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Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

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lol, but i read a while ago that you have quite a belly, so can we entrust our defense on you? ;)
Im not in Japan anymore, I was there at the time i signed up for this site. Life was good over there.
let's introduce that Nur girl to you first, i bet you will have a 6pack before she allows you to lay a hand on her :butcher:
How's the situation in Karachi? Did those terrorists get killed?

Yes ! :yay:

Unfortunately there were some casualties as well ! :(
Yes ! :yay:

Unfortunately there were some casualties as well ! :(
may all the souls of those brave security men and any innocent passenger rest in peace.
I was shocked when i read that those scum made it so far. There is something serious going on over there in Pakistan as well. I am looking forward to the day when we get rid of this cancer called terrorism in both of our countries.
@Kaan I'm expecting an explaination and an apology

one thing is certain, some groups or 3rd parties want to see this region go up in flames again.
Don't be stupid.. you didn't seriously think PKK would give up weapons did you?

AKP is the first political party to rule the Turkey and negotiate with terrorists, if "peace process" blows up it'll be on AKP's face. They know it and they are putting on pressure.

Stop blaming others for AKP's screw ups.
Sure spill more Turkish blood for sake of Kurds and Arabs so Turks became minority in their own country even faster... :hitwall: You are so eager to spill your own people's blood for sake of non-Turks at the end of the day you are no different than a Neo-Ottomanists dreamer.

500.000 people are leaving the town. Do you want those guys as our neighbours?
On the other hand they might fight the KRG too, but nevertheless those guys are really scum, did you see the video of them were they were randomly shooting at cars? Alone in that video they killed a dozen human beings.
So you think they will spare Turkmen?

That video is seriously disturbing, once again Muslims killing Muslims.
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So you think they will spare Turkmen?

That video is seriously disturbing, once again Muslims killing Muslims.
I have no idea when i look at their data i see %40 of Iraqi Turkmens are Shia so :undecided: but what i know is Tayyip Erdoğan's insane idea of creating islamic federation and we Turks turning into minority in our own land must be prevented at all cost.If ISIS is the one who makes it then all hail ISIS!
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Well I can not think as cold blooded as you do, even considering fascist Tayyips and his PKK friends dreams. At the end of the day humans are humans and something has to be done. March in there save lifes, save the Turkmens regions and you might as well stay.

Firs estimates say that those fuckers now have around 400 million Dollars in cash and tons of equipment alone in Mosul.
@Kaan I'm expecting an explaination and an apology

Don't be stupid.. you didn't seriously think PKK would give up weapons did you?

AKP is the first political party to rule the Turkey and negotiate with terrorists, if "peace process" blows up it'll be on AKP's face. They know it and they are putting on pressure.

Stop blaming others for AKP's screw ups.
where did i defend the govt? it seems once someone defends the govt (as i did in the past in other topics), you immediately create a negative image of him/her and push him/her away as a pro-govt person for the next times, at least you have given me that impression so far. change this (obsession with akp or whatever) attitude. what i meant with that sentence is that some factions want to escalate violence in the region, be it pkk, isil or whoever is supporting them to destabilize Turkish and KRG interests. i already condemned the govt for not having balls to do anything about this isil, protecting Turkmen or creating buffer zones in Syria or Iraq. happy now?
one thing is certain, some groups or 3rd parties want to see this region go up in flames again. For what benefit though? who is the winner of these sudden explosion of violence? Is it coincidence that pkk activities are increasing at the same time KRG/north Iraq is being targeted as we speak? could it be that someone wants Turkey and KRG activities to stop?
edit: now that ISIL went against KRG too, can we expect pkk to cease their activities in TUrkey and focus on ISIL? that would be interesting.
PKK wants Turkey to stop supporting and facilitating the rebels in Syria. Also Iran wants Turkey to stop supporting the rebels in Syria. I expect PKK activity to increase because they want to convince Turkey to stop expanding their influence in the region.

Why Iran? If rebels win in Syria. Iran looses influence in Syria. Why PKK? They wanted to take advantage of the vaccuum in Syria and steal some land from Syria but as we know they got steam rolled in Syria.

Nobody wants chaos and war but you can see the pieces moving. Mid-east is going in flames within this decade. It is only matter of time. This is why it makes sense why Turkey and Azerbaijan are arming up at lightening speed.
Guys, the recent situation in Iraq is getting worse each day. ISIS has captured Mosul and now they are getting close to kirkuk, and settlements of Iraqi Turkmens. there are about 2-3 million turkmens in Iraq. What Turkey is going to do? Erdogan either needs to start negotiating with ISIS for security of Iraqi turks, or send some troops to protect them.
PKK wants Turkey to stop supporting and facilitating the rebels in Syria. Also Iran wants Turkey to stop supporting the rebels in Syria. I expect PKK activity to increase because they want to convince Turkey to stop expanding their influence in the region.

Why Iran? If rebels win in Syria. Iran looses influence in Syria. Why PKK? They wanted to take advantage of the vaccuum in Syria and steal some land from Syria but as we know they got steam rolled in Syria.

Nobody wants chaos and war but you can see the pieces moving. Mid-east is going in flames within this decade. It is only matter of time. This is why it makes sense why Turkey and Azerbaijan are arming up at lightening speed.
and where does ISIL fit in your theory (which i can agree with) ? Suddenly out of the blue there is a faction called ISIL that is becoming an increasingly pain in the ***. Who could benefit from them? i simply refuse to believe that such organizations can operate totally independently, militarily wise, economically wise and intelligence wise.
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