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Youre the threat to Turkish future. Turkey has a islamic leader so what you gonna do about it? Youre lucky he's not crushing the heads of your types but his successor will. Islam is here too stay forever inshallah and secularist are goners. We know how much secularist achieved for turkey while ruling this country behind puppets. You only oppressed people and produced low tech country while being subservient to your western creators.
Stop spreading $hit on this forum

You are literally against Turkey's constitution you traitor. People like you are the one's who cried when Kadir Misiroglu and Gülen's brother died. You are the people who call the victory of 1922 an "occupation".

You hate Turks but it's okay because you're Muslim. Let in 4 million more of your Muslim brothers... through all these threats we've been facing the only countries that have been supporting us have been Pakistan, Qatar and the nations of the Turkic council!

Have a look at UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others. They not only don't support our endeavours but they are funding our enemies! Seriously your ideology is just retarded. Islamic Ummah my as$. There is no such thing as a brotherhood between Muslim countries.

Pakistan, Qatar and the Turkic union support us due to our historic ties. And guess what? When we started the operation against YPG last year they all supported us. Including Hungary, a Christian country with Turkic roots.

What support did your Islamic Arab brothers give us?

Seriously dude start thinking logically and stop thinking with emotions like a little girl. You follow an Arabic religion, you strive to learn Arabic and you hear the Ezan everyday which you probably don't even understand but somehow you claim that you can't live without it. You literally are a pseudo Arab, but your own "Arab brothers" support terrorists which want to destroy Turkey.

You talk about "western creators". Dude seriously? We won the war against them against all odds under the leadership of Ataturk. Ataturk, being a smart man reformed everything and made us the modern country we are today. He laid the groundwork for a powerful country. Under his rule we opened plane factories and began production.. then the 50s came and Islamist Menderes closed the factories and put us into NATO.

FYI, the defence industry was restarted in 1974 and really started bearing fruit in the 90s. We still use a lot of equipment such as Kobras that were made in the 90s.
You are literally against Turkey's constitution you traitor. People like you are the one's who cried when Kadir Misiroglu and Gülen's brother died. You are the people who call the victory of 1922 an "occupation".

You hate Turks but it's okay because you're Muslim. Let in 4 million more of your Muslim brothers... through all these threats we've been facing the only countries that have been supporting us have been Pakistan, Qatar and the nations of the Turkic council!

Have a look at UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others. They not only don't support our endeavours but they are funding our enemies! Seriously your ideology is just retarded. Islamic Ummah my as$. There is no such thing as a brotherhood between Muslim countries.

Pakistan, Qatar and the Turkic union support us due to our historic ties. And guess what? When we started the operation against YPG last year they all supported us. Including Hungary, a Christian country with Turkic roots.

What support did your Islamic Arab brothers give us?

Seriously dude start thinking logically and stop thinking with emotions like a little girl. You follow an Arabic religion, you strive to learn Arabic and you hear the Ezan everyday which you probably don't even understand but somehow you claim that you can't live without it. You literally are a pseudo Arab, but your own "Arab brothers" support terrorists which want to destroy Turkey.

You talk about "western creators". Dude seriously? We won the war against them against all odds under the leadership of Ataturk. Ataturk, being a smart man reformed everything and made us the modern country we are today. He laid the groundwork for a powerful country. Under his rule we opened plane factories and began production.. then the 50s came and Islamist Menderes closed the factories and put us into NATO.

FYI, the defence industry was restarted in 1974 and really started bearing fruit in the 90s. We still use a lot of equipment such as Kobras that were made in the 90s.
Why are you twisting facts? Also its seems you dont know whats going on. You need proper education and need to stop regurgitation what anti muslim propagandists have been teaching you. You think these gulfies like saudis and emirates are islamic ? And ummahist? Youre the biggest fool ive met. These regimes you mentioned are the biggest anti muslim puppets in the world. They are on par with your ideology and will make a good ally with you or any enemies of muslim.
You constantly insulting the president of turkey on the forum is a constitutional crime in turkey and makes you a traitor yet youre not thankful that this leader overlooks these insult and provocation from your types.

Also stop twisting facts. You think you will fool the readers that these military projects were started in 1974? Your purpose is to take away the credit from akp and Erdogan because you know while secularist were ruling they miserably failed as they didnt have no intentions of empowering this nation of muslim.

1974 when turkey realised that it cannot rely on the west so started some small projects. Turkey was only buildings radios and few other stuffs and had some ambitions. Every countries in the world if you look around have some kind of plan to go self sufficient and have projects here and there. Its only when akp came to power that everything changed and all are witness to this fact even the enemies of akp admit this fact.
Dont spread bull$hit you traitor
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Why are you twisting facts? Also its seems you dont know whats going on. You need proper education and need to stop regurgitation what anti muslim propagandists have been teaching you. You think these gulfies like saudis and emirates are islamic ? And ummahist? Youre the biggest fool ive met. These regimes you mentioned are the biggest anti muslim puppets in the world. They are on par with your ideology and will make a good ally with you or any enemies of muslim.
You constantly insulting the president of turkey on the forum is a constitutional crime in turkey and makes you a traitor yet youre not thankful that this leader overlooks these insult and provocation from your types

Hahaha okay. The Gulf countries are 100x more Islamic than Turkey. You just don't like to admit it.

