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@ghara ghan beautiful avatar, bro :):tup:
ty bro :p: :tup: your words make me happy :agree:
Yes, my mother's side has been living in Kastamonu province 5 generations ago. We still have relatives in Taşköprü town.

You can quit speculating now @xenon54 and @olcayto
@rmi5 i couldnt reply to your post since it just got deleted in that thread about Turkey and Iran, but my Q was why people desecrated the grave of that foreign guy if he was apparently pan-Persian (or w/e)?
@rmi5 i couldnt reply to your post since it just got deleted in that thread about Turkey and Iran, but my Q was why people desecrated the grave of that foreign guy if he was apparently pan-Persian (or w/e)?
Actually, before election protests in Iran, mullahs wanted to give him a free big house in Isfahan since he was and is the most important source of Pan-Farsist BS. They also gave him the permission to be burried besides Arthur Pop grave, and monument who was another Pan-Farsist BS source.
But, during the protests, he favored protesters and mullahs take back the house, and got mad at him. He died recently and look what they have done to the monument:

They have said that they will dig his grave and throw him in front of dogs to be eaten.

حمله متوحشین فارس به قبر آرتور پوب در اصفهان-GunazTV / اخبار
Actually, before election protests in Iran, mullahs wanted to give him a free big house in Isfahan since he was and is the most important source of Pan-Farsist BS. They also gave him the permission to be burried besides Arthur Pop grave, and monument who was another Pan-Farsist BS source.
But, during the protests, he favored protesters and mullahs take back the house, and got mad at him. He died recently and look what they have done to the monument:

They have said that they will dig his grave and throw him in front of dogs to be eaten.

حمله متوحشین فارس به قبر آرتور پوب در اصفهان-GunazTV / اخبار
I see, thanks. Seems the mullahs don't give a rats *** about you if you don't side with them.
How do Azeri and Turkmen people in general view the mullahs? The current supreme leader has half Azeri roots (or so it's claimed), so how does it work? @ghara ghan @rmi5
I see, thanks. Seems the mullahs don't give a rats *** about you if you don't side with them.
How do Azeri and Turkmen people in general view the mullahs? The current supreme leader has half Azeri roots (or so it's claimed), so how does it work? @ghara ghan @rmi5
well it will be better @rmi5 answer this question :D

I see, thanks. Seems the mullahs don't give a rats *** about you if you don't side with them.
How do Azeri and Turkmen people in general view the mullahs? The current supreme leader has half Azeri roots (or so it's claimed), so how does it work? @ghara ghan @rmi5
well it will be better @rmi5 answer this question :D

I may open a thread where you guys can post problems so I can deal with them. For example if you see troll posts you can quote them and reply to this special thread. The trolls can also defend them selves without derailing threads. The thread would be called TDFPD (Turkish Defence Forum Police Department).
I see, thanks. Seems the mullahs don't give a rats *** about you if you don't side with them.
How do Azeri and Turkmen people in general view the mullahs? The current supreme leader has half Azeri roots (or so it's claimed), so how does it work? @ghara ghan @rmi5
The situation may be different between Azerbaijanis and Turkmens. Most of Azeris, specially younger generation who are not religious, see them as a Farsi regime. But, there are some part of Azerbaijanis, mostly older generations, who see them through a religious glass as well, and some of them are pro-mullah. Although, some religious Azerbaijanis hate mullahs because of what they, Khomeini, did to Ayatullah Shari'atmadaari. Ayatullah Shari'atmadaari was an Azerbaijani Marja' who most of Azerbaijanis were his followers, and Khomeini was jealous about him. The other problem between them, was that Ayatullah Shari'atmadaari were a conservative Shia, like most of religious Azerbaijanis, who are against creating any religious government which is not created by Shia Imams. But, Khomeini and his followers, who were mostly from Qom, Najajabad and Isfahan, are some new crazy species who know nothing from Shii'sm and they believe that they need to create a religious based government.

well it will be better @rmi5 answer this question :D
well it will be better @rmi5 answer this question :D
Dude, I think it would be better if you say turkmen's opinions by yourself as a Turkmen ;)
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