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Want to elaborate on why Pakistanis and Turks are considered brothers? What do we have in common expect Islam and the connections caused from that. You are the one who is proving my point so i should thank you.

Don't get me wrong, Pakistan as nation is a brother state, but when you support specific group in that entire 'brother' nation you should not expect 'love' from the other half of them since YOU are the one who taking sides in divisions in between Turks. So I'm not being emotional; you are.

So overall, you claim to be consider Turks brothers but when it comes to internal politics of Turkey you take sides, disregard the other Turks by calling them 'secularist' and you accuse me of being anti-religion just because I'm pointing the facts. This is the opposite definition of a brother; so don't claim you are the brother of Turks. You are the brother of akpians.

lols, chill and stop acting like an hyper kid.

We all have opinions. From what we see from outside, Turkey grew best under AKP hence we favor Erdogan. And the reason I comment here is to learn better about Turkey and how Turkish people, who are much more nuanced in local Turkish politics, see things within their country.

For me, all I want is best for Turkey..no matter whether AKP wins, CHP, MHP, or even HDP...

A strong, independent, powerful secular Muslim Republic can be an example for rest of Islamic World, especially Middle-East.
lols, chill and stop acting like an hyper kid.

We all have opinions. From what we see from outside, Turkey grew best under AKP hence we favor Erdogan. And the reason I comment here is to learn better about Turkey and how Turkish people, who are much more nuanced in local Turkish politics, see things within their country.

For me, all I want is best for Turkey..no matter whether AKP wins, CHP, MHP, or even HDP...

A strong, independent, powerful secular Muslim Republic can be an example for rest of Islamic World, especially Middle-East.
Chill? Hyper kid? Lmao. You haven't even answered my question. Now you claim you want to see a secular turkey, whilst few hours ago you were implying secularists are the cause of every wrong doing. No one can or should take your right to believe that AKP is completely correct. If you had paid attention I did point out that I agreed with AKP reforms early on. So before you try calling a randomer a kid, I think you should man up and just accept that there are people that have different veiws in Turkey.

Also don't take anything personal buddy. We will see the results tommorow. Afterall the Turkish people will decide to the bad or good.

And everyone have a good night =)
Fine by them, at the mean time they enjoy the fact that Europe is the climax of human civilisation with proper working state aparatus, highest life expectancy, real democracy, low corruption, leader in technology and science, freedom of independent press and individual thinking, etc. etc.

Thank you, I needed my laugh for today. The thing what you think Europe is, Guess Switzerland is different from all the other nations who are in the EU.
Thank you, I needed my laugh for today. The thing what you think Europe is, Guess Switzerland is different from all the other nations who are in the EU.
Isnt it true? Be honest whats wrong with what i wrote? Is there any other region in the world with better life standards than Europe?
Isnt it true? Be honest whats wrong with what i wrote? Is there any other region in the world with better life standards than Europe?

Fine by them, at the mean time they enjoy the fact that Europe is the climax of human civilisation with proper working state aparatus, highest life expectancy, real democracy, low corruption, leader in technology and science, freedom of independent press and individual thinking, etc. etc.

The reason why Europe is what it is today while it could be much but leaving that chapter out, starting post ww2, Usa invested in Europe to be what it is to be a Western Front against Communism. you are saying the EU is at the climax of human civilization I dunno how it works out in Switzerland but Health care in Holland at least suffers from low quality personal which are delaying serious symptoms and have long lines for surgery to such an extend that native dutch people are looking treatment else, one of the reason medical tourism is big in Turkiye.

Nation state democracy even though it seems fair, it does not hold real value since all the important decisions are made in the European Parliament which the committee itself are weird organization which the peoples of Europe cant remove them from power. But this is an EU thing so it doesn't count for Switzerland or Norway.

Low corruption. This is one hell of laughter, most of the people here in Holland (leaving out the opinion of foreigners). Dutch know their government is corrupt and that tax payers money is wasted, but they don't bother much on it as long as their way of live if maintained aka. European Traditionalism in this era's form.

Leader in technology and science, I have to say they have dedicated people who are researching science and new technology. But thats because universities are mainly focused on breeding new scientists to increase the Quantity of papers and researchers and not the Quality. Quality research are done within private companies as far as we can observe and because of this attitude of them Universities the quality of education is going down the drain which both the government and high profile newspapers say, but it is something they cant change because the people are ideologically grown this way.

