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Turkish rally for dead Chechen leader Doku Umarov

I always envied turkey of being such a great country with average problems and smart muslims. Running completely opposite to Pakistan India and after 10 years I see them standing right next to us. The shit has hit the fan. These viruses do not take long in spreading because the literate masses have a bad record of not giving a damn.
Turkey is not standing right next to you only because of twitter ban, Turkey is far away from beeing a theocratic state.
Erdogan shoot his own feet by banning twitter, there are regional elections in 5 days im sure they will loose voters.

I dont know what kind of Think Tank you are but definately not about politics, espacially about Turkey.
Turkey is not standing right next to you only because of twitter ban, Turkey is far away from beeing a theocratic state.
Erdogan shoot his own feet by banning twitter, there are regional elections in 5 days im sure they will loose voters.

I dont know what kind of Think Tank you are but definately not about politics, espacially about Turkey.

I will put a pin on this and show you in a few years what I know about politics, especially about turkey. This think tank thing has nothing to do with the train wreck that is about to happen if your policies continue the direction they are going. Lets hope in 5 days we can see a major shift.
I will put a pin on this and show you in a few years what I know about politics, especially about turkey. This think tank thing has nothing to do with the train wreck that is about to happen if your policies continue the direction they are going. Lets hope in 5 days we can see a major shift.
Lets wait and see.
Turkey is not standing right next to you only because of twitter ban, Turkey is far away from beeing a theocratic state.
Erdogan shoot his own feet by banning twitter, there are regional elections in 5 days im sure they will loose voters.

I dont know what kind of Think Tank you are but definately not about politics, espacially about Turkey.
Turkey PM Erdogan's party takes early election lead

The party of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken a strong early lead in local elections.
The polls are being seen as a key test for Mr Erdogan ahead of presidential elections in August and parliamentary elections next year.

It is the first vote since mass protests last June, and subsequent government corruption scandals.
Mr Erdogan is not standing but has campaigned tirelessly in support of his Justice and Development Party (AKP).
With about a half of the votes counted, it was leading the main opposition party 45% to 27%.

The AKP had been aiming to equal or better its 38.8% share of the vote in 2009.

The BBC's Selin Girit in Istanbul says officials at the AKP's offices and supporters outside are already celebrating the result.
Voting in the local assembly and mayoral elections passed off peacefully in most areas, but eight people were reportedly killed in two separate incidents involving supporters of rival candidates.

Feuding families were said to have clashed in the southern city of Hatay and the eastern province of Sanliurfa.
The prime minister has been eyeing a run for the presidency in August - the first time voters will directly elect the head of state - or may seek to change the rules to allow him to seek a fourth term in office.

Online 'misinformation'

In the run-up to Sunday's poll, the government blocked Twitter and YouTube, following a series of online leaks.
Mr Erdogan said social media was spreading misinformation.

On Saturday pro- and anti-government factions held rival demonstrations in Istanbul, which saw the Gezi Park protests of May and June last year.

The secular opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) is fighting to win the Istanbul mayor's office from Mr Erdogan's ally Kadir Topbas. However, early results put the AKP ahead in the sprawling metropolis.

Mr Erdogan is a former mayor of the city and the vote has become an unofficial referendum on his administration. The prime minister himself has described the vote as a struggle for Turkey's independence, our correspondent says.
The race looked tighter in the capital Ankara, with Erdogan's party narrowly leading the CHP.

The loss of either city would be a major embarrassment for the prime minister.

"What the people say goes,'' Mr Erdogan said after casting his ballot in Istanbul on Sunday. "The people's decision is respected.''

More than 50 million people are eligible to vote, and turnout appeared to be high.

BBC News - Turkey PM Erdogan's party takes early election lead
@forcetrip i may have been wrong with AKP loosing voters but you said in 10 years Turkey will stand next to you.

I still say Turkey is far away from beeing a theocratic state, the only reason why people are voting for AKP is the economic growth but their success can end dramatically if a economic crisis appears, nobody would care about them beeing islamic or not.

People need to be affected directly to give up their support, just look at Hatay, they are affected from the war in Syria and CHP is winning there now at the moment.
LOL Iran is also a failed state. :smart:

Failed state index 2013

List of countries by Failed States Index

Somalia, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Yemen, Afghanistan, Haiti, Central African Republic, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Pakistan
@forcetrip i may have been wrong with AKP loosing voters but you said in 10 years Turkey will stand next to you.

I still say Turkey is far away from beeing a theocratic state, the only reason why people are voting for AKP is the economic growth but their success can end dramatically if a economic crisis appears, nobody would care about them beeing islamic or not.

People need to be affected directly to give up their support, just look at Hatay, they are affected from the war in Syria and CHP is winning there now at the moment.

I completely agree that it is far from over and an economic upset could melt away the ride that Erdogan is enjoying at the moment. I am very close to my friends in turkey from the states who have resettled back in Istanbul. I can see how confused they are over having economic success under Erdogan and living with his radical policies at a drop of a hat which have absolutely no place in a free world. This is mostly the fight the Human will has with his own self. Think about today or think about tomorrow. Seldom do those two come to agreement. This victory has emboldened him much like what happened after the afghan war in Pakistan. We did not end up in this mess in 10 years. The right and wrong policies used to take centuries to take a hold but now they take decades and soon they will take years. Those are just indisputable numbers considering we talk about what happens in this world on this forum everyday. We can actually see the rise of China within our lifetimes and so did we see the fall of Syria. Whats happening in Hatay is the immediate blowback of one of his policies. Will Erdogan be successful in containing it to that city? All indicators point towards it expanding, but I have been wrong countless times. But Erdogan in office is extremely beneficial for Pakistan, so my Human instinct is saying Erdogan is good for Pakistan's today, but I know it will be a disaster for Turkey's tomorrow.
I completely agree that it is far from over and an economic upset could melt away the ride that Erdogan is enjoying at the moment. I am very close to my friends in turkey from the states who have resettled back in Istanbul. I can see how confused they are over having economic success under Erdogan and living with his radical policies at a drop of a hat which have absolutely no place in a free world. This is mostly the fight the Human will has with his own self. Think about today or think about tomorrow. Seldom do those two come to agreement. This victory has emboldened him much like what happened after the afghan war in Pakistan. We did not end up in this mess in 10 years. The right and wrong policies used to take centuries to take a hold but now they take decades and soon they will take years. Those are just indisputable numbers considering we talk about what happens in this world on this forum everyday. We can actually see the rise of China within our lifetimes and so did we see the fall of Syria. Whats happening in Hatay is the immediate blowback of one of his policies. Will Erdogan be successful in containing it to that city? All indicators point towards it expanding, but I have been wrong countless times. But Erdogan in office is extremely beneficial for Pakistan, so my Human instinct is saying Erdogan is good for Pakistan's today, but I know it will be a disaster for Turkey's tomorrow.

I certainly do hope you are wrong and most Turkish members here are right. I'd hate for Turkey to fail to contain the religious genie some politicians there are trying to use to fulfil their wishes... we have seen in the past that genie is easy to bring out of the bottle, but very difficult to put back in...
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