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You are about 16 years late

If 50 % of what you said is true turkey would have ceased existence long ago

Look it is your opinion that you hate the guy there is no problem with that BUT

My problem is that your entire post only aims to force your opinion on us and make us hate the guy just like you ( which will not bring Turkey forward )

Instead offer solutions or alternatives or at least something realistic ( a balanced approach admitting the things he did right and what he did wrong and ways to fix them )

Your attitude however is that he is a complete loser with zero good merits which is BS since he has been elected more than any other and your solution is what ??

Remove him ?? Then what ?? Give me a viable better alternative

- CHP are in bed with PKK, HDP Fetto from teaming up with HDP in elections or to the constant criticism of the government foreign policy same as the criticisim given by America and YPG

The Good party are useless, ineffective and are willing to do anything to get power including having an alliance with CHP and de facto HDP and all you need is to look at all the resignations from the party to see it for yourself

Elections are years away till then say something constructive rather than live entirely in the negative ( which you should know you exaggerate alot )

Finally the guy who you say is holding turkey back launched 3 military operations abroad and 6 inside the country ( counting only major ones ) right after the coup attempt all while balancing acts diplomatically with the two most powerful nations on earth ( russia and America)

But nope you are way smarter you just want the TSK to enter guns blazing into a country that has ( american, russian, Iranian troops and ypg/pkk and Syrian rebels and Assad regime)

Yeah that's the way to do it LOL

Turkey is losing influence every minute this incompetent fool is in power.

It's a misconception that Erdoğan has made Turkey powerful. If anything he is the one thing holding us back. Before he was prime minister Turkey was taken very seriously. We were like a larger version of Isreal and by far the most powerful country in the region. Our army was feared by all our neighbors and it often fixed any problems simply by threatening invasion...

Now under Tayyip TSK has lost its old image. It went from being a feared institution to Tayyip's little tool. He sends in soldiers and just let's them die and then he just barks. Pfft. What are we Saudi Arabia or Egypt? What a freaking joke.

This piece of sh!t has been polarizing the country and arming extremists from within in order to start a civil war. He was put in power by America and he will always support them. He doesn't give a crap about defeating YPG, he just wants votes and support. If he actually cared about the nation he never would've made MULTIPLE ceasefires with PKK!

Now some of you will talk about the defence industry.. well after Menderes killed it, it restarted in the 70s. By the 90s we were making Kobras and other equipment that we still use to this day. The J-600 Yildirim was used by the army ever since 98 yet was only revealed to the public in 2005. Back then instead of barking and making propaganda our defence industry was allowed to work secretly in order to guarantee national security. These days we find about projects years before they even come to fruition.. and Erdoğan uses them as propaganda for himself. It doesn't help the 98% of TV channels are in his hands.

All the corruption, foreign policy failures and countless other problems indicate that this man should not rule the country anymore. He needs to go!
You are about 16 years late

If 50 % of what you said is true turkey would have ceased existence long ago

Look it is your opinion that you hate the guy there is no problem with that BUT

My problem is that your entire post only aims to force your opinion on us and make us hate the guy just like you ( which will not bring Turkey forward )

Instead offer solutions or alternatives or at least something realistic ( a balanced approach admitting the things he did right and what he did wrong and ways to fix them )

Your attitude however is that he is a complete loser with zero good merits which is BS since he has been elected more than any other and your solution is what ??

Remove him ?? Then what ?? Give me a viable better alternative

- CHP are in bed with PKK, HDP Fetto from teaming up with HDP in elections or to the constant criticism of the government foreign policy same as the criticisim given by America and YPG

The Good party are useless, ineffective and are willing to do anything to get power including having an alliance with CHP and de facto HDP and all you need is to look at all the resignations from the party to see it for yourself

Elections are years away till then say something constructive rather than live entirely in the negative ( which you should know you exaggerate alot )

Finally the guy who you say is holding turkey back launched 3 military operations abroad and 6 inside the country ( counting only major ones ) right after the coup attempt all while balancing acts diplomatically with the two most powerful nations on earth ( russia and America)

But nope you are way smarter you just want the TSK to enter guns blazing into a country that has ( american, russian, Iranian troops and ypg/pkk and Syrian rebels and Assad)

Yeah that's the way to do it LOL

Oh here we go the grand AKtroll is back

"Oh I don't support AKP... but Erdoğan good.. everyone else bad"

Look buddy Erdoğan was in bed with FETÖ for years

He was put into power by the USA

He wants to create Kurdistan and Lazistan

He made peace with PKK multiple times, leading to thousands of unnecessary casualties - he literally forced police and soldiers not to touch PKK terrorists even if they're armed...

He stole billions from the state

He has failed at foreign policy at a grand scale.

The guy just needs to go. We need someone who is a Turk and is competent. This Georgian "Muslim" needs to go.
Erdoğan sent them in using zero strategy. They are pretty much just waiting for commands. The soldiers are restless and pretty much sitting ducks due to Erdoğan's stupid policies. The worst part is that after 15 troops were killed the response has been minimal. Erdogan just barks.

He needs to step down.
Military don't need strategy from a civilian they just need order to make strategy and do the action.

I seriously concern Turkey should not send its forces inside Syria.
killed or martyred?

btw If you mourn losing 15 then you have already lost it.. 15 is nothing when you take the leap of faith..thats what a soldiers life is for..

