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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

AL bab is more important than riqqah . AL riqqah will be a headache and waste of resources for pyd. good they will be busy the next few month wasting their resources on a lost battle . this time could be utilized by turkey to take AL bab then menbij
Why Turkