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Turkey is losing influence every minute this incompetent fool is in power.

It's a misconception that Erdoğan has made Turkey powerful. If anything he is the one thing holding us back. Before he was prime minister Turkey was taken very seriously. We were like a larger version of Isreal and by far the most powerful country in the region. Our army was feared by all our neighbors and it often fixed any problems simply by threatening invasion...

Now under Tayyip TSK has lost its old image. It went from being a feared institution to Tayyip's little tool. He sends in soldiers and just let's them die and then he just barks. Pfft. What are we Saudi Arabia or Egypt? What a freaking joke.

This piece of sh!t has been polarizing the country and arming extremists from within in order to start a civil war. He was put in power by America and he will always support them. He doesn't give a crap about defeating YPG, he just wants votes and support. If he actually cared about the nation he never would've made MULTIPLE ceasefires with PKK!

Now some of you will talk about the defence industry.. well after Menderes killed it, it restarted in the 70s. By the 90s we were making Kobras and other equipment that we still use to this day. The J-600 Yildirim was used by the army ever since 98 yet was only revealed to the public in 2005. Back then instead of barking and making propaganda our defence industry was allowed to work secretly in order to guarantee national security. These days we find about projects years before they even come to fruition.. and Erdoğan uses them as propaganda for himself. It doesn't help the 98% of TV channels are in his hands.

All the corruption, foreign policy failures and countless other problems indicate that this man should not rule the country anymore. He needs to go!

We sometimes forget about the greater powers at play and the grand schemes that we aren't privy to.
Citizens of Pakistan often hail or hate certain leaders because of economic development, etc., but in almost all cases it was linked directly to American assistance because they needed us - at different times - in Afghanistan. Similarly, in Turkey I see that the Americans are trying to pressurize the govt (as any truly independent, strong country in this region is generally unacceptable to the US) and creating a lot of problems for him, both in the psyops/info warfare realm (to discredit him and paint him as a failed leader) and in many other ways (economic pressures, especially.)

Don't be so harsh. At least you're not somebody's puppet or b*tch today.
We sometimes forget about the greater powers at play and the grand schemes that we aren't privy to.
Citizens of Pakistan often hail or hate certain leaders because of economic development, etc., but in almost all cases it was linked directly to American assistance because they needed us - at different times - in Afghanistan. Similarly, in Turkey I see that the Americans are trying to pressurize the govt (as any truly independent, strong country in this region is generally unacceptable to the US) and creating a lot of problems for him, both in the psyops/info warfare realm (to discredit him and paint him as a failed leader) and in many other ways (economic pressures, especially.)

Don't be so harsh. At least you're not somebody's puppet or b*tch today.

Trust me, Turkey is an American puppet right now and has been for the past 18 years. Anti-Americanism began to rise and that's why you saw so called disputes between Turkey and America.

I just feel like vomiting. This is just disgusting. In the last few days a lot of things have been revealed.
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It's difficult to understand the situation for most people, particularly Muslims outside of Turkey. You see him as a great leader of the Muslim world.. but the truth is that he is a traitor of Georgian origin who will do anything to stay in power. His party has stolen billions of dollars from the state, meanwhile most Turks are getting poorer by the day.

If I start listing all his traitorous actions then I will be writing for a week non-stop.

The argument isn't limited to Muslim world but an overall prospective of leadership. Turkey may have acted late in offensive to create a bufferzone but on other hand; one can't see the coming limitations for instance. However, victory isn't far that I see. Isn't the economic turbulence related to policies of national interest over foreign one. What I see is that US tries to punish him just because Turkey striving for independent policy and more of national gains from economic point of view. You may know the game to make you pay more for mutual interests.
Guys ignore this troll. He is a typical bankrupt secularist. He is a paid propagandist for the enemies of Turkey and Muslim. He feels empowered on this forum because the moderator tolerates his BS.

I agree with him that Erdogan needs to go but for the opposite reason. We need a hardcore Muslim Leader who is ruthless against all the domestic traitors and foreign enemies. Erdogan have been guilty of appeasing these monsters since the last coup attempt. Erdogan thinks these kemalist will accept him the more he appeases them. lol

Dude he is right about that. Tayyip wants a Kurdistan not pkkistan.
Dude to his political view a Kurdistan with Islamic fate is acceptable. He has been supporting it and for that purpose he started peace policy with Pkk. If they would agree on the plan which offered by tayyip, they were going to leave their guns. But they didn't wanna do that coz they consider themselves as the rightful ruler of Kurdistan.
Even in Diyarbakir that Kurdish singer what's his name I don't remember now, asked him that when will they have a free Kurdistan. He answered "soon very soon but have to wait a little more".
His plan is simple. He wants Turkey is divided in 7 states and ruled by one president but each state can have their own president and parliamentarians.
Right now pkk has a state within Syria and Pkk affiliated Kurdistan in Iraq.
These cantons will be merged in future and will try to get northern Kurdistan which is our southern and southeastern Anatolia.
So tayyip always wanted a free Kurdistan and still he wants it.
I never heared of the 7 states plan that is a first are you sure ?? Even to Erdogan himself it would be disastrous

Anyhow let's see the plans that actually took place

- Turkey is currently outpacing the EU in terms of Industrial production

- defense industry has become a huge success and in some categories Turkey has products that no more than 4 or 5 countries on the plant can produce

- powerful economy ( even after a coup attempts, numerous military operations, massive ongoing mobilization, earthquake, forest fires, foreign attacks ( crushed lira ), and all the media criticism all over the west and propaganda that seeks to eliminate the tourism sector

Turkey is still reporting growth and lowering inflation so far fulfilling all the goals the Treasury planned

