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Feto have power over Justice. Kavala is a blackbox what need to be destroyed asap.
Feto have power over Justice. Kavala is a blackbox what need to be destroyed asap.
I don’t buy it
3 and a half years have passed since 15th july 2016 all feto dogs should’ve been removed by now
Most likely this was “deal” between erdogan and US for idlib backing(i hope at least military because no one needs empty words from western hypocritical politicians)
If this dog kavala is released for nothing then expect another gezi protests(soft coup) if this fails again expect another 2016 style (hard) coup I can’t believe that erdogan is making such fatal mistakes one by one in a very short time
I don’t buy it
3 and a half years have passed since 15th july 2016 all feto dogs should’ve been removed by now
Most likely this was “deal” between erdogan and US for idlib backing(i hope at least military because no one needs empty words from western hypocritical politicians)
If this dog kavala is released for nothing then expect another gezi protests(soft coup) if this fails again expect another 2016 style (hard) coup I can’t believe that erdogan is making such fatal mistakes one by one in a very short time

Have did you make a relation between release of kaval and americans?:-)

Feto can not be cleaned so easily, maybe a decade later. Theya are every wher....:-)
They did take Kavala back to custody, that guy is a blackbox and should be killed. As i say before Feto is still active in places you don't expect:-).
Have did you make a relation between release of kaval and americans?:-)

Feto can not be cleaned so easily, maybe a decade later. Theya are every wher....:-)
Because kavala is american boy sent to organize protests using turkish libtards faggots and pkk animals
Lesbians can be healed through “dick-therapy”
Cure for pkk subhumans and faggots is bullet in the head
Maybe feto cannot be cleared at once in 3 and a half year period but i can’t believe it when you say they still control the justice they are maybe present in lower echelons but it would be unacceptable if they are still in the top of turkish institutions
Kavala could’ve been freed much earlier as you already know there were appeals by him before all were rejected but suddenly he is free man
If Turkey is going to get military support in NATO then I won’t mind temporary freedom for this dog after operation is done he shall be returned to prison!!!

They did take Kavala back to custody, that guy is a blackbox and should be killed. As i say before Feto is still active in places you don't expect:-).
previously when i was writing I stopped because i had to eat ;)
So he’s still in prison???
I hope he is properly tortured everyday for all innocent people who died because of him
I think death penalty is needed for more effective fight against feto pkk and other treacherous terrorist organization
For better result they should introduce family package death penalty for terrorists and their relatives this campaign will be lesson for everyone who dares to do treason ;)
Russia is an overhyped beast and its military is no match for the Turkish army. Only advantage you have is your nuclear arsenal but guess what there are about dozens of countries around the world who could match your nuclear arsenal if the political circumstances allowed it. For example Japan or korea can out match your arsenal overnight should they ever choose to, they have enough plutonium to build tens of thousands of warhead. So dont think of yourself something special with ww2 tech. Just consider yourself fortunate and be thankful that the political situation of the time allowed you to build what you have now. Make no mistake Soon turkey will display arsenal similar to yours and then its game over for you.
A. I'm not Russian.

B. Shows what you know. That plutonium is from civilian reactors, meaning it's too contaminated with Pu-240 to be militarily useful. You need specialized reactors or sci-fi technology like laser enrichment to produce weapons-grade plutonium, none of which Korea or Japan or Turkey have.

C. If you ever so much as think about illicitly producing nuclear weapons then the sanctions that will come your way will make your recent recession look like a picnic. You'll be completely deindustrialized and become the next North Korea. That's if you're lucky.

If you're unlucky then Russia will finish you off before your program gets off the ground. You need years of work to produce a nuclear weapon, Russia needs 15 minutes to roast you.
I hope Turkey have the nuclear bomb already, and if they haven’t, I’m sure we will be happy to provide it to them. But it needs to be done ASAP because I fear the Russians and Turks are due for a head on collision in Syria
A. I'm not Russian.

B. Shows what you know. That plutonium is from civilian reactors, meaning it's too contaminated with Pu-240 to be militarily useful. You need specialized reactors or sci-fi technology like laser enrichment to produce weapons-grade plutonium, none of which Korea or Japan or Turkey have.

C. If you ever so much as think about illicitly producing nuclear weapons then the sanctions that will come your way will make your recent recession look like a picnic. You'll be completely deindustrialized and become the next North Korea. That's if you're lucky.

If you're unlucky then Russia will finish you off before your program gets off the ground. You need years of work to produce a nuclear weapon, Russia needs 15 minutes to roast you.
Who said turkey don't have a program and not already a nuke power? Countries like Korea and japan are far more advanced and wont be difficult for them to out match russia.
Dont worry about turkey. The day it test a 10megaton nuke it will be in a different position. Rendering turkey to the level of north korea won't be possible as the latter is based on farthest part of the globe and its allies are non existent.
Why do you think turkey has its own industrialisation projects in full gear? Soon it will overtake russia in military tech and in some areas it already has. Turkey will not depend on anyone so sanction won't stop its progress. If turkey declared nuclear power then games over as sanction will only antogonise the the new super power and can lead to dangerous outcome for the enemies. In cases of embargos Turkey will be forced seize oil producing countries in the region to fund its expansion.
inshaAllah the time will come perhaps you will see it in your life time
Who said turkey don't have a program and not already a nuke power? Countries like Korea and japan are far more advanced and wont be difficult for them to out match russia.
Dont worry about turkey. The day it test a 10megaton nuke it will be in a different position. Rendering turkey to the level of north korea won't be possible as the latter is based on farthest part of the globe and its allies are non existent.
Why do you think turkey has its own industrialisation projects in full gear? Soon it will overtake russia in military tech and in some areas it already has. Turkey will not depend on anyone so sanction won't stop its progress. If turkey declared nuclear power then games over as sanction will only antogonise the the new super power and can lead to dangerous outcome for the enemies. In cases of embargos Turkey will be forced seize oil producing countries in the region to fund its expansion.
inshaAllah the time will come perhaps you will see it in your life time
If that's the game you want to play then Russia will make sure all of your neighbours - including those oil-producing countries you want to seize - get nuclear weapons. Syria gets nukes, Armenia gets nukes, PKK will get more nukes than it knows what to do with, Greece gets nukes, Cyprus gets nukes, Egypt gets nukes, Saudi Arabia gets nukes...

Wow, you have a lot of enemies.
If that's the game you want to play then Russia will make sure all of your neighbours - including those oil-producing countries you want to seize - get nuclear weapons. Syria gets nukes, Armenia gets nukes, PKK will get more nukes than it knows what to do with, Greece gets nukes, Cyprus gets nukes, Egypt gets nukes, Saudi Arabia gets nukes...

Wow, you have a lot of enemies.
Why do you think USA is doing what it is doing? Looting world resources from weak nations while it is being protected by its own nuclear deterrent
But in the case of turkey it wont need to go seizing other peoples resouces because those population of these countries will be begging turkey to save them from foriegn imposed regimes similar to whats happening in syria and libya.

Today: Greece attacked Turkey in the NATO parliament session about the East Mediterranean, but the Hungarian parliament chief Atilla Mesterhazy told them 3 times to shut the **** up and the Greek delegation walked out the room.


Love Hungary

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