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Turkish pilgrims come under attack in Syria, two wounded


Sep 5, 2011
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21 November 2011, Monday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM


Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims pray inside the Grand Mosque, in Mecca on Nov. 4, 2011. (Photo: AP)

Three buses carrying Turkish pilgrims to Turkey from Saudi Arabia, where they were going to perform the Islamic pilgrimage, were attacked at a check point in Syria, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

The Foreign Ministry said according to initial reports that the attack occurred near the central city of Homs, where Syrian activists reported at least nine people killed by security forces on Sunday. The statement said two Turkish citizens were injured in the attack.

Turkish NTV news channel said the driver of one of the three buses and a pilgrim were wounded in the attack at a checkpoint just across the Syrian border. Private news agency Doğan showed images of a passenger bus with one of its side windows broken at the Cizre border crossing inside Turkey.

Passengers on the bus said they had been told to disembark at a checkpoint by up to eight uniformed Syrian soldiers. One passenger said the soldiers started firing randomly at the pilgrims as they ran away. A Turkish foreign ministry official told Reuters that he was aware of an incident and the ministry was trying to establish the details.

Driver of one of the buses, Erhan Sürmeli, said the bus was carrying 25 butchers back to Turkey from Saudi Arabia following the Muslim festival of Eid Al-Adha, or the feast of sacrifice.

"We had stopped at a checkpoint," Sürmeli told The Associated Press by telephone. "Syrian soldiers emerged from behind sandbags and cursed [Turkish Prime Minister] Recep Tayyip Erdoğan when we told them we were Turks. Then they suddenly opened fire at the bus."

Sürmeli said he heard that two other Turkish buses had come under attacks and another passenger was injured. They were able to cross into Turkey, he said.

Passengers disembarking at Cizre told Doğan they had been told to get off the bus by up to eight uniformed Syrian soldiers at a checkpoint.

"They were hidden in their hideouts ... these were soldiers, these were not civilians, their flags were there," a male passenger in his thirties said.

One of the soldiers said "'come, come', he wanted to get me inside, I didn't go inside," the passenger said.

"I had nothing in my hands, there were seven or eight of them. He cocked his gun at me and said 'put your hands up' ... I shouted for everyone to run, we ran and they started firing at our backs. God saved us," he said.

"We have returned from death. We have returned from death," said another male middle-aged passenger, sobbing as he spoke.

It was not immediately clear when the incident happened, but it appeared to have taken place overnight.

The wounded were being treated in a hospital in Antakya, in Turkey's Hatay province just across the Turkish border, NTV reported.

The attack is likely to further deteriorate Turkey's relations with the Syrian administration. Turkey, once a close ally of the Syrian president, has gradually toughened its criticism of the Syrian regime for its brutal crackdown on anti-regime protests. Last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan slammed Assad, suggesting that Syria would be the next country for the Arab Spring and that Assad would eventually be ousted by his own people.

Turkish pilgrims come under attack in Syria, two wounded
Assalam alaikum

Now u understand about this regime? and why it should go away
bashar is their God and they say it openly and will kill everyone who disagree with them

i thought that may be some humanity left in them and we muslims should avoid bloodshed among brother but i think i was wrong ......... we gave him enough time but this incident closed all the peaceful options
BTW can we rule out the possibility of propaganda or third party involvement which want to be benefited by this ?
Turkish Prime Minister warns Assad his days are numbered

Monday, November 21, 2011


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Monday that his days as leader were numbered and he cannot remain in power indefinitely through military force.

"You can remain in power with tanks and cannons only up to a certain point. The day will come when you'll also leave," Erdoğan told a meeting in Istanbul.

"Someone shows up and says 'I'll fight and die. Against whom will you fight? Will you fight against your Muslim brothers you rule in your country?" said Erdoğan.

He was referring to an interview with Assad published in London's Sunday Times in which the embattled leader vowed to fight and die for Syria if faced with foreign intervention.

Erdogan denounced the use of military force "against those in Syria who demand a decent life." "We never and never consider humane" the killing of Syrian people with tanks and cannons, said Erdoğan.

Turkey, once a close ally of Syria, has become increasingly outspoken in its criticism of Assad's regime as the death toll from the increasingly bloody crackdown on protests has risen to more than 3,500.

Ankara last week announced a halt to joint oil exploration with Syria and has threatened to cut electricity exports there.

Turkish Prime Minister warns Assad his days are numbered - Hurriyet Daily News

---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 PM ----------

BTW can we rule out the possibility of propaganda or third party involvement which want to be benefited by this ?

This is a strong possibility. Because untill now Turkey only was being friendly, gave friendly advises. Now theyre really playing with fire. They shot themselves in their own feet if its really done by them!
Turkish Prime Minister warns Assad his days are numbered

Monday, November 21, 2011


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Monday that his days as leader were numbered and he cannot remain in power indefinitely through military force.

"You can remain in power with tanks and cannons only up to a certain point. The day will come when you'll also leave," Erdoğan told a meeting in Istanbul.

"Someone shows up and says 'I'll fight and die. Against whom will you fight? Will you fight against your Muslim brothers you rule in your country?" said Erdoğan.

He was referring to an interview with Assad published in London's Sunday Times in which the embattled leader vowed to fight and die for Syria if faced with foreign intervention.

Erdogan denounced the use of military force "against those in Syria who demand a decent life." "We never and never consider humane" the killing of Syrian people with tanks and cannons, said Erdoğan.

Turkey, once a close ally of Syria, has become increasingly outspoken in its criticism of Assad's regime as the death toll from the increasingly bloody crackdown on protests has risen to more than 3,500.

Ankara last week announced a halt to joint oil exploration with Syria and has threatened to cut electricity exports there.

Turkish Prime Minister warns Assad his days are numbered - Hurriyet Daily News

---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 PM ----------

This is a strong possibility. Because untill now Turkey only was being friendly, gave friendly advises. Now theyre really playing with fire. They shot themselves in their own feet if its really done by them!
if they did this then they made Turkey their enemy but before going to final conclusion this incident should be investigated properly by Turkey .. may be someone want a War between Turkey and Syria you know what i mean
Can anyone tell me why the internal revolution inside Syria causing strained relation between Turkey and Syria. Is this because of growing refugees or something else.
Can anyone tell me why the internal revolution inside Syria causing strained relation between Turkey and Syria. Is this because of growing refugees or something else.

Yes growing refugees and also more important we consider Syrian people our brothers, we share culture, faith and history.

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