Go live there, you would really love it. In fact go to Saudi Arabia and pay 20 US dollars for a bag of rocks that you throw at a wall :omghaha:

In Turkey you can drink alcohol, women can wear whatever they want and you can have sex before marriage.. SO ISLAMIC

Go live like an Arab in Saudi Arabia.

Your type is so brainwashed. You seriously have no grip on reality.

Anyway I'm out, don't bother replying Hurşit :cheers::omghaha::closed:

Also stop twist facts. You think you will fool the readers that these military projects were started in 1974? Your purpose is to take away the credit from akp and Erdogan because you know while secularist were ruling they miserably failed as they didnt have no invention of empowering this nation of muslim.

1974 when turkey realised that it cannot rely on the west so started some small projects. Turkey was only buildings radios and few other stuffs and had some ambitions. Every countries in the world if you look around have some kind of plan to go self sufficient and have projects here and there. Its only when akp came to power that everything changed and all are witness to this fact even the enemies of akp admit this fact.
Dont spread bull$hit you traitor

Your Islamist friend Menderes killed our defence industry. It was restarted in the 70s and was already maturing in the 90s. We made balistic missiles in the 90s by the way. Plus all major projects were in the pipeline back then..
Hahaha okay. The Gulf countries are 100x more Islamic than Turkey. You just don't like to admit it.

Go live there, you would really love it. In fact go to Saudi Arabia and pay 20 US dollars for a bag of rocks that you throw at a wall :omghaha:

In Turkey you can drink alcohol, women can wear whatever they want and you can have sex before marriage.. SO ISLAMIC

Go live like an Arab in Saudi Arabia.

Your type is so brainwashed. You seriously have no grip on reality.

Anyway I'm out, don't bother replying Hurşit :cheers::omghaha::closed:

Your Islamist friend Menderes killed our defence industry. It was restarted in the 70s and was already maturing in the 90s. We made balistic missiles in the 90s by the way. Plus all major projects were in the pipeline back then..
Blah blah you traitor. As i thought your argument has no substance. You just hate anything muslim and thats your problem.
Menderes has more support from the public than your atta lovers could ever dream of. He was building this nation only to be stopped by traitors like you
Blah blah you traitor. As i thought your argument has no substance. You just hate anything muslim and thats your problem.
Menderes has more support from the public than your atta lovers could ever dream of. He was building this nation only to be stopped by traitors like you

@ÇölKaplanı @Saithan @xenon54 @Glass @Ansu fati

You guys might not agree with some of the things I said earlier but have a look at what he just said :sarcastic:

Menderes has more support from the public than your atta lovers could ever dream of. He was building this nation only to be stopped by traitors like you

Your Islamist friend Menderes killed our defence industry. It was restarted in the 70s and was already maturing in the 90s. We made balistic missiles in the 90s by the way. Plus all major projects were in the pipeline back then..
All of the projects like Altay, Atak, Milgems, satellites, drones and planes goes back to 90s. Of course AKP had to continue with our defence industry; if they didn't, there would be an another coup much much earlier. 20 yıl boyunca oturup zamanın geçmesini bekleyecek halleri yoktu tabii ki de.
I love secular Turks way more then those "Muslim Brotherhood" ones, have noticed they are way more levelheaded for one.
If you mean real secularists, I am one of them; but if you mean beer-drinker kind of types, I'm not. I hate the opposition as much as I hate the AKP. I consider myself to be more of an ''Atatürkçü'' type of guy.
If you mean real secularists, I am one of them; but if you mean beer-drinker kind of types, I'm not. I hate the opposition as much as I hate the AKP. I consider myself to be more of an ''Atatürkçü'' type of guy.
Not Liberal, those who don't put religion above nation like AKP. I am a teetotaler as well mate.
If you mean real secularists, I am one of them; but if you mean beer-drinker kind of types, I'm not. I hate the opposition as much as I hate the AKP. I consider myself to be more of an ''Atatürkçü'' type of guy.

Not Liberal, those who don't put religion above nation like AKP. I am a teetotaler as well mate.

I drink but I hate liberals. There are two types of Turkish secularists. The first type which has traditional values and adheres to Atatürk's principal's. The second type which doesn't care about Ataturk and loves the west. These people are the liberals supported by Western NGO's and are just as bad as Turkish Islamists.
I drink but I hate liberals. There are two types of Turkish secularists. The first type which has traditional values and adheres to Atatürk's principal's. The second type which doesn't care about Ataturk and loves the west. These people are the liberals supported by Western NGO's and are just as bad as Turkish Islamists.
Exactly what I was thinking, drinking isn't wrong hell I smoke marijuana occasionally.

Those Westernized Turks are ruining Turkey by embracing gay, and liberal policies. Ataturk would roll over if he could see what is going on in Turkey.
Exactly what I was thinking, drinking isn't wrong hell I smoke marijuana occasionally.

Those Westernized Turks are ruining Turkey by embracing gay, and liberal policies. Ataturk would roll over if he could see what is going on in Turkey.
Exactly. Islamism and Liberalism ruined Turkey. For example, I am sure Ataturk could have easily convinced people to join the ind. movements if he carried Qurans at public meetings as well-just like Erdogan. Actually, I don't even call Erdogan and AKP Islamists, they're just populists. They would do ANYTHING to stay in power.
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