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Turkish Tea House

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you have karnıyarık too ? !:what: how do you cook it . it's seems your karnıyarık is little different from ours

Skin the eggplant in a zebra pattern. Deep fry it until half cooked. Cut the belly open (karnı yarık).

Cook the ground beef with a finely diced onion and 1 garlic. add salt, black pepper, chili flakes (pul biber). Optional are thym (kekik) and mint. When it's cooked turn down the heat and a good amount of chopped parsley through it.

Now for the sauce you got two options. İt's just what you prefer in this case.

First you can cook some butter with tomato paste (salça). Cook well to get rid of the acidic taste of the paste.
Afterwards add two teaspoons of flower in the paste. Cook also well to get rid of the flowery taste.
Add boiled water while stirring

Now add a slice of onion tomato and green pepper on each individual eggplant. And pour the sauce in the eggplants.

Second option is to simply lightly cook very rough chopped tomatos, onions and peppers. When the tomatos released their water. İt's pretty much finished. Spread it over your eggplants.

Now cover the ovendish with alu foil. Take the alu foil off in the last ten minutes of the cooking. Then it's pretty much finshed.

@Aeronaut here you go. No measurements though. Use your intuition.

İ have to warn thougj. İt's one of the dishes in Turkish cuisine that requires immense manhour.
You're basically cooking 4 times for one dish.


:yay: one nation two states than :yay:

Sen herhalde İran'da yaşayan Türkmenlerdensin? Farsça biliyorsun çünkü.
Yoksa Türkmenistan'da Farsça bilem çok mu?
What ever happened to the Greek guy amalkas or amlaksa or whatever?
Sen herhalde İran'da yaşayan Türkmenlerdensin? Farsça biliyorsun çünkü.
Yoksa Türkmenistan'da Farsça bilem çok mu?
evet men iranli turkmenim turkmenistanda ruscha va turkmencheden bashka dil bilmiyorlar :D

i thought there is no turkmen expect in iran and turkmenistan :yahoo:tell me more about turkmen in turkey :chilli:
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evet men iranli turkmenim turkmenistanda ruscha va turkmencheden bashka dil bilmiyorlar :D

i thought there is no turkmen expect in iran and turkmenistan :yahoo:tell me more about turkmen in turkey :chilli:
There are people from all over Turkic world in Turkey, for exsample we have @telkon here from Kyrgyzstan who lives in Turkey since about 20 years.
ghara ghan

Well, ethnic Anatolian Turks were Turkmens, though its usage gradually changed, Ottomans started using "Turkmen" usually for the nomads from eastern parts of Anatolia and Syria etc., while they started using "Yörük" usually for nomads from western Anatolia, you can probably guess what Yörük means.

Today there are many villages that carries names of old Oghuz tribes, for example only in my home region there are 3 different Yazır villages. My home region Antalya and surrouinding regions known with their dominant Yörük identity btw, I'm my self of a tribe called Sarıkechili.

Also don't know if you guys have something similar, but we have camel wrestling here(Bactrian camels), and of course normal wrestling too :)

Camel wrestling called: Deve gureshi
Normal wrestling: Karakucak guresh
Oil wrestling: Yaghli guresh
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You mentioned it a long time ago.

Biri artik bir Milli mücadele baslatsin ! Hayir OHA YUH !
Btw what you call these wooly bactrian camels at there ? they're called Tülü Deve here.

Edit: But I guess Tülü is more likely referring to hybrid camels trained for wrestling, ordinary bactrians are called Buhur according to quick research, don't know, people at my hometown where calling them all Tülü :D

Edit2: Tribe I'm talking about is "Sarı-Kechili"(of the Yellow Goat) :D
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yes i can . the word root's come from yorimek (yürümek) . we have Sarık here too :cheers:

ghara, what tribe are you from?

evet men iranli turkmenim turkmenistanda ruscha va turkmencheden bashka dil bilmiyorlar :D

i thought there is no turkmen expect in iran and turkmenistan :yahoo:tell me more about turkmen in turkey :chilli:

btw, there are turkmens in afganistan too. in small numbers they also exist in caucasus, if i'm not mistaken.
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