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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I must have missed the quote from the Russian AF then. Can you point me in the right direction.

Conservation between Turkish and Russian staf.Turkish staf asked about the fighter and they told that they didn't do it and told syrian airforce was it. Ther intention is bring Turkish and Russian airforce in a fight.
Conservation between Turkish and Russian staf.Turkish staf asked about the fighter and they told that they didn't do it and told syrian airforce was it. Ther intention is bring Turkish and Russian airforce in a fight.
It would make sense, a direct conflict between Turkey and Russia means end of Opertion Euphrates.
After I read all of your comments I thought: Oh, sh*t, Operation Euphrates is going to be a catastrophic defeat for us.

Than I opened the map and saw this:


Despite everything, we are still making territorial gains in North Syria. Yes, I am criticizing too the poor security of our soldiers but unlike some other members I'm mature enough to understand the extremely complicated situation. We are fighting against DAESH, PKK and Assad directly and indirectly at the very same time. We also had an military accident with Russia some month ago + we have to deal with Western interests in this civil war "game".

In view of the above and considering the very dangerous overall situation our government acted cool and collected. Yes, every Turkish soldier who dies in this conflict is an irretrievably and tragic loss. The life of a Turkish citizen is precious for all of us. But let's be rational instead of taking an overly short-term view.

We are fighting a war. From a strategic perspective: our military is doing a very good job, our losses are very limited compared to Iran's and Russia's casualties. If you consider the low number of FSA participants and the area they liberated until today, you'll understand my position.

So, please, think before you comment. Don't be a cilgin Türk, be a zeki Türk. I don't wanted to be forced by you guys to defend the government because for the first time they have acted unemotionally and rationally in the interests of our nation. You cannot bomb the sh*t out of Assad in a flash just because they killed three soldiers. This sounds hard but it's the reality. Besides, I personally believe that this was a tactical move by Assad to damage our newly restored relation with Russia. In that sense AKP made the right decision to speak with Putin behind the scenes instead of a radical move with foam at the mouth. Why do you think the Russians immediately send an airplane to Ankara in the middle of the night? Assad did this on purpose. He wanted us to be drawn into a war with Russia.This actually means that our Operation is really successful. Think about that.

(Sorry for my bad English.)
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After I read all of your comments I thought: Oh, sh*t, Operation Euphrates is going to be a catastrophic defeat for us.

Than I opened the map and saw this:


Despite everything, we are still making territorial gains in North Syria. Yes, I am criticizing too the poor security of our soldiers but unlike some other members I'm mature enough to understand the extremely complicated situation. We are fighting against DAESH, PKK and Assad directly and indirectly at the very same time. We also had an military accident with Russia some month ago + we have to deal with Western interests in this civil war "game".

In view of the above and considering the very dangerous overall situation our government acted cool and collected. Yes, every Turkish soldier who dies in this conflict is an irretrievably and tragic loss. The life of a Turkish citizen is precious for all of us. But let's be rational instead of taking an overly short-term view.

We are fighting a war. From a strategic perspective: our military is doing a very good job, our losses are very limited compared to Iran's and Russia's casualties. If you consider the low number of FSA participants and the area they liberated until today, you'll understand my position.

So, please, think before you comment. Don't be a cilgin Türk, be a zeki Türk. I don't wanted to be forced by you guys to defend the government because for the first time they have acted unemotionally and rationally in the interests of our nation. You cannot bomb the sh*t out of Assad in a flash just because they killed three soldiers. This sounds hard but it's the reality. Besides, I personally believe that this was a tactical move by Assad to damage our newly restored relation with Russia. In that sense AKP made the right decision to speak with Putin behind the scenes instead of a radical move with foam at the mouth. Why do you think the Russians immediately send an airplane to Ankara in the middle of the night? Assad did this on purpose. He wanted us to be drawn into a war with Russia.This actually means that our Operation is really successful. Think about that.

(Sorry for my bad English.)
you sounds like akp trollls did they pay you to right that?
You are blaming him as "akp supporter" just because he doesnt support your beloved PKK/YPG scum?
well the reason iam calling him akp is bcouz he think a loss of 5 of our soldiers is nothing significance, and thats the mentality of akp, when we should be raining syrian goverment with airstrikes, they want to put under the carpet and forget about the 5 brave young lives we lost....
No .I think syrian government was behind the airstrike, and the decision come from russia .
Maybe if not russia who take the decision, i think iran but not US

Some speculated on the same thing. However as far as one can read from Turkish news it seems that there is a direct line between the Turkish - Russian military, and who actually 'did it' was resolved quite quickly. I would place any of the following behind the attack : the US / some EU country (via PYD or other Kurdish factions which clearly has ties to Syrian forces though they deny it).

As for Russia well it could have been a dumb revenge action on the anniversary of the shoot down of the Russian plane, but that is highly improbable, as this doesn't coincide with any of their behavior leading up to and after the event...

Iran, well, for one what for? there is zero strategic or logical gain, but a lot to loose, that is even beside the fact that Russia will also react badly to it, so also highly improbable.
It has everything to do with Erdogan,he made sure that relations between Israel and Turkiye deteriorated the day he came into office by choosing Hamas(a terror organisation) as an ally instead of the Palestinian Authority.
Avidor Lieberman was not against Turkiye,his problem was with Arabs but Erdogans siding with Hamas made sure that the anti Turkish sentiment grew in Israëli politics.
Thanks to Erdogan and his failed policies,we have no ''friends'' left,only enemies.
''Zero problem policy'',yeah right,sure,of course.

I agree on Israel part , but when it comes to Syria , Iran and Iraq they have always been against Turkey . Regardless of what any Turkish administration does these countries will seek to undermine and weaken Turkey.

I am still hopeful though Israel-Turkish relations will return back to strategic level . The recent move by Erdogan to support Israel in her firefighting efforts and recent gas deals should help bring back relations to strategic level .

Short term period Turkey needs to focus on ending its operations against PKK in southern eastern Turkey and operation Euphrates against Isil and PYD in northern Syrian .

Mid-term threat might include future operation in northern iraq against PKK in Sinjar mountains and extending operations in Syria against PYD in Riqqah to isolate Kobane canton from Jazeera canton .

I know Erdo internal policies were disastrous especially Army purge which unfortunately targeted professional Kemalist Generals and Officers . I hope erdo will realize his mistake and return them back to their positions .

Turkey should aim for close ties with Russia and Israel to be able to secure its own national interests in Syria and Iraq .
I am still hopeful though Israel-Turkish relations will return back to strategic level

As long as they(Israel) stop accusing us of arming the Palestinians with swiss army knives and rope and tinned food.. then sure.
genocidal regime, they aren't committing genocide. yeah dropping barrel bombs is abhoorent, but what can you do when you don't have a modern military with modern weapons like Turkey.

meanwhile Turkey Euphrates shield has kept the supplies line open for ISIS, and ISIS is committing genocide as we speak.

Dropping barrel bombs among civilians is a war crime and the sheer number of civilians killed by the regime makes it a genocidal regime. As for ISIS being supplied by Turkey, it's just another way of expressing your hatred towards Turkey. You should rather investigate whether Trump was telling the truth when he claimed that obambam administration created Daesh.
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