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Turkish president urges Gaddafi to step down

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkish president urges Gaddafi to step down

Turkish President Abdullah Gul on Wednesday urged Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to step down to prevent more bloodshed in the country, local media reported.

"It is important for Turkey that the situation in Libya ends without further bloodshed. Those who run Libya must step down immediately to ward off plunder of their country by others," Gul was quoted by the semi-official Anatolia news agency as telling reporters before his departure for Ghana.

"Remember Saddam Hussein's behavior and what has been unfolded in Iraq ... That might somehow occur again in Libya," he said.

Western powers, including France, Britain, the United States and Italy, have launched a string of air raids against Libya since Saturday. Libyan authorities said the strikes had killed at least 64 Libyans and wounded 150 others.

NATO member Turkey has voiced support for a UN Security Council resolution on endorsing a no-fly zone and authorizing "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya. However, Turkey has urged West-led military operations in Libya to end as soon as possible.

Turkish president urges Gaddafi to step down

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