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Turkish, US and Iraqi top generals met in Ankara

Pax Ottomana

Dec 26, 2009
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Syrian Arab Republic
Turkish, American and Iraqi top generals discuss regional security at three-way meet


The highest ranking military generals from Turkey, the U.S. and Iraq met in a rare trilateral meeting on Dec. 14 in Ankara to discuss regional security matters and the ongoing fight against jihadist and separatist terror organizations, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has announced.

U.S. Central Command Commander Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of U.S. Forces in Europe Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti and Iraqi Chief of General Staff Gen. Osman Ghanimi were present at the meeting hosted by Turkey’s Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, the TSK said in a written statement.

Four-star generals from the three countries discussed the region’s general security situation, especially in Syria and Iraq, as well as measures needed to fight terror organizations, said the statement, without providing further details.

The meeting followed Iraq’s announcement of victory against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and reports of progress regarding the complete elimination of the jihadist group in Syria.

The talks are believed to have focused on efforts to prevent the resurgence of the ISIL and other extremist groups in both Syria and Iraq.

The meeting was also expected to cover the cooperation between the U.S. and the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a group Ankara sees as the Syrian extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Turkey has urged the U.S. to take back any heavy weapons given to the YPG in its fight against the ISIL now that the war on terror is coming to an end.

I hope Hulusi Akar grilled the yank good for their continued support of the terrorists.

I hope Hulusi Akar grilled the yank good for their continued support of the terrorists.

Akar cant make anything. They will start to think when we mistakenly hit some PKK camp with confirmed PKK terrorist presence in Syria or Iraq and kill or wound some US armed forces or intelligence personnel. Then we will get them to Turkey for treatment. That will be a good lesson for sure.
Domuzdan post, bu yankilerden de dost olmuyor iste biladerim, n'aapalim. :)

I'm gonna forget most of it but here goes nothing. We backed the US in the Korean War, spilled blood for them even though we had no business stepping foot on that peninsula. We stood side by side for decades during the Cold War, helping them contain Russia. We saved their azz in the Cuban Missile Crisis. We supported them in countless NATO missions from Bosnia to Afghanistan. We helped them protect Israel against the Arabs and Iran for many years, throwing our own national interests under the bus in the process. We allowed them to use our land for airbases and missions of all kinds. We supported them in the Gulf War. We gave up our own industry so that we can give billions and billions dollars worth of business to US defense companies. We supported their CIA/NSA activities, gladio, etc. We gathered intel for them, provided OPSEC and logistics, enforced violence, overthrew democratically elected governments, even tortured and killed our own people when it came to it. All for US interests...

But none of that mattered. Fast-forward to today, they'd like to work with shalvar-wearing YPG/PKK terrorists, give them thousands of truck loads of weapons, steal Syrian land and create a terror corridor along our borders, create lebensraum for the Jews, recognize an illegally occupied Muslim city as Israel's capital, aid and harbor FETO terrorists in Pennsylvania, sanction us and not issue visas to our citizens.

They should consider themselves lucky Hulusi Akar didn't spit in their faces.
This clown thinks he's fooling anyone?

McMaster says believes in strong cooperation with Turkey after backlash from Ankara


U.S. President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster said he believed in strong cooperation with Turkey, days after accusing the country of sponsoring "radical ideologies."

"Like President Donald Trump, I am also among those who believe in strong alliance between Turkey and the U.S.," McMaster told official Anadolu Agency (AA) in a written interview.

Addressing his earlier comments about Turkey, McMaster said that he was trying to emphasize that Turkey and the U.S. "can do more together to cut off the financing of people who encourage hatred and violence on the basis of an ideology that has no religion."

Domuzdan post, bu yankilerden de dost olmuyor iste biladerim, n'aapalim. :)

I'm gonna forget most of it but here goes nothing. We backed the US in the Korean War, spilled blood for them even though we had no business stepping foot on that peninsula. We stood side by side for decades during the Cold War, helping them contain Russia. We saved their azz in the Cuban Missile Crisis. We supported them in countless NATO missions from Bosnia to Afghanistan. We helped them protect Israel against the Arabs and Iran for many years, throwing our own national interests under the bus in the process. We allowed them to use our land for airbases and missions of all kinds. We supported them in the Gulf War. We gave up our own industry so that we can give billions and billions dollars worth of business to US defense companies. We supported their CIA/NSA activities, gladio, etc. We gathered intel for them, provided OPSEC and logistics, enforced violence, overthrew democratically elected governments, even tortured and killed our own people when it came to it. All for US interests...

But none of that mattered. Fast-forward to today, they'd like to work with shalvar-wearing YPG/PKK terrorists, give them thousands of truck loads of weapons, steal Syrian land and create a terror corridor along our borders, create lebensraum for the Jews, recognize an illegally occupied Muslim city as Israel's capital, aid and harbor FETO terrorists in Pennsylvania, sanction us and not issue visas to our citizens.

They should consider themselves lucky Hulusi Akar didn't spit in their faces.
If there is some positive its the fact that where Turkish soldier stepped before there are Turkish flags raising there and we have gained the respect of the local people and I think in the most cases we gained true allies. South Korea, Bosna, Kosovo, Afghanistan and even Somalia. We are eating the fruits of the cooperation with South Korea right now. Tomorrow we will be eating the fruits of cooperating with the other countries that saw the bravery of the Turkish soldier as well.
Addressing his earlier comments about Turkey, McMaster said that he was trying to emphasize that Turkey and the U.S. "can do more together to cut off the financing of people who encourage hatred and violence on the basis of an ideology that has no religion."
And i believe US can do more in cutting weapon delivery to Turkeys enemies.
People like McMaster are such shameless hypocrites that the dictionary definition for both words should have pictures of them.
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