Freedom of press is something you boast about Europe. All major newspapers are mostly owned by 1 holding, company and all write the same thing. there is not really a big independent newspaper. So there is not something to challenge the freedom of speech in Europe. For example this year there were some riots on Germany with police brutality and iirc the only mention about this was at some tabloid newspaper with only a really small section while all the other major newspapers ignored that entire matter. Its freedom of speech in the end, you can't really call it censorship when all the major newspapers which owned by the same company decides not to write about it.

Individual thinking. Does it even really matter. No one in Europe cares about a certain ideology. Unless you can call "if the world burns or is in peace I don't care as long as I get paid and can do my usual routine" an Ideology, the question do they think for themselves ?, yeah I have come across many dutch who know stuff ain't right and isn't what it looks like and talk about it private. But they think its a big to hassle to be bothered it and don't have any problem with how things are how they are now as long they can keep doing what they want.

If your life standard means being able to live your life as a cog in a machine which is called the nation. knowing a lot of subjects are wrong but can't be bothered to fix it and thus having these politicians do some backhand deals for their own benefits and attacking other nations with their media and government statements to feel good about themselves. then yeah you will hardly find a nation with a better life standard.

What I wrote here applies for spearhead of the EU. you may disagree, things in Switzerland maybe entirely different, But these are the observations by people who are critical about the nation for the good of the nation.

Everything can sound great when putting it into limited context.
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Fine by them, at the mean time they enjoy the fact that Europe is the climax of human civilisation with proper working state aparatus, highest life expectancy, real democracy, low corruption, leader in technology and science, freedom of independent press and individual thinking, etc. etc.

The reason why Europe is what it is today while it could be much but leaving that chapter out, starting post ww2, Usa invested in Europe to be what it is to be a Western Front against Communism. you are saying the EU is at the climax of human civilization I dunno how it works out in Switzerland but Health care in Holland at least suffers from low quality personal which are delaying serious symptoms and have long lines for surgery to such an extend that native dutch people are looking treatment else, one of the reason medical tourism is big in Turkiye.

Nation state democracy even though it seems fair, it does not hold real value since all the important decisions are made in the European Parliament which the committee itself are weird organization which the peoples of Europe cant remove them from power. But this is an EU thing so it doesn't count for Switzerland or Norway.

Low corruption. This is one hell of laughter, most of the people here in Holland (leaving out the opinion of foreigners). Dutch know their government is corrupt and that tax payers money is wasted but they don't bother to much on it as long as their way of live if maintained aka. European Traditionalism in this era's form.

Leader in technology and science, I have to say they have dedicated people who are doing researching technology and science. But thats because the universities are mainly focused on breeding new scientists to increase the Quantity of papers and researchers and not the Quality. Quality work are done in private companies so far its observable and because of this attitude of Universities the quality education is going down the drain which both the government and high profile newspapers say, but it is something they cant change because the people are ideologically grown this way.

Freedom of press is something you boast about Europe. All major newspapers are mostly owned by 1 holding, company and all write the same thing. there is not really a big independent newspaper. So there is not something to challenge the freedom of speech in Europe. For example this year there were some riots on Germany with police brutality and iirc the only mention about this was at some tabloid newspaper with only a really small section while all the other major newspapers ignored that entire matter. Its freedom of speech in the end, you can't really call it censorship when all the major newspapers which owned by the same company decides not to write about it.

Individual thinking. Does it even really matter. No one in Europe cares about a certain ideology. Unless you can call "if the world burns or is in peace I don't care as long as I get paid and can do my usual routine" an Ideology, the question do they think for themselves ?, yeah I have come across many dutch who know stuff ain't right and isn't what it looks like and talk about it private. But they think its a big to hassle to be bothered it and don't have any problem with how the things are how they are now as long they can keep doing what they want.

If your life standard means being able to live your life as a cog in a machine which is called the nation. knowing a lot of subjects are wrong but can't be bothered to fix it and thus having these politicians do some backhand deals for their own benefits and in the meanwhile while attacking other nations with their media and government statements to feel good about themselves. then yeah you will hardly find a nation with a better life standard.

What I wrote here applies for spearhead of the EU. you may disagree, things in Switzerland maybe entirely different, But these are the observations by people who are critical about the nation for the good of the nation.

