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Turkish Special Operations Forces

Looks like police forces not enough for operations. Sending SAS for this kind of operations make no sense. We need more special forces for success. Not SAS or SAT..
they are very precious for this kind of operations. years taking for a sat/sas and we dont have much of them.

Actually, trining of a SAT takes not more than 9 months but only the %5 or %4 percent of the candidates have capable to finish the course successfully. It's much more different than the training system of the Army SF...

Anyway they are trained to protect our motherland and nation against all kind of enemies right? It's the main aim the concept of army, isn't it? Even in the conter-terror and non conventional warfare like war on terror which is SF units much more efficient and suitable because of their concept.

Yes there is a risk but it's their mission and they can't learn the field experience and real-time combat situaion with any of sophisticated trainings. Even the countries that have much more less soldier than us like Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, Albania and Slovakia are sending their SF to Afghanistan because of learning field circumstances...

Thanks Deno! What are the types of units that use different beret colors. Because I think POH and Gendermarie use green? Wanted to know what the recruits use.

- Army and Gendarmerie Commando Brigades, Gendarmerie SF (JÖH) and Air Forces Ground Security Personal - Blue
- Army SF (ÖKK) - Maroon
- Air Forces CSAR unit - Tan
- Air Forces special VIP guards - Navy Blue
- Gendarmerie troops with urban service uniform - Light Green
- UN Troops - Light Blue
- ISAF/KFOR/SFOR troops - Dark Green
- Tankers - Black
- Police SF (PÖH) with the camouflage uniform - Dark Green
- Police SF (PÖH) with the urban uniform and Anti-Riot Police (Çevik Kuvvet) - Dark Blue
- Presidential guards (CAT) - Black
- Intelligence Agent Security Officers (MİT) - Red
they are special forces for special needs. You can be a SAT and SAS for 9 months training but this is not at all. This guys traaining for years. i fyou notice im not talking about other SF units. im talking sualtı taarruz timi and sualtı savunma timi. you know what i mean. Sualtı! Underwater not urban fight.
they are special forces for special needs. You can be a SAT and SAS for 9 months training but this is not at all. This guys traaining for years. i fyou notice im not talking about other SF units. im talking sualtı taarruz timi and sualtı savunma timi. you know what i mean. Sualtı! Underwater not urban fight.

Well, belive or not belwve dudue but it's just 9 months. Pretty same as the USN SEAL BUD/S and Qualification training which is taken exacly same by our Navy guys for SAT trainings...


Also yes they are naval SF member. BUT this not means they are just training to fight in maritime operations. They can be same capable to do land operations same as their land components. Just look at the US example. The SEALs of the USN SF got active role in most of the active combat zones like Iraq or Afghanistan same as the Green berets. Because they are SF and it's not important that which command they under...

Just look at the Operation Neptune Spear. The DEVGRU of the USN (also known as the Seal Team 6, elite and top 1 team under JSOC command between the seal teams) got this job and killed Bin Laden.

SF Maroon education is ( was) 3 years

Army SF trainings are differnet than the Navy. They are not fully train in ths 3 year period. They got different courses starting in different times so they can be going for operation or appointed to some other places during this periods of time. But in the Navy, they got all of the spesific training in a basic 9 month period
They got different courses starting in different times so they can be going for operation or appointed to some o

I know they are also in MIT service and do intensive language trainings.:tup: Also diving courses were made with Israeli SF in Eilat
Gendarmerie SF (JÖH) equipped with aselsan Mini TSD new generation thermal scope and it's eye vision google. Same as the Korsan that used with aselsan Piton. But this one is using NVG mount so it can be using on the helmets like the Night Vision Googles...

some inside o


2003 "Bag incident" they were self responsible.One Colonel and some had to go for ever
from Team and self publishing stopped for a long time up to NOW.

Self Responsibility counts. No foreign women, no gifts to foreign women NO WEAKNESS at all.
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