- nearly self sufficient agriculture sector
- one of the very few countries with energy security ( from pipelines to diversifying the sources so much so we now have Azerbaijani, Russian, and European gas if we wish to),,, may I add all the Mediterranean exploration

- National Health system ( where even Cancer treatment is free ),, look at America they still have it as an election promise

- Again one of the few countries in the region with Water security ( here I mean efficient utilization of available resources )
Do you know how many dams are built in southern Turkey

Look there is alot more and even the ones mentioned above are just brief and far from detailed but

So far Erdogan plans benefitted Turkey way more than harmed it

Yes Syria was a mistake but mistakes happen so just because there is a mistake you dont get to ignore the right

(( keep saying erdogan want a Kurdistan or Pkkistan when he was first to send troops to Iraqi border and siege it when the referendum happened ))
His best friend Abdullatif Sener says that he is a cypriot Jew. And he adds that that's why he has huge business ties with Israel.

if you have some material on him, I would like to examine it.... I think I would be very happy to examine some sort of material on him

Guys ignore this troll. He is a typical bankrupt secularist. He is a paid propagandist for the enemies of Turkey and Muslim. He feels empowered on this forum because the moderator tolerates his BS.

I agree with him that Erdogan needs to go but for the opposite reason. We need a hardcore Muslim Leader who is ruthless against all the domestic traitors and foreign enemies. Erdogan have been guilty of appeasing these monsters since the last coup attempt. Erdogan thinks these kemalist will accept him the more he appeases them. lol

well this is my thing.... the anti-Erdogan people... what viewpoint are they coming from?

the Turks who are pious Muslims and who want the sharia and everything.... what is their view?

I mean..... I think of the US war in Vietnam as an example of why exactly it is best to avoid conflicts in countries you don't understand....

I have zero desire to claim I know about Turkey....

if any particular side would like, I think I'd be happy to examine material
I never heared of the 7 states plan that is a first are you sure ?? Even to Erdogan himself it would be disastrous

Anyhow let's see the plans that actually took place

- Turkey is currently outpacing the EU in terms of Industrial production

- defense industry has become a huge success and in some categories Turkey has products that no more than 4 or 5 countries on the plant can produce

- powerful economy ( even after a coup attempts, numerous military operations, massive ongoing mobilization, earthquake, forest fires, foreign attacks ( crushed lira ), and all the media criticism all over the west and propaganda that seeks to eliminate the tourism sector

Turkey is still reporting growth and lowering inflation so far fulfilling all the goals the Treasury planned

- nearly self sufficient agriculture sector
- one of the very few countries with energy security ( from pipelines to diversifying the sources so much so we now have Azerbaijani, Russian, and European gas if we wish to),,, may I add all the Mediterranean exploration

- National Health system ( where even Cancer treatment is free ),, look at America they still have it as an election promise

- Again one of the few countries in the region with Water security ( here I mean efficient utilization of available resources )
Do you know how many dams are built in southern Turkey

Look there is alot more and even the ones mentioned above are just brief and far from detailed but

So far Erdogan plans benefitted Turkey way more than harmed it

Yes Syria was a mistake but mistakes happen so just because there is a mistake you dont get to ignore the right

(( keep saying erdogan want a Kurdistan or Pkkistan when he was first to send troops to Iraqi border and siege it when the referendum happened ))

Yes he said that and added he doesn't see anything wrong with it. Even he implied the era of Ottomans and said that there was a Kurdistan region in the empire.
And the rest of your claims are false and fictional. I don't wanna argue about 'em.
Did Kurds vote for freedom? Yes they did and now they have that key in their pocket. When they need that key to use, they will pull it out from the pocket.
I care the result nothing else.
In future Syrian canton and Iraqi canton will be merged. Greater middle-east plan works accordingly like a clock work.
Thanks to tayyip. He turned the dreams of Kurds real.
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Osman kavala the bastard is freed
Is this fucking joke or what???
He should have been hanged at Taksim Square together with his familiy to serve as example for all domestic traitors to know what’s going to happen with them if they betray the state
His surname isn’t even turkish he’s probably of armenian origins
It seems that another 1915 is necessary for purging hidden armenians and pkk kurds/leftist/liberal turks
Turkey cannot survive in the long term if youngsters aren’t properly re-educated
If Turkey can have ultra right-wing parties like israel it would be great
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Osman kavala the bastard is freed
Is this fucking joke or what???
He should have been hanged at Taksim Square together with his familiy to serve as example for all domestic traitors to know what’s going to happen with them if they betray the state
His surname isn’t even turkish he’s probably of armenian origins
It seems that another 1915 is necessary for purging hidden armenians and pkk kurds/leftist/liberal turks
Turkey cannot survive in the long term if youngsters aren’t properly re-educated
If Turkey can have ultra right-wing parties like israel it would be great

I thought the Turkish judiciary is controlled by erdogan so we've been pushed this narrative for years by chp. Now anti Erdogan extremist are now free
If Kavala is released there is something fishy going on here.
This guy is right hand of rothschild family in Turkey.
Very very suspicious.
tayyip's judges released him? Very suspicious.
Nah, Russia can do plenty. Here's some of what Russia can do
Russia is an overhyped beast and its military is no match for the Turkish army. Only advantage you have is your nuclear arsenal but guess what there are about dozens of countries around the world who could match your nuclear arsenal if the political circumstances allowed it. For example Japan or korea can out match your arsenal overnight should they ever choose to, they have enough plutonium to build tens of thousands of warhead. So dont think of yourself something special with ww2 tech. Just consider yourself fortunate and be thankful that the political situation of the time allowed you to build what you have now. Make no mistake Soon turkey will display arsenal similar to yours and then its game over for you.

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