Everything can sound great when putting it into limited context.
Everthing you wrote is in a ''yes its like that but...'' style apological manner or some conspiracy theory, still the question remains, is there any other region in the world with higher life standard, with more value to human life, with bigger freedom?
Europe isnt perfect, yes, but can you show me one region wich performs better in those categories?
One might think NL is such a bad place by reading your comment while all of your points is at least 10 times worse in Turkey can you say im wrong if you stay honest?
Every states have flaws. However i think there is a reason why thousands die trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach the EU :-)
Everthing you wrote is in a ''yes its like that but...'' style apological manner or some conspiracy theory, still the question remains, is there any other region in the world with higher life standard, with more value to human life, with bigger freedom?
Europe isnt perfect, yes, but can you show me one region wich performs better in those categories?
One might think NL is such a bad place by reading your comment while all of your points is at least 10 times worse in Turkey can you say im wrong if you stay honest?

NL a bad place, what non sense is that. Its a great place to live, its only that you have to accept the state of things within this country to prevent someone in falling into depression, because its the story you are selling that people come to Europe in the first place and fall into depression because it doesn't fit into their image, really breaks down the mood for everyone, and it are those type of people who cant hold a job and fall into social security, So my way is, look holland isin't really and exemplary Utopian nation, but a nation which is good enough to live a reasonable secure life as long as you act and think along the capitalistic rules. Even though long term stability is an concern which the governments aren't eager to solve.

The issue I have noticed with you is that you look at the immediate. You are obsessed with an example of a country which is better than the one you are pointing to, this is something you have been doing on multiple occasions. If you want to keep having examples where you keep skipping the introduction, the context and the first part of the conclusion and only take the final part of the conclusion of every matter at hand, than you are free to do so. But that means that I won't come trough to you in realistic point of view.

To the question is Turkiye at least 10 times worse than something like Netherlands, Germany, France, United Kingdom; Ain't it, one of many reasons why we are even having these kind of talks is the proof that Turkiye is one hell of a Chaotic country.

But. thats only the final part of the conclusion of the entire matter. To point out everything prior to the final conclusion in this case won't matter, it just shows we have different priorities in life. Hence the reason why I even stopped bothering to comment on many posts which are political on this forum. The only reason I posted on this post is because I really am tired of these false analogies all the time. Even though Turkiye is worse off in comparison with West Europe, to mention them in the same sentence is a false analogy.
NL a bad place, what non sense is that. Its a great place to live, its only that you have to accept the state of things within this country to prevent someone in falling into depression, because its the story you are selling that people come to Europe in the first place and fall into depression because it doesn't fit into their image, really breaks down the mood for everyone, and it are those type of people who cant hold a job and fall into social security, So my way is, look holland isin't really and exemplary Utopian nation, but a nation which is good enough to live a reasonable secure life as long as you act and think along the capitalistic rules. Even though long term stability is an concern which the governments aren't eager to solve.

The issue I have noticed with you is that you look at the immediate. You are obsessed with an example of a country which is better than the one you are pointing to, this is something you have been doing on multiple occasions. If you want to keep having examples where you keep skipping the introduction, the context and the first part of the conclusion and only take the final part of the conclusion of every matter at hand, than you are free to do so. But that means that I won't come trough to you in realistic point of view.

To the question is Turkiye at least 10 times worse than something like Netherlands, Germany, France, United Kingdom; Ain't it, one of many reasons why we are even having these kind of talks is the proof that Turkiye is one hell of a Chaotic country.

But. thats only the final part of the conclusion of the entire matter. To point out everything prior to the final conclusion in this case won't matter, it just shows we have different priorities in life. Hence the reason why I even stopped bothering to comment on many posts which are political on this forum. The only reason I posted on this post is because I really am tired of these false analogies all the time. Even though Turkiye is worse off in comparison with West Europe, to mention them in the same sentence is a false analogy.
So long story short, you say im right but it offends you that i mention it... well lets us all stick our head into the sand then, cant say anything more...
So long story short, you say im right but it offends you that i mention it... well lets us all stick our head into the sand then, cant say anything more...

I am saying that you are right in the context you believe in, and if you are satisfied with that, than sure you are free to stick your head into the sand, I have different priorities.
I am saying that you are right in the context you believe in, and if you are satisfied with that, than sure you are free to stick your head into the sand, I have different priorities.
Then i wish you luck with your priorities, what i wrote are facts and you cant say ''no you are wrong'' thats why you post wishy washy wall of text, im pretty sure im not the one sticking his head into the sand.
Some people care about how things look while others care about how things are.
@cabatli_53 Paşam direk türkçe yazacam Malum seçimler oldu Koalisyon olursa hükümette bizizm tfx projesinin iptal olması gündeme gelebilirmi :( :( :(

Bro, I think the future of big projects is about economical performance of country, instead of coalition models. Each political parties want to costruct better industry and stronger armed forces.
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