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Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents

Al-Arabiya put its credibility on the line when they claimed that they authenticated the documents. That's all what they need to do. when the Guardian and New york Times published wikileaks, all they said we confirmed these documents were authentic. After that, the burden of proof shifts to the one claiming its false. This not a random tabloid website, its a respected journalist organization that would never have made a big deal about these documents unless they verified them. As I said, the burden of proof is on you. Not everything is a grand conspiracy to get you to war.

This is quite laughable my friend.

Deno has it right. Al Arabiya needs to prove how the documents have been verified to be true.
if turkey had nukes....syria would have never dared to shoot down that plane.......

its a wake up call for the turks....build your own nukes........conventional weapons will remain conventional for ever.......

if u have 10 nukes.......they are better than..1000 vipers....they will deter the enemy...cause those 1000 vipers wont have a place to land if u use those 10 nukes.

Oh, this is hilarious.

Drones on nuclear power Pakistan, give you a hint?
I just want to ask the people who claims the documents are fake and the bodies of pilots were found in the wreckage. Do you have any evidence to support your argument except the statement of politicians or army officers? We do not know anything about this incident. No pictures were provided regarding the place the bodies found, even there is no clear statement how the aircraft downed? With missile, with AA, with technical failure.

This claim was made before Al Arabiye TV on Sep 20th by a Turkish journalist, Mehmet Baransu. I know something is hidden from the public. I am sure you know what it means to kill a country`s soldiers. It is act of war and even Russia ordered to kill our pilots according to documents. I think because of Russia is in the game, the truth is hidden. Otherwise, Turkiye had to response Russia and Syria for killing her pilots. I just want you to remind you that just a month ago the defense minister said that our aircraft was mistakenly shot down by Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war and this was a 30 year secret and hidden from the public until defense minister said. Last thing, do you really believe every statement that countries make?

Genelkurmay Askeri Savcılığı, 22 Haziran'da düşen Türk jetiyle ilgili olarak bir açıklama yaptı. Yapılan açıklamada uçakta teknik bir arıza bulunduğuna ve bu nedenle düştüğüne yönelik herhangi bir bulgu tespit edilmediği belirtilirken Türk jetinin füze tarafından düşürüldüğü açıklandı.

İşte bu haber ardından Taraf Gazetesi yazarı Mehmet Baransu'dan çok konuşulaşacak bir açıklama geldi. Twitter adresinden Türk jetiyle ilgili önemli iddialarda bulunan Baransu, düşen uçağın enkazında bulunan kask ve bot parçalarının Türk yetkililerce sonradan denize konulduğunu yazdı.

'Pilotlari Suriyeliler alıp öldürdü' diyerek devam eden Baransu, 'Türkiye pilotlara ulaşamayacağını düşündü. Kask ve botlarını bulduk diyeceklerdi' ifadesini kullandı.
I just want to ask the people who claims the documents are fake and the bodies of pilots were found in the wreckage. Do you have any evidence to support your argument except the statement of politicians or army officers? We do not know anything about this incident. No pictures were provided regarding the place the bodies found, even there is no clear statement how the aircraft downed? With missile, with AA, with technical failure.

This claim was made before Al Arabiye TV on Sep 20th by a Turkish journalist, Mehmet Baransu. I know something is hidden from the public. I am sure you know what it means to kill a country`s soldiers. It is act of war and even Russia ordered to kill our pilots according to documents. I think because of Russia is in the game, the truth is hidden. Otherwise, Turkiye had to response Russia and Syria for killing her pilots. I just want you to remind you that just a month ago the defense minister said that our aircraft was mistakenly shot down by Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war and this was a 30 year secret and hidden from the public until defense minister said. Last thing, do you really believe every statement that countries make?

So you are saying Turkey is hiding the truth because Turkey doesn't wanna go to war with Syria??
TURKEY IS TRYING SO HARD TO FIND AN EXCUSE TO ATTACK SYRIA...... Turkey can easily use NATO and start the war, however there are no justified reason for Turkey to attack Syria... and if this case was true Turkey would have attacked Syria long time ago... because that's what AKP want... they want war.... again think before you speak or in this case comment....

Grad missile shot down the jet :hitwall: seriously?? plus everybody knows now that these documents are fake......
I just want to ask the people who claims the documents are fake and the bodies of pilots were found in the wreckage. Do you have any evidence to support your argument except the statement of politicians or army officers?

The statement of Government and Army are the best evidences you can get..Do you know any more credible source than these?

This claim was made before Al Arabiye TV on Sep 20th by a Turkish journalist, Mehmet Baransu

I believe officials statements rather than a journalist who is famous with fabrication news

I am sure you know what it means to kill a country`s soldiers. It is act of war and even Russia ordered to kill our pilots according to documents. I think because of Russia is in the game, the truth is hidden. Otherwise, Turkiye had to response Russia and Syria for killing her pilots

Why would Russia order(?) to kill Turkish pilots? Whats in it for Russia? Can you give some reasons?

I just want you to remind you that just a month ago the defense minister said that our aircraft was mistakenly shot down by Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war and this was a 30 year secret and hidden from the public until defense minister said


Last thing, do you really believe every statement that countries make?

