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And what is conspiracy theory? That FETO is helping PKK and PKK is helping FETO!??!! That high placed generals and soldiers are working for FETO and sabotage TSK??!? Or that the americans are behind the coup? If this is concpiracy you are blind my friend. The hatred against Erdogan and the turkish government are making you blind. I am not his biggest fan and on his government but I see that they did good for Turkey and they did bad for Turkey and I can see my real enemies. Every informational article and the chronology of the events are proving more and more the PKK-FETO relationship and are revealing the true faces of our so called "strategic partners". Believe on whatever you want and I will believe on whatever I want at the end we will see who is right and who is not.
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So you are saying that German People=NAZI ? :) You are insulting your own Nation :)

I dont said they are NAZIS. I mean they are racists, but this is not insulting. Only the truth. Nothing is more important than the truth, no matter if it's hurts or not.
You have no right to call names to my people.

Maybe you also believe coup was a conspiracy theory....if you don't feel like a Turk than change your flag, don't sully my holy flag.

Prove this article is lie...than talk later....and yes, i believe you have lost your Turkishness....and became a tool for those people, so change your flag.

You show exactly the problems Turkish people have in general. Feeling insulted because of such trifles. The article itself doesn't provide any reasonable prove. Just your go to populist "everyone and his mother is out there to get Turkey" narrative. Questioning such articles should be just natural, instead of blindly believing obvious bs.

The only argument you seem to bring up is questioning my "Turkishness", because I critize Turkish media.

And what is conspiracy theory? That FETO is helping PKK and PKK is helping FETO!??!! That high placed generals and soldiers are working for FETO and sabotage TSK??!? Or that the americans are behind the coup? If this is concpiracy you are blind my friend. The hatred against Erdogan and the turkish government are making you blind. I am not his biggest fan and on his government but I see that they did good for Turkey and they did bad for Turkey and I can see my real enemies. Every informational article and the chronology of the events are proving more and more the PKK-FETO relationship and are revealing the true faces of our so called "strategic partners". Believe on whatever you want and I will believe on whatever I want at the end we will see who is right and who is not.

You probably forgot who put those people in place. FETÖ and Erdogan worked a long time together. Gülenists didn’t just emerge from nowhere. Only during Erdogan’s rule they made it into key positions. During other parties rule, they didn’t make it that far in the state. While silently trying to infiltrate since the 80s, they only successfully managed it because of him. Just listen to some older speeches of Erdogan where he praises Gülenists.

Erdogan made the army rot from inside. When honorable Generals and officers landed in jail, because of made up lies, the same kind of things outlets as your source publish, Gülenists weren’t the only ones benefiting from it. All Kemalist elements in the army warned a long time ago about the Gülenist infiltration. It has been ignored willingly.

When Erdogan was a nobody, Gülenist support was what made him who he is. He didn’t just make it out of prison to the head of a nation by himself.
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And what is conspiracy theory? That FETO is helping PKK and PKK is helping FETO!??!! That high placed generals and soldiers are working for FETO and sabotage TSK??!? Or that the americans are behind the coup? If this is concpiracy you are blind my friend. The hatred against Erdogan and the turkish government are making you blind. I am not his biggest fan and on his government but I see that they did good for Turkey and they did bad for Turkey and I can see my real enemies. Every informational article and the chronology of the events are proving more and more the PKK-FETO relationship and are revealing the true faces of our so called "strategic partners". Believe on whatever you want and I will believe on whatever I want at the end we will see who is right and who is not.

Please, show us the evidence that US, PKK and FETO work together to destroy Turkey.
The pilot that shot the Russian plane suddenly turned out to be a coup pilot, are people that gullible? He's making full use of the failed coup and the state of emergency to change everything to what he always wanted. Politicians lie, yet people fall for it. I doubt these generals are in Northern Iraq, seeking refuge with the PKK is the dumbest thing they could do.
You show exactly the problems Turkish people have in general. Feeling insulted because of such trifles.

