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Biz size tokat atmaktan bıktık siz tokat yemekten bıkmadınız

Bu zillet ittifakının alayı yalancı loser

Millet tokat atmaktan bıktı bunlar tokat yemekten bıkmadı
FETO kaset kumpası ile CHP yi ele geciren zatın ihanetleri

11 secim kaybetmiş capsız diktatör biri koyun sürüsünü iyi güdüyor , meeeeeeeeeeeeee birde millete koyun diyorlar

Bir insan bu kadar KEmal olmaz

ATATURKün CHP sini FETO kaset kumpası ile ele geciren zatın rezillikleri
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Kimse, kimsenin siyasi gorusunu bu tur seyler ile degistiremez, bosa kurek bu yaptiginiz. Biri bisey soyler digeri anti arguman kullanir. Bi kac gun sabredin, gidin oyunuzu kullanin. Cikan sonuca razi olun, hepsi bu. Secimle gelen secimle gider kurali...
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FETO Kaset kumpası ile CHP yi ele geciren Dersim Ermenisi KILICDAROGLU nun ve Pkk sevici Sezgin Tanrıkulu nun ve Suriye Hristiyanlarından Selin Sayek Böke nin ve Ateist Özgür Özelin ve diger Türk ve Islam düşmanı CHP lilerin YPG/PKK terror örgütünü aklama cabaları ... ( tıpkı sözde birlikte sallayanlar Terrörist DEMIRTAS ve CHP li Ermeni Safak Pavey )


on the other hand KILICDAROGLU/AKSENER wants to save both PKK and FETO

Turkish People sees everything

I have seen some familiar words in your post, including: Armenians, Christians, Atheists, CHP, and PKK/FETO.

I understand PKK/FETO, both are terrorist organizations.

But, how about the rest?

What has politics got to do with Armenians and Atheists? Do you also think they insult words (like President Erdogan thinks)?
I have seen some familiar words in your post, including: Armenians, Christians, Atheists, CHP, and PKK/FETO.

I understand PKK/FETO, both are terrorist organizations.

But, how about the rest?

What has politics got to do with Armenians and Atheists? Do you also think they insult words (like President Erdogan thinks)?

Armenians and Christians are a threat to Turkey.

Good riddance a lot of them have left or they would be the second Pkk problem in the country.

In ww1 and the independance war we have seen the true face of christians and armenians.

Ataturk doing the population exchange was the best thing he ever did.
BinAli Yıldırım gibi işin ehli varken Istanbul secmeni cöp-camur-cukur adayına oy vermez . kaldı ki cöp-camur-cukura birde terorizm eklendi .. HPD destegi yaşıyorum diyor gafil .. ne olacak ki ATATURKün CHP sini FETO kaset kumpası ile ele geciren KILICDAROGLU CHP yi HDP nin arka bahcesi haline getirdi
CHP Istanbul il başkanıda aşırı PKK sempatizanı militanın teki

Armenians and Christians are a threat to Turkey.

In what way?

Armenia is just a small country. Should not bother Turkey much.

Christians are too large and diverse of a group to really consider a threat.

Turkish President is said to be Georgian. Are Georgians also considered a threat?
In what way?

Armenia is just a small country. Should not bother Turkey much.

Christians are too large and diverse of a group to really consider a threat.

Turkish President is said to be Georgian. Are Georgians also considered a threat?

Turks get along fine with Gaguz Turks who are christian im not saying all christians. But greeks and armenians are the exception.
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