being not bothered about us is a gud enough reason for us to lik iran...

you should rather swear at pakistan for few minutes. that will help you in achieving your purpose but only for few minutes. :lol:
So in a way you DO KNOW something about Afghanistan eh? :police: In other words you are contradicting your own statement that Most Iranians know nothing about Afghanistan :victory:

Thanks for giving us some credit.. but Afghans themselves whine and whine... even though we opened our hearts for them.. ;)

To be honest.. I would prefer an Iranian over an Afghan and Indian anyday.. Afghans and Indians get on my nerves... but Iranians have only been nice with me.. on globalpersia forum (which doesn't exist anymore).. they even banned Afghans just on my request.. :rofl::rofl:

lol I only learned about AFG b/c I joined AF
before that I thought they all looked like chinese people lol
Before you joined there was a thread where they all told stories of how they had been treated in Iran and the things they said were right out of WW2 movie about jews and nazis.
I agree that I don't about your relationship with Turkey but I do know about our relationship with Armenia. In the end we all only care about our own family and country.

btw have you guys ever seen Iranian hezbollah fighters like you see with arab, uzbek, pak etc... in Al quida?
This whole ummah thing means diddly squat to Iranians and Turks (most turks are secular not religious).
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