No..Do you really believe in every news you see/read on tv/newspapers?
Russia Rejects Link to Turkish Jet Shoot-Down

Media claims concerning Russia’s involvement in the downing of a Turkish combat jet by Syrian air defense in June are utter nonsense, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.


The Russian foreign ministry stressed that deliberately spreading lies has become common practice among some Arab media outlets covering the Syrian conflict.

Full Story:Russia Rejects Link to Turkish Jet Shoot-Down | Russia | RIA Novosti
The statement of Government and Army are the best evidences you can get..Do you know any more credible source than these?

I agree with that, but what I do not agree is that not government`s all statements are true because of the circumstances or some reasons. I would not doubt on this issue if the government and our army were clear and at least show some blurred pictures.

I believe officials statements rather than a journalist who is famous with fabrication news

I usually believe the official statements but the journalist you accused was right a lot of times and the evidence he provided (for example for the Balyoz trail) was accepted by both Turkish and European courts.

Why would Russia order(?) to kill Turkish pilots? Whats in it for Russia? Can you give some reasons?

Do you really follow the news and every day agenda? I doubt that, otherwise you would know why Russia would do that. She is the only real country who stands between international community and Syria (Iran supports Syria as well, but not as influential and powerful as Russia). Besides, you would know that Russia tries so hard to not lose her military base in Syria which is so important for the Russia. There are lots of dirty games among the countries on Syria.


No, opposite way round. This is relevant so much to show sometimes countries can hide the truth because of circumstances and some reasons we do not know.

No..Do you really believe in every news you see/read on tv/newspapers?

I do not really believe everything I hear or read. I actually filter the news and analyze them after I get a conclusion. However, I see that you are so willing to believe the news. In this issue, there are a lot of unclear, vague points that need to be clarified. If you look at the statements of our government you can see a lot of contradictory and inconsistent points.
The only thing that leaked is 'sheit'. These saudis should stop BSing and should deal with there own problems.
And for that Pro-Assad guy; if Turkey wanted attck syria it would have ages ago. both sides like to bluff; just like israel and iran.
Come on TurAr!!! what did you expect them? to tell they really did.

The only reason why i can't fully label these documents as BS is because of the helmet and the boots which were found on the water floating instead of on the pilots. Which is an indication of they might managed to eject themselves.

But still, it is a really tiny chance. How do you think the bodies were replaced by Syria without detection. I mean even Turkey needed the help of USA in order to recover the bodies, even us didn't have the necessary equipments to recover them. So how did Syria manage to do that, more importantly without getting detected?
I agree with that, but what I do not agree is that not government`s all statements are true because of the circumstances or some reasons. I would not doubt on this issue if the government and our army were clear and at least show some blurred pictures.

The pictures of plane were revealed..Revealing the dead bodies of military personal is against the military law

I usually believe the official statements but the journalist you accused was right a lot of times and the evidence he provided (for example for the Balyoz trail) was accepted by both Turkish and European courts.

So on this one, you believe the journalist and the news instead of both Russian and Turkish official statements..Fair enough

Do you really follow the news and every day agenda? I doubt that, otherwise you would know why Russia would do that. She is the only real country who stands between international community and Syria (Iran supports Syria as well, but not as influential and powerful as Russia). Besides, you would know that Russia tries so hard to not lose her military base in Syria which is so important for the Russia. There are lots of dirty games among the countries on Syria.

You are contradicting with yourself my friend..On one hand you say, Russia is the only real country standing between international community and Syria and on the other hand you say They ordered to kill Turkish pilots..Cant you even see these two are contradictary? Let me tell you one thing; Russia's approach to international issues and conflicts is fairly pragmatic and predictable. It has not, and will not intervene directly in any conflict where its own territory or that of its closest allies is not in danger. Syria is nowhere near being a "closest ally" - there would be limited solely to Belarus, Armenia, and Kazakhstan. Ordering to kill Turkish pilots is the last thing Russia would do..

Lets assume that fairy tale is true..Please tell me how did it serve to Russian interests? and how did Syria place 2 bodies in to the plane which is on the seabed 14 kms away from Syrian coast while most of our Mediterranean Fleet elements were there?
Don't worry brother, Assad is going down soon Inshaallah. You will laugh your *** off when you see him miserable and humiliated on TV just like Qaddafi.

Inshallah all the dictators are going down including Saud And jordon king Goodbye to bad rubbish .
Brother, I am just so angry at our government. I know the time will come we will see the falling down of the baby killer inshallah. However, our government is lack of planned and intelligent foreign policy.

Turkey did the right thing not to involved in syrian internel matter and only support from outside .Turkey also realised that this arab spring is made in US tag on it and to go to war with syria will effect its economy and we all know turkey is doing very good.
See what is happening around us to Iraq ,Libya,Yemen are good example of foreign intervention and the zionist wants every country around israel to very unstable to wage a big war But allahdulliah they will not launch this Big war till pakistan Has nuclear Bomb i.e the reason we see pakistan in trouble.
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