You probably forgot who put those people in place. FETÖ and Erdogan worked a long time together. Gülenists didn’t just emerge from nowhere. Only during Erdogan’s rule they made it into key positions. During other parties rule, they didn’t make it that far in the state. While silently trying to infiltrate since the 80s, they only successfully managed it because of him. Just listen to some older speeches of Erdogan where praises Gülenists.

Erdogan made the army rot from inside. When honorable Generals and officers landed in jail, because of made up lies, the same kind of things outlets as your source publish, Gülenists weren’t the only ones benefiting from it. All Kemalist elements in the army warned a long time ago about the Gülenist infiltration. It has been ignored willingly.

When Erdogan was a nobody, Gülenist support was what made him who he is. He didn’t just make it out of prison to the head of a nation by himself.
Yeah Erdogan made mistakes and now he is trying to fix this ones by removing the FETO from the turkish state. I expect 180 turns regarding some matters. Normally I will not support Erdogan and his government but there is not better alternative in Turkey at the moment.
Please, show us the evidence that US, PKK and FETO work together to destroy Turkey.
Dont tell me I have to explain to you what all the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and the region are part of and make me explain who are the main factors in Syria and Iraq. Look how the war against ISIS is going on. Its fact that new countries are comming south from turkish borders. There is mutiple times how captured or surendered pkk fighters explain how they recieve support in form of training, weapons, intelligence from foreign intelligence services (CIA and MOSSAD are just examples). The imperialism is very strong. Turkey is very strong and Turkey is not 100 % trustable partner in those plans. For them to complete their plans they need week and unstabilised Turkey or strong Turkey but 100 % trustable that is no longer capable of preventing anything strategic in the middle east region. In the last months Erdogan made very important moves that can seriosly damage this plans. He also prepared for very very big wave of arrests for the FETO members in the police and the army. Originaly the coup was planned to start on later date but their plans were riuned and they were forced to act in not full readines and that is one of the main factors they didnt succeed. The traitor Semih Terzi revealed critical intelligence to the pkk leaders in Kandil mountain that resulted of air operations not been as effective as expected there is information that before every airstrike over the positions of the leaders they flee 15-30 minutes before the airstrike. Semih Terzi also commanded the special forces operations in North Syria and the operations and the activities of the intelligence personel and the special forces were also not very effective in that region. FETO members also didnt gave intelligence about possible activities in the southeast cities that resulted in lost of lives of turkish soldiers. Also the leaders that were going to take over the country already had a deal with pkk to not attack in the time of the operation and pkk really didnt attack most of the turkish members here were also questioning what is happening and why there is not attacks. The leaders of FETO in favor was going to give pkk and its wings support and pressure Iran in the region. Lets see if this deal was completed and the leaders of FETO taked over Turkey. They give support to the Kurdistan area in Syria. They give more support to the iraqi area they was going to support their plans about the iranian part of Kurdistan and what is last? Turkey! They will slowly but surely give the turkish part of Kurdistan to them and will make the happier the "human rights activists" and the "democracy supporters"..... Everyone knows what I am talking about. FETO want to destroy Turkey and get Turkey under the wing of the EAGLE. PKK is working for the EAGLE and the conflict with ISIS is one big theater because ISIS is working for the EAGLE to. Erdogan was working with the EAGLE because some of the interests of Turkey was joint interests with the EAGLE but Erdogan saw that the EAGLE dont keep its promises and only uses him and on the end Turkey will have nothing and made one step backwards. Can you see how the relationship between Turkey and the West is going worse and worse and how Turkey is starting to look more and more to the east? That is because the west dont have partners the west have lackeys. Edogan and the EAGLE knows very well that Turkey have very big potential and dont deserve to be only lackey. Dont you think how the big turkish army cant destroy pkk? Why so big and strong country cant defeat pkk? Dont you think how big armies cant defeat ISIS and this kind organizations but in the same times they have the power to destroy the earth multiple times? Everything is theater. Turkey taked place in this theater but I hope no more shit like this. I cant give you evidence about this. I cant give you evidence that they want to destroy Syria and Iraq to but Its obvious. Its like "give me evidence for that you breathe air" it is invisible but at the same time its there and its doing its job.
German racism is still alive and kicking, trust me

