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Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

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I guess you dont know much about Turkiye's current situation.
For the good of the country,the AKP has to go,you might ask why.
1)The Turkish economy is only ''existing'' on loans,there is no economic power,inflation skyrocketed,unemployement rises every fvcking day,jobs only for AKPeans(if any),inflation(10% at least every month),life is more expensive then here in Europe.
2)Try and say something negative about Erdogan or one of his goons,immediate arrest(schoolkids,teachers,journalists,singers,models,old granny's,actors,military,it doesnt matter who),who is he Kim jong-un,Saddam,Stalin,Hitler etc????
3)Sectarian bs,Turkiye should be(in his eyes,IS the leader of the Sunni world??)74% Sunni population accepted but 25% Alevi population rejected(what to do with them,gas,kill,deport???).

Do you know what this idiot is upto?
Do you really think that if he was good for Turkiye,so many Turks would mock him or even deteste(the French word has the real meaning) him?
I know you mean well for Turkiye but you dont know whats going on,this guy will cause the end of Turkiye as we know it.

Amen my brother!

Oh sorry, I overlooked the fact that you don't even live in Turkey.

So what if he doesn't live in Turkey?
Judging by your post history and blind love for erdogan, living in Turkey doesn't exactly qualify one as an expert either.

You seem to be either an ak-troll or you are so far up erdogans butt that you can't see or hear reality.
As far as i saw, Turks living outside of the Turkey tend to be more rational.

Their rationalism are stained by the effect of those countries' stance and arguements against Turkey and Turkey's leadership. And I am not taking the trouble of filling them in with what happened in the many years they looked away.
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Their rationalism are stained by the ways of those countries' stand and arguements against Turkey and Turkey's leadership. And I am not taking the trouble of filling them in with what happened in the many years they looked away.

I think, at least in your case, it is the other way around.
You have been programmed to think that any criticism coming from the west is always a lie, slander and some kind of ridiculous zionist conspiracy to take down Turkey as if the west has nothing better to do.

We hear and see everything you do, only some people blindly follow certain people no matter what.
And other people listen to different points of view and make up their own balanced opinion.
Their rationalism are stained by the effect of those countries' stance and arguements against Turkey and Turkey's leadership. And I am not taking the trouble of filling them in with what happened in the many years they looked away.
Are you out of you mind? 'rationalism is stained'. What the flying fcuk are you talking about. I am making an observation. You haven't even answered my questions. You still haven't replied with RATIONAL *non stained version:cheesy::cheesy:*And every time you reply back you fuxing edit that whole bloody thing you fool.
Are you out of you mind? 'rationalism is stained'. What the flying fcuk are you talking about. I am making an observation. You haven't even answered my questions. You still haven't replied with RATIONAL *non stained version:cheesy::cheesy:*And every time you reply back you fuxing edit that whole bloody thing you fool.

Dirty dirty dirty. Dirty mouth you are, out.
Dirty dirty dirty. Dirty mouth you are, out.
What ever dude. It's cool when you say i shouldn't have a say in Turkish politics and that i'm brainwashed, but when i say 'fcuk' a few times i'm the dirty one.... You are a lost cause.
Their rationalism are stained by the effect of those countries' stance and arguements against Turkey and Turkey's leadership. And I am not taking the trouble of filling them in with what happened in the many years they looked away.
Neither people nor the goverments here give a flying bird about Turkey, you wanna give AKP 2/3 majority and make Erdogan a dictator?
Fine by them, at the mean time they enjoy the fact that Europe is the climax of human civilisation with proper working state aparatus, highest life expectancy, real democracy, low corruption, leader in technology and science, freedom of independent press and individual thinking, etc. etc.

You AKP guys think everybody wants to hurt you while everything Turkey could archive was only possible with Western technology and their will to share it with us, a country deciding to cut the ties with them and becoming a dictorship at the edge of Europe is not a disaster for them, they would just continue their success, either you decide to be part of that success or screw everything for your ideology and give one, already authocratic man, the absolute power in the country.

