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Turkish view: The unstoppable fall of Ikhwanism!


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The unstoppable fall of Ikhwanism!

This view is supported by this Turkish Admiral who also says that Turkeys Ikhwanist foreign policy is dead!

Saudi Arabia, UAE and other Gulf states do not want Muslim Brotherhood because MB wants a republic while the Khaleejis want a fiefdom. They see the entire Muslim world as their fiefdom as well. They want everyone else in civil war or poor because it makes them powerful in comparison (and access to cheap South Asian labor).

Israel and the US don't want MB in Egypt because that means greater sympathy towards Palestinians and allowing them access to food and materials imports. They want Egypt to always remain a military dictatorship so that it is firmly a puppet of the Saudis, Emiratis and Americans to ensure Israel's protection. That's precisely why they backed the coup regime to the tune of billions of dollars.

Despite the fact that Saudis have been at odds with MB since the 80s and considered them enemies since the 90s, there were people in the West spreading conspiracy theories that KSA was backing them which is absurd!!

KSA does not just back every Islamic group, only groups that fight KSA's enemies. When Nasser was alive, he was their enemy and KSA backed MB. KSA used to back the Zaydi monarchy in Yemen while Nasser backed the republicans. Then when the Zaydi monarchy fell, KSA and UAE began backing the dictatorship and opposing the Zaydis! (KSA and UAE don't care about sides, their only agenda is to keep Yemen in civil-war so it doesn't become the regional superpower of the Peninsula by default). When Nasser and even Sadat died, Egypt became a puppet of the GCC itself.

I remember during the Arab Spring, many people including Zionist/Neocons in the West were spreading all sorts of conspiracy theories. Even saying that the Muslim Brotherhood secretly controls the US congress!! The only nation that has a disproportionate influence in US government, media and finance is the pro-Israel lobby.

Because of all these incidents, MB has actually acquired a bad reputation. "Muslim Brotherhood" is a convenient boogeyman across the West and Near East alike. It makes it seem like some sort of secretive organization like the Bilderberg Group or worse the Jesuits and Knights Templars. The latter two are not even relevant in politics but people still use them as a convenient boogeyman.
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their only agenda is to keep Yemen in civil-war so it doesn't become the regional superpower of the Peninsula by default

Why do you think Yemen could/can be the regional superpower? It has barely any energy resources.
Why do you think Yemen could/can be the regional superpower? It has barely any energy resources.

As I've noted above, Yemen's civil war didn't begin in the last decade, it began during the Cold War. As did Somalia's.

Both Yemen and Somalia are located in the Gulf of Aden, the most important shipping route in the world. Yemenis and Somalis were also seafaring people who traded all across the Indo-Pacific. Yet today they don't even have navies. Instead, Somalia's coasts are illegally fished by their neighbors and foreign companies use it to dump waste illegally.

Yemen's neighbors (KSA, UAE, GCC) and Somalia's neighbors (Ethiopia, Kenya) do NOT want it to be stable. That is why every time they achieve stability, they either invade or back one side against the other. And they will literally switch sides per convenience. The people who came into power in Somalia under the AU are the same people who were running the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) minus Al-Shabab, whom the AU toppled. In Yemen, KSA has literally switched between Saleh multiple times. And UAE and KSA even supported opposing forces. They also went from pro-Zaydi monarchy during Cold War to now anti-Zaydi.

Yemen and Somalia are victims of their location, much like Afghanistan is at the crossroads of Central/South/West Asia. The pair should be profiting from all this shipping trade between Asia and Europe, and Asia and West Africa, and Europe and East Africa. Instead they get nothing and are labeled as pirates in their own waters.

Yemen was a kingdom for thousands of years, even before Islam. While the Hejaz region was minor city-states or nothing at all. Human civilization forms around fresh water, not desert (rivers like Indus, Yellow, Tigres, Euphretes, Nile, etc). It's what causes a populace to engage in agriculture, which becomes a settlement, which develops into civilization.

Yemen alone, even with war, has over 30 million people. The rest of the GCC states combined have LESS than 30 million citizens (20 mill of which are Saudi). They are artificial civilizations.

This is simply history, biology and sociology. It was Yemeni missionaries who first spread Islam to Southeast Asia, and even the Somalis spread Islam to Maldives. They were seafaring merchants. Resources isn't just oil. That's a modern discovery. They had fresh water, grasslands and mountains for agriculture and cities, and they had a strategic port location. None of the East Arabian states have strategic location, they are in a maritime deadend zone and they are deserts. Hydrocarbons is their only claim to fame.

Think of Singapore's strategic location. That is what Yemen and Somalia is. Except its history goes deeper and wider. Singapore was always just a small city-state, whereas Yemen was a large kingdom and Somalia was several large city-states.

People don't understand KSA and UAE's foreign policy is very much intertwined with historical considerations. From the 830s to the early 1900s (WW1), the region of West Asia was almost exclusively ruled by Iranic and Turkic dynasties. And Yemen was a major civilization even before Islam, let alone before oil. That is why they posses immense fear and suspicion towards Iran, Turkey and Yemen alike.