If Syria killed even a few soldiers back in the 90s then Turkey would have invaded all of Syria. But now we're just slaves to America and Russia. We don't make a single move without their approval. That's what Tayyip has done to us.

Military don't need strategy from a civilian they just need order to make strategy and do the action.

I seriously concern Turkey should not send its forces inside Syria.

Exactly. Civilian government should have no say in military affairs.

The Turkish military used to act on its own. Now someone in Moscow or Washington farts and Erdoğan immediately tells the military to halt the operation.
If Syria killed even a few soldiers back in the 90s then Turkey would have invaded all of Syria. But now we're just slaves to America and Russia. We don't make a single move without their approval. That's what Tayyip has done to us.
But back then was 80s 90s??when there was nobody to back Syria,USSR was declining to its evential collapse and through out 90s Russia was ruled by a clown.and US was openly displaying its real politik around in Eastern Europe Middle East,Latin America and Far east.

So you need to carefully study the circumstances back then and now..
But back then was 80s 90s??when there was nobody behind Syrias back,USSR was declining to its evential collapse and through out 90s Russia was ruled by a clown.and US was openly displaying its real politik around in Eastern Europe Middle East,Latin America and Far east.

So you need to carefully study the circumstances back then and now..

And what relevance does that have? We invaded Cyprus in 74 despite concerns from both the USSR and the USA. Syria is next door. Russia seriously can't do much.
It's up to our Turkish breathern to see fit who leads them or not. As far as we're concenred then I think it's clear in this century that our two nations are supportive of each other beyond political, ethnic and national bounds. With respect and love from Pakistan.
Oh here we go the grand AKtroll is back

"Oh I don't support AKP... but Erdoğan good.. everyone else bad"

Look buddy Erdoğan was in bed with FETÖ for years

He was put into power by the USA

He wants to create Kurdistan and Lazistan

He made peace with PKK multiple times, leading to thousands of unnecessary casualties - he literally forced police and soldiers not to touch PKK terrorists even if they're armed...

He stole billions from the state

He has failed at foreign policy at a grand scale.

The guy just needs to go. We need someone who is a Turk and is competent. This Georgian "Muslim" needs to go.

No need for name calling

Everyone got his own opinion that is life

Again your entire approach is erdogan is bad

You say he want to creat Kurdistan ??

1) in power for 16 years why Kurdistan is still not created

2) Why Turkey immediately sieged Iraqi Kurdistan after their referendum and closed airspace, borders and even started military mobilization and deployment on the border

3) why the military operations ??
Why would he send troops to fight in syria and iraq if he want to create a Kurdistan

Again I ask you to take a realistic sensible approach

Finally yes AKP is good and erdogan is good they do mistakes yes because no one is perfect and they do work to fix them

So What the hell is wrong with that logic do you hate them and erdogan soooo much that you accept the bad guys who will truly allow a Kurdistan just to remove the AKP
No need for name calling

Everyone got his own opinion that is life

Again your entire approach is erdogan is bad

You say he want to creat Kurdistan ??

1) in power for 16 years why Kurdistan is still not created

2) Why Turkey immediately sieged Iraqi Kurdistan after their referendum and closed airspace, borders and even started military mobilization and deployment on the border

3) why the military operations ??
Why would he send troops to die in syria and iraq if he want to create a Kurdistan

Again I ask you to take a realistic sensible approach

Finally "" support Akp because everyone else is bad ""

What the hell is wrong with that logic do you hate them and erdogan soooo much that you accept the bad guys who will truly allow a Kurdistan just to remove the AKP

Under his rule KRG was formed and PKK grew in Syria for years. He didn't act until it was necessary in order to regain support from nationalists.

YPG still exists and still receives weapons from the USA FYI. They juat got pushed back a little. But no, instead of annihilation we just let them go because someone in America told us to stop.

Please tell me why I should vote for a guy who saya that his 2023 goal is to establish a Kurdistan in Turkey? This man doesn't give a rat's a$s about our soldier's lives. To him they're just a tool to get votes with.

If he cared about national security the situation in Syria would have been completely different today. But no, he opened the border for years because America told him to do so.
And what relevance does that have? We invaded Cyprus in 74 despite concerns from both the USSR and the USA. Syria is next door. Russia seriously can't do much.
It is totally relevant..Syria is more confident today than it was in past, thanks to the rise of Putin.
Putin sacrificed Gaddafi and was heavily criticised for it..This one he might not let go easily..
There's absolutely no comparison between syria and Cyprus.Cyprus was just like Kashmir which British was leaving behind and then taksim happened between Greek and Turks.
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Dude he is right about that. Tayyip wants a Kurdistan not pkkistan.
Dude to his political view a Kurdistan with Islamic fate is acceptable. He has been supporting it and for that purpose he started peace policy with Pkk. If they would agree on the plan which offered by tayyip, they were going to leave their guns. But they didn't wanna do that coz they consider themselves as the rightful ruler of Kurdistan.
Even in Diyarbakir that Kurdish singer what's his name I don't remember now, asked him that when will they have a free Kurdistan. He answered "soon very soon but have to wait a little more".
His plan is simple. He wants Turkey is divided in 7 states and ruled by one president but each state can have their own president and parliamentarians.
Right now pkk has a state within Syria and Pkk affiliated Kurdistan in Iraq.
These cantons will be merged in future and will try to get northern Kurdistan which is our southern and southeastern Anatolia.
So tayyip always wanted a free Kurdistan and still he wants it.
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