Dedigin gibi biz Avrupada yasiyoruz, ama sunu unutmayin ne yaparsaniz kendinize yaparsiniz.
Hadi size iyi uykular, tek dilegim insallah birgün fazla gec olmadan uyanipta ne yaptik biz demeniz.
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Neither people nor the goverments here give a flying bird about Turkey, you wanna give AKP 2/3 majority and make Erdogan a dictator?
Fine by them, at the mean time they enjoy the fact that Europe is the climax of human civilisation with proper working state aparatus, highest life expectancy, real democracy, low corruption, leader in technology and science, freedom of independent press and individual thinking, etc. etc.

You AKP guys think everybody wants to hurt you while everything Turkey could archive was only possible with Western technology and their will to share it with us, a country deciding to cut the ties with them and becoming a dictorship at the edge of Europe is not a disaster for them, they would just continue their success, either you decide to be part of that success or screw everything for your ideology and give one, already authocratic man, the absolute power in the country.

Dedigin gibi biz Avrupada yasiyoruz, ama sunu unutmayin ne yaparsaniz kendinize yaparsaniz.
Hadi size iyi uykular, tek dilegim insallah birgün fazla gec olmadan uyanipta ne yaptik biz demeniz.

Not to mention, that according to these people, 13 years ago Turks lived like cave men with no cars or highways.
Thank god for erdogan.....
Not to mention, that according to these people, 13 years ago Turks lived like cave men with no cars or highways.
Thank god for erdogan.....
And this while Turkey just fell this year to the same economic rank as 80s...
Not a chance. It is not what people want that govern their behavior. It's what their leader that they are attached to wants that they go for. And the leader behind the curtain that they are indirectly attached to want Turkey to go down and get out of their way. Therefore it doesn't matter even if you drink raki with them. It is the ruling rights that they want not the comfort that you give to people.

When you say "the leader behind them"...do you mean Gulen?

Because I can understand people being really attached to Gulen, but I don't think secularists in Turkey are attached to CHP or MHP's leaders that much.

I'm going to sound very cliché and even most anti-AKP supporters will disagree, but here i go. Its not about 'coal or pasta'. The reason why most Turks support them is the same reason why that Pakistani AUz is supporting him; its religion. They are using religion to gather the unconditional support of these people; or why do you think a Pakistani cares about Turks? Does the internal affairs of turkey affect this person? No. AKP, using these below the belt political tricks, is making people disregard the real problems of everyday life. Religion is used to control the uneducated and AKP has mastered that quite well.

Because Pakistanis consider Turks as brothers and ally. You won't know, since you are way too emotional and anti-religion, but even the "secularists" in Turkey gave their full support and help to Pakistan during Indo-Pak war of 1965 without demanding any favors in return.
When you say "the leader behind them"...do you mean Gulen?

Because I can understand people being really attached to Gulen, but I don't think secularists in Turkey are attached to CHP or MHP's leaders that much.

Because Pakistanis consider Turks as brothers and ally. You won't know, since you are way too emotional and anti-religion, but even the "secularists" in Turkey gave their full support and help to Pakistan during Indo-Pak war of 1965 without demanding any favors in return.
Want to elaborate on why Pakistanis and Turks are considered brothers? What do we have in common expect Islam and the connections caused from that. You are the one who is proving my point so i should thank you.

Don't get me wrong, Pakistan as nation is a brother state, but when you support specific group in that entire 'brother' nation you should not expect 'love' from the other half of them since YOU are the one who taking sides in divisions in between Turks. So I'm not being emotional; you are.

So overall, you claim to be consider Turks brothers but when it comes to internal politics of Turkey you take sides, disregard the other Turks by calling them 'secularist' and you accuse me of being anti-religion just because I'm pointing the facts. This is the opposite definition of a brother; so don't claim you are the brother of Turks. You are the brother of akpians.
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