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The 10 blunders of the coup plotters


The first the coup plotters’ blunders was the assumption that by seizing two bridges and flying eight or 10 jets low to the ground one could take over the country. Their second stupid act was believing that by making state-run TRT television broadcast an out-of-date declaration, the whole business would be over, as if we were in the times of former failed coup leader Talat Aydemir.

Their third mistake was being overconfident and counting on the fact that the citizens, who had not even fired one shot when former Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was hanged in 1961, would consent to whatever was happening. Their fourth stupidity was that even though they were staff officers, they made blunders that were quite far from any strategy or planning. Their fifth flaw was they were sloppy to not consider that a coup attempt which starts at 10:30 p.m. has a zero percent chance of success.

The sixth item on their failure list was naming their junta the “Peace in the Country Council,” actually the worst name in Turkey’s coup history.

The seventh stupidity was opening fire on people and bombing here and there; they conducted a terror act in uniform rather than a coup. Their eighth blunder was not taking into account President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has weathered 1,000 crises during his political life.

Their ninth mistake was failing to calculate that the vast majority of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) would not stand beside them.

Their final stupidity was assuming whoever opposed Erdoğan and whoever was not happy with him would automatically side with them.

The answer to the question “what good is a free media?” is that it prevents military coups.

I also have two demands: In an environment where so many people have died, when so much blood has been shed, this celebratory atmosphere should be abandoned.

My second demand is that except for those who opened fire on people, the poor privates who were victims of the madness of a bunch of middle and high ranking officers should immediately be released.

From now on…

No pro-government troll on social media could be rude to ex-President Abdullah Gül or ex-Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

None of the mouthpieces of the government will be able to call opposition leaders Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and Devlet Bahçeli “coup-stagers.”

No voice from the pro-government front will ever be able to shake their finger at the free, impartial and independent media and call them “coup-supporting media.”

If they had succeeded…

We would have been in a situation where we would not be able to complain about the things we are complaining about now. Let alone free press, there would not even be any press left. We would have gone back at least 30 years. We would have been exposed, even worse, to the cruelty of the Fethullah community, an example of which we saw in the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer cases.

Intelligence should close shop

At a time when, from morning to night, it has been constantly pointed out with a loud voice: “Fethullah… Fethullah…”

It was a time when it was pronounced that “our biggest problem is the parallel structure.” At a time when dawn operations were carried out against Gülen community members; at a time when there was not even one place left where a legal caretaker has not been appointed; at a time when an exaggerated caution about the “parallel structure” has been in question…

In such an environment, I suggest that all intelligence units in our country who were clueless about the Gülen community members’ coup attempt in the army should close shop.

One, two, three

Erdoğan has truly demonstrated great leadership. That is one. Those people who confronted tanks at the cost of their lives are worthy of adoration. That is two. To be able to call what is happening “theater,” one has to be deprived of conscience. This is three.

In another count, the five facts that have emerged from the coup attempt:

Fact one: Those who said “the community would not attempt to stage a coup” were terribly mistaken.

Fact two: The “Fethullah Gülen community members within the army” topic was actually not an exaggerated matter at all.

Fact three: The “parallel state structure” or “FETÖ” topics were not paranoia, as it was assumed.

Fact four: The community really had sleeper cells and these people were ready for kamikaze acts at any given time as if they had been drugged.

Fact five: Fighting with “the community,” with its totally secret original structure, actually called for original methods.

Hurriyet Daily News

wasnt Maroon berets just some Spezial Armed force ( Commandos ).

Police Special Ops Officer Zeynep, wife and mother of 2 sons, embraced Shehadet while being under attack from FETO terrorists. "If I fall as a martyr with arms in my hand along with brothers/sisters-in-arms, burry me in the Police cemetery for martyrs" - it was her wish. Elhamdulillah she went up with arms in hand. FETO terrorists' most vicious attack was on Special Ops Units where they martyred around 60 officers for they are the front runners in the fight against PKK terrorists..

*As per tradition, the Silah (arms) of a Turkish soldier departs itself only after him/her Shehadet..
Erdoğan is a nationalist? Mate you dont know a single shit about Erdoğan.

Yes, it seems confused for many people who don't 'like' Erdogan, but he is a nationalist. I have read an interesting article about Erdogan for a while, where they claimed that Erdogan is a nationalist who use religion for his purpose. Think about.

as far as i know there are gulen school in pakistan bro pakistan government should struggle them as well as

Pakistan relation is with Turks people I guess not only with there governments.
Yes, it seems confused for many people who don't 'like' Erdogan, but he is a nationalist. I have read an interesting article about Erdogan for a while, where they claimed that Erdogan is a nationalist who use religion for his purpose. Think about.

Pakistan relation is with Turks people I guess not only with there governments.
erdogan is muslim nationalist as for pakistan i hope they closes these school because this schools produce just humanoid robots not student thanks to goverment these schools is erasing in turkey right now
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Do you realise something ? The West is starting to try and make Erdogan look like Saddam/Gaddafi via the press. We have to prepare counter measures

they started some years ago with that.. and they won many germans are such idiots.. just brabbling what their media reports..
for instance now they act like its a big bad thing that erdogan (seen as an evil who is very wicked and has bad plans against eu and makes wars without a reason , islamist, terrorist and terrorist supporter) wants death panalty against the coup terrorists.. they are blind ppl and they see erdogan worser than US worser than Russia worser than china and so on..

but mostly ppl (german or some other gavur) are against erdogan because they are against turks its a mask to be against us.. they have no interest for kurdish rights, no interest for democracy or other things like that.. they are against turks and against muslims.. thats their main fear and their main problem.. they just search for arguments and this is erdogan..

but mostly I see ppl in fear of turks rising..
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