Where you see a cultural war of civilizations, they see a genetic war of civilizations.
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I wonder how many times Erdogan wants to change his foreign policy, somehow it never succeeds :lol:
The author of the above articles was sentenced to prison because he participated in a pro-Kurd event, while the same event was visited by AKP members as well:

I guess in reality he was jailed because he wrote articles that showed the failures of Erdogans policy.
Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) is officialy recognized by UN as terrority of Azerbaijan and no country recognizes NK as Armenien land, that's why Turkey wants Armenia to hand over NK to Azarbaijan. That's very funny because Turkey itself occupies North Cyprus (NC) and Turkey is the only country in the world that recognizes North Cyprus as independent.
And what is even more funny is that even Azarbaijan does not recognize NC and officialy sees North Cyprus is an illegitimate occupied state, because recognizing Turkish occupation of NC would legitimize Armenien occupation of NK, and yet now Azarbaijan takes the help of the Turkish occupiers of NC to end the Armenian occupation of NK. :D:D:D
That's very funny because Turkey itself occupies North Cyprus (NC) and Turkey is the only country in the world that
I think you dont know much about status of Cyprus. In Cyprus there were two internetionally recognised community ( be carefull I dont say two state) and after England gave up Cyprus, there was a status going on till EOKA try to take whole island under their control with support of Greeks. England, Turkey and Greece were the guarentor states of situation at island. Turkey's operation was legal and first international reaction was not too high but when Turkey didnt stop the operation in lines of they order and take %27of island, western states reaction raised.
So easily everybody can understand the difference between Cyprus and NK conflict.
I think you dont know much about status of Cyprus. In Cyprus there were two internetionally recognised community ( be carefull I dont say two state) and after England gave up Cyprus, there was a status going on till EOKA try to take whole island under their control with support of Greeks. England, Turkey and Greece were the guarentor states of situation at island. Turkey's operation was legal and first international reaction was not too high but when Turkey didnt stop the operation in lines of they order and take %27of island, western states reaction raised.

It was not legal and it was not just Western states that reacted, the whole world, all other countries of the world reacted against Turkey.

So easily everybody can understand the difference between Cyprus and NK conflict.

There is no difference, it is exactly the same, the best proof for that:

Azarbaijan thinks it is exactly the same!

Azarbaijan sees North Cyprus is an illegitimate occupied state!

Azarbaijan thinks the Turkish occupiying forces should pack their bags and leave Cyprus!

Azarbaijan thinks the Greek government of South Cyprus is the sole legitimate government of entire Cyprus!

Azarbaijan thinks the situation in North Cyprus is exactly the same as in Nagorno Karabakh!!!
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It was not legal and it was not just Western states that reacted, the whole world, all other countries of the world reacted against Turkey.

There is no difference, it is exactly the same, the best proof for that:

Azarbaijan thinks it is exactly the same!

Azarbaijan sees North Cyprus is an illegitimate occupied state!

Azarbaijan thinks the Turkish occupiying forces should pack their bags and leave Cyprus!

Azarbaijan thinks the Greek government of South Cyprus is the sole legitimate government of entire Cyprus!

Azarbaijan thinks the situation in North Cyprus is exactly the same as in Nagorno Karabakh!!!

It is legal, if you dont know the details about what rights given to Turkey by boeing a guarantor state is your problem. It doesnt letter if you accept the operation legal or not.
Also Turkey didnt want from friendly states to recognise Cyprus Turkish state yet.
Azerbaijan never declared anything against the Turkish part of Cyprus. All you say about Azerbaijan is untrue.
It is legal, if you dont know the details about what rights given to Turkey by boeing a guarantor state is your problem. It doesnt letter if you accept the operation legal or not.
Also Turkey didnt want from friendly states to recognise Cyprus Turkish state yet.
Azerbaijan never declared anything against the Turkish part of Cyprus. All you say about Azerbaijan is untrue.

You obviously want to drag me into a long, useless discussion. It won't work.

All you need to know, just look at NC's foreign relations:



In Azarbaijan, Turkey supports the re-unification of Nagorno-Karabakh with Azarbaijan, which would end the Armenian occupation of NK.
But in Cyprus, Turkey opposes the re-unification of North and South and threatens politicians who want to achieve that, because that would end the Turkish occupation of Cyprus! :D:D:D
Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) is officialy recognized by UN as terrority of Azerbaijan and no country recognizes NK as Armenien land, that's why Turkey wants Armenia to hand over NK to Azarbaijan. That's very funny because Turkey itself occupies North Cyprus (NC) and Turkey is the only country in the world that recognizes North Cyprus as independent.
And what is even more funny is that even Azarbaijan does not recognize NC and officialy sees North Cyprus is an illegitimate occupied state, because recognizing Turkish occupation of NC would legitimize Armenien occupation of NK, and yet now Azarbaijan takes the help of the Turkish occupiers of NC to end the Armenian occupation of NK. :D:D:D
ahahahahah......... True this is something some people choose to avoid or ignore for their own bias/purpose.
However, i think it's normal, you don't expect Turkey or any other country for that matter to speak out against themselves do you? Every power is hypocritical to some degree to be honest, they can do the very same thing they will be criticising others for doing. This is the rule of the world we live in. As i said several times before on this site: THERE IS NO MORALITY /FAIRNESS IN GEO POLITICS. Only someone who is very naïve/ignorant/bias will want to believe otherwise. lol Its all about self interests and furthering your influence to gain the upper hand and secure your country's interests. So this aspect is not unique to Turkey alone.
So it's normal that Turkey seized and occupied North Cyprus while criticising Armenia for doing the same. That's geo politics for you. It all depends on your capabilities to keep an occupied territory,. Look at Russia's seizure and annexation of Crimea from Ukraine recently for example, Others had no choice other than to swallow that bitter pill and oppose it diplomatically, nothing else they could do. So that's life, power/capabilities is all that matters, it has nothing to do with morality or fairness. lol
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