the real problem is the times of hooligan nazi is over the german racists are now normal ppl like your neighboor teaching their chidren of the "blackheads".. the ones who run on street helping foreign ppl and thinking they are good ppl but the reality is they help just a favored groub of foreigners..

they have exists all the time but their mouth on public where shut down.. because auf denazification programm but now its over they can do what they want..

they exists everywhere in school where the shool head in the office takes you by your throat and asks you how could you hit that german boy ? who do you think you are (self defence its not my problem when you need 4 german against one turk)

or your biology teacher who gives everyone some hand shoes to rip off some stinging nettles .. or when your teacher says you dont need any education you are a turk (go sell drugs)

last month they attacked our mosque and destroyed some writings over the entrance..

they dont know any red line..

you guys in turkey shouod know your enemy well they are beyond of what you think of..
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Turk olmayanlari pistten alalim


The ongoing row between Turkey and European Union over the implementation of visa-liberalization for Turkish citizens has deepened with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan calling on the EU to keep its side of the deal on visa waivers or otherwise prepare for the collapse of the migrant deal.

“The EU is not behaving in a sincere way with Turkey,” Erdoğan told French daily Le Monde on Aug. 8.
Erdoğan said the EU had suggested that Turkey accept the readmissions of migrants coming from Turkey into the bloc in exchange for visa liberalization for Turkish citizens.

“The readmission agreement and the visa liberalization were to come into force simultaneously on June 1. It is now August and the visa liberalization is still pending,” he said. “If our claims are not met, we will have to stop readmissions.”

Relations between Ankara and the West have deteriorated over criticism against Erdoğan’s massive crackdown following a failed coup attempt on July 15. Erdoğan criticized the West for not strongly condemning the coup attempt and showing solidarity with Turkey, expressing instead more interest in the crackdown.

Ankara agreed in March to stop migrants from crossing into Greece in exchange for financial aid, the promise of visa-free travel to much of the EU and accelerated membership talks.

However, the reciprocal visa-free access has been delayed due to a dispute over Turkish anti-terrorism legislation and concern in the West about the scale of Ankara’s crackdown following the failed coup.

Turkey should meet 72 criteria for visa liberalization, says Juncker

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker told Germany’s Tagesspiegel on Aug. 7 that Turkey had committed itself to meeting the 72 criteria for the visa-free travel and only after that could the EU lift the visa requirements for Turkish citizens.

“If and when the visa liberalization is implemented largely depends on Turkey. We have our repeatedly signaled that we are ready to assist them with the necessary reforms,” Juncker said.

Criticizing the response of Washington and European leaders to the attempted coup, Erdoğan said the Turkish people had been abandoned by the West.

“The whole world reacted to the attack against Charlie Hebdo. Our prime minister joined a rally in the streets of Paris,” Erdoğan said, referring to the deadly militant attack on the office of the French satirical magazine in January 2015. “I would have hoped that the leaders of the Western world would have reacted [to the coup attempt] in the same way and not have contented themselves with a few clichés.”

Turkey’s EU membership ‘10, 20 years’ away: Gabriel

Meanwhile, Germany’s center-left vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, said Turkey’s accession to the EU remained “10, 20 years” away.

Speaking to Germany’s ARD television on Aug. 7, Gabriel said dropping talks with Turkey, currently Europe’s “difficult partner,” made little sense and that “every communications channel” to Turkey must be sought.
Gabriel dismissed Turkey’s accession bid – begun at talks in 2005 and centered on hopes for a visa-free entry to Europe – saying the EU was currently not in any shape to admit “even a small state” to its 28-nation ranks.

“The illusion … here comes someone to soon become a full member in the EU … that’s complete nonsense … that will not eventuate,” said Gabriel, who is also federal economy minister.

In Berlin on Aug. 8, a spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry repeated that reinstatement of the death penalty in Turkey would end its bid to join the EU.

Erdoğan, speaking to ARD last month after the coup attempt, said the Turkish people wanted the death penalty to be reinstated and that those governing the country should listen to them.

52 percent of Germans don’t want migrant deal

Meanwhile, 52 percent of Germans think the EU should scrap the migrant deal with Turkey, while another 66 percent want the EU accession talks broken off, according to a poll published on Bild am Sonntag on Aug. 7.

The Emnid survey for mass-circulation Bild am Sonntag showed 52 percent were in favor of the migration deal being terminated, compared with 35 percent who wanted it to continue, Reuters reported.

More than two thirds of the 502 people surveyed on Aug. 4 also wanted an immediate freeze of aid payments to Turkey and 66 percent wanted the EU accession talks to be broken off.



I don't know what we are waiting for. Tear up the deal and watch them reveal their hypocrisy on a global scale. The fact that this will accelerate the further disintegration of the EU is a pretty sweet bonus as well.
I don't know what we are waiting for. Tear up the deal and watch them reveal their hypocrisy on a global scale. The fact that this will accelerate the further disintegration of the EU is a pretty sweet bonus as well.

Cut off every economic deal with you and watch Turks eating dust and xxxx
which economic deal perhaps you're confusing Turkey with the beggar nation called romania

Nope,Im not confusing anything...If we,the EU,cut any ties with you,you go back to living in huts.Erdogan knows trhis but he plays it like a hero.When push comes to shove he'll come crawling on his knees just like he came before Putin.

If he crawled like a begger for Russkie tourists,imagine how far he'll spread his ottoman cheecks for Euro benevolence! You're at our mercy lads....
Cut off every economic deal with you and watch Turks eating dust and xxxx
EU and NATO would sell Romania on ebay just to keep Turkey close to them, you better come down dude.

On topic: im in Turkey right now, joined coup protests, people from all fraction there, Atatürk and Erdogan flags being sold side by side, never seen such a unity among our people.
Nope,Im not confusing anything...If we,the EU,cut any ties with you,you go back to living in huts.Erdogan knows trhis but he plays it like a hero.When push comes to shove he'll come crawling on his knees just like he came before Putin.

If he crawled like a begger for Russkie tourists,imagine how far he'll spread his ottoman cheecks for Euro benevolence! You're at our mercy lads....

Flamerescu, what is the exact role of your country and your people in the EU so you talk like a European royalty, bruh? You speak like Romania is the leader of the EU and a long time member, the headquarters of the Union are in Bucharest and you are already as developed and powerful as those big states in the Union who actually say what to happen there. You speak things like Romania is a G-20 nation and regional military power that everyone fears... and not a setting for a "Borat" type of movie and one of the poorest countries in EU that does whatever it's PIMPs tell them. I like- it'z nice. :enjoy:

A guy with a country that can't build a village road without the help of the EU- money they get every year, a country that is a main exporter of beggars, pick pocketers, toilet cleaners in Italy and Spain, workers to pick strawberries and cherries in Germany and the UK and a main suppliers of prostitutes for the wh*re houses all the way from Berlin to Antwerp and Amsterdam. O yeah... and Dacia too. :D A guy from such a country is going to speak about a country that is 4 times bigger than his with much bigger economy than his, with multiple times bigger military than his... a country that is producing everything in agriculture and is feeding it self on 100%, a country that is producing almost all kind of machines, textiles, chemicals and etc, a country that is a main trade road between Asia, Europe and Africa and is a place where a lot of western companies have plants and headquarters that are their main bases in this part of the world. A guy from Romania is speaking about Turkey that has companies working all around the world and is building whole districts and infrastructure projects around countries in Eurasia and Africa. And all that when you are neighboring safe European countries and we are in one of the most dangerous places on Earth- a place that haven't seen peace in a hundred years.
Of course European countries are our main market but so are we for a lot of big European countries and companies so do you think that it will be that easy to stop trading and cut ties between each other over a night? That's not a fight in a gypsy hood somewhere in Mures or Calarasi where gypsies are arguing and fighting each other and then stop talking between each other like it's nothing... We are talking about billions here and politics on world stage between countries that are important players on the regional and even on the world stage, we are not talking about disputes between countries that most people haven't even heard about or don't even know where they are on the map.

ps And talking how Erdogan crawled in front of Putin... If Putin and Russians didn't need/want to break the ice, they wouldn't be ready to negotiate and bring back ties to their former and meet ministers and other officials so fast after the so called apology. Instead they could've said that they don't want to warm the relations with Turkey- a thing Turkey and Israel were doing for 6 years. Don't get me wrong I am not an Erdogan fan, I am a big critic of him and his party as they did a lot of mistakes but at least I know Turkey, it's people, the region it is located into and the problems and advantages it has. I advice you to just stop posting in the Turkish sections as you don't have anything to contribute here except for hating and talking sh*t...
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Flamerescu, what is the exact role of your country and your people in the EU so you talk like a European royalty, bruh? You speak like Romania is the leader of the EU and a long time member, the headquarters of the Union are in Bucharest and you are already as developed and powerful as those big states in the Union who actually say what to happen there. You speak things like Romania is a G-20 nation and regional military power that everyone fears... and not a setting for a "Borat" type of movie and one of the poorest countries in EU that does whatever it's owners tell them. I like- it'z nice. :enjoy:

A guy with a country that can't build a village road without the help of the EU- money they get every year, a country that is a main exporter of beggars, pick pocketers, toilet cleaners in Italy and Spain, workers to pick strawberries and cherries in Germany and the UK and a main suppliers of prostitutes for the wh*re houses all the way from Berlin to Antwerp and Amsterdam. O yeah... and Dacia too. :D A guy from such a country is going to speak about a country that is 4 times bigger than his with much bigger economy than his, with multiple times bigger military than his... a country that is producing everything in agriculture and is feeding it self on 100%, a country that is producing almost all kind of machines, textiles, chemicals and etc, a country that is a main trade road between Asia, Europe and Africa and is a place where a lot of western companies have plants and headquarters that are their main bases in this part of the world. A guy from Romania is speaking about Turkey that has companies working all around the world and is building whole districts and infrastructure projects around countries in Eurasia and Africa. And all that when you are neighboring safe European countries and we are in one of the most dangerous places on Earth- a place that haven't seen peace in a hundred years.
Of course European countries are our main market but so are we for a lot of big European countries and companies so do you think that it will be that easy to stop trading and cut ties between each other over a night? That's not a fight in a gypsy hood somewhere in Mures or Calarasi where gypsies are arguing and fighting each other and then stop talking between each other like it's nothing... We are talking about billions here and politics on world stage between countries that are important players on the regional and even on the world stage, we are not talking about disputes between countries that most people haven't even heard about or don't even know where they are on the map.

ps And talking how Erdogan crawled in front of Putin... If Putin and Russians didn't need/want to break the ice, they wouldn't be ready to negotiate and bring back ties to their former and meet ministers and other officials so fast after the so called apology. Instead they could've said that they don't want to warm the relations with Turkey- a thing Turkey and Israel were doing for 6 years. Don't get me wrong I am not an Erdogan fan, I am a big critic of him and his party as they did a lot of mistakes but at least I know Turkey, it's people, the region it is located into and the problems and advantages it has. I advice you to just stop posting in the Turkish sections as you don't have anything to contribute here except for hating and talking sh*t...
Had to login after several months just to give a 'thanks' for this glorious butchering. Well done bro.

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