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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

1)Dün gece #Gaziantep'te duyulan patlamaya benzer ses #TSK'ya ait #F16 savaş uçaklarının #Suriye içine girerken ses hızını aşması ile ilgili
2)Jetlerimiz #Bab'a yaklaşan rejime ait jetlere önleme yapmak amaçlı süratle #Suriye hava sahasına girmiş ve birliklerimize kalkan olmuştur.
3)Buna mukabil rejim jetleri ile #TSK'ya ait #F16'lar arasında #Suriye hava sahasında it dalaşı yasanmış ve rejim uçakları çekilmiştir..
4)Dün bahsetmiştim şuan için #Afrin/#Bab/#Menbiç/#Cerablus arasında ki bölgede havasahası #TSK tarafından gayri resmi NO FLY ZONE ilanedildi


What does it mean ? tried google translate says informal NFZ set by Turkish airforce over prospect security zone in syria ?

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a phone call on Friday over the deaths of Turkish servicemen in war-torn Syria, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Turkish military said on Thursday that three Turkish soldiers were killed in an airstrike in northern Syria, although there were also reports claiming the servicemen were killed in a suicide bomb attack by Daesh terrorists. "Putin expressed condolences to Erdogan in connection with the death of Turkish servicemen on the Syrian territory," Peskov told reporters. "During the talks, the leaders discussed current issues of Russian-Turkish political and economic cooperation, including upcoming bilateral contacts at various levels," the Kremlin press service said in a statement earlier. According to the statement, Putin and Erdogan also exchanged views on ways to resolve the Syrian crisis. "It was agreed in particular to continue an active dialogue on behalf of the foreign, defense ministries and intelligence agencies of Russia and Turkey, aimed at ensuring a coordination of efforts in the fight against international terrorism," the statement noted. In November 2015, Turkey downed the Russian Su-24 plane, which was on an anti-terror mission over Syria. Following the incident, the relations between Russia and Turkey deteriorated, with Moscow demanding that Ankara should apologize for downing the plane and cover any associated material losses to the country and the pilot's family. Russia and Turkey launched reconciliation efforts in late June following Erdogan's apology for the November incident.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/politics/201611251047846382-putin-erdogan-turkey-syria/
#Bab ve civarında #TSK'ya ait #F16savaş uçakları ve rejimjetleri arasındaki itdalaşı devam ediyor.
Rejim#bab'ı vermek istemiyor
I just feel the news after 2 hours "Bordo bereliler Suriyede girdi 12301420120487 koy aldi 120847128047128074 terorist olduruldu 1283471283721 Esed askeri esir alinmistir. FLAS FLAS FLAS Rusya ve ABD ordusu TSKdan kaciyor Putin ve Obama Erdogan ile telefon gorusmesi yapti agliyorlar merhamet istiyorlar AB nin tepkisi yok Turkiye den korkuyorlar. FLAS FLAS FLAS Turkiyenin cehennem sila....."
I agree on Israel part , but when it comes to Syria , Iran and Iraq they have always been against Turkey . Regardless of what any Turkish administration does these countries will seek to undermine and weaken Turkey.

I am still hopeful though Israel-Turkish relations will return back to strategic level . The recent move by Erdogan to support Israel in her firefighting efforts and recent gas deals should help bring back relations to strategic level .

Short term period Turkey needs to focus on ending its operations against PKK in southern eastern Turkey and operation Euphrates against Isil and PYD in northern Syrian .

Mid-term threat might include future operation in northern iraq against PKK in Sinjar mountains and extending operations in Syria against PYD in Riqqah to isolate Kobane canton from Jazeera canton .

I know Erdo internal policies were disastrous especially Army purge which unfortunately targeted professional Kemalist Generals and Officers . I hope erdo will realize his mistake and return them back to their positions .

Turkey should aim for close ties with Russia and Israel to be able to secure its own national interests in Syria and Iraq .

This guy one day puts his trust in Sisis Egypt, the next day in MB led Turkey. Paranoid about the Majoos. You seek protectors, in the 80's you flooded Iraq with money to defend you from Iran, then you went to daddy America, then flooded Egypt with billions, now you're looking at Turkey.

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Bu kadar beyin özürlünün bir araya toplandığı bi thread daha yok herhalde bu forumda...

PYD'nin, İngiliz ve ABD'li askerlerin de bulunduğu Haseke'deki askeri kampında şiddetli patlamalar meydana geldi https://t.co/CzV2xwxe0Q https://t.co/HLdqsvjiVh
If you are talking about me I am just joking :D dont take it serious also dont take serious every news and especially if the source is turkish and twitter/facebook user. Turkish + twitter/facebook + news = Most probably fake and speculation.


Turkish Armed Forces sent ATILGAN Pedestal Mounted Stinger Systems to Gaziantep. Probably will be deployed near Al Bab
I don't think ATILGAN air defense system will be solution for the problem. We need min. medium range air defense systems instead I thought...

If I am not mistaken this system is against attack helicopters and low flying targets not for jets.
I don't think ATILGAN air defense system will be solution for the problem. We need min. medium range air defense systems instead I thought...

If I am not mistaken this system is against attack helicopters and low flying targets not for jets.

Syrian Arab Air Force lost many jets against MANPADS during Syria Civil War.
Syrian Arab Air Force lost many jets against MANPADS during Syria Civil War.

They fly pretty high... and this is a bit of empty gesture as Atilgan systems were already in place on the border.
Unless they move directly in to Syria...
Atilgan is enough for syrian airforce, they are not using smart bombs so they are flying low. Perfect for atilgan, i don´t now why people are talking like experts. Range is 8 km for atilgan, they are not bombin city 8km high, dumb bombs are they using. Most important about atilgan is that its mobile, that thing can hit albatros easy.
Atilgan is enough for syrian airforce, they are not using smart bombs so they are flying low. Perfect for atilgan, i don´t now why people are talking like experts. Range is 8 km for atilgan, they are not bombin city 8km high, dumb bombs are they using. Most important about atilgan is that its mobile, that thing can hit albatros easy.
Attack made by unguided rockets and 23mm gun of Albatros... Atilgan will be much more for it...
How reliable is South Front? Around 0:58 she says Turkish artillary strikes towards Latakia killed 80 SAA soldiers. And then Albatros attack happened.
How reliable is South Front? Around 0:58 she says Turkish artillary strikes towards Latakia killed 80 SAA soldiers. And then Albatros attack happened.
I remember that day and before turkish artillery shot on SAA positions some bombs fell on turkish territory and you know the rules of engagement of the turkish army. I cant say nothing about the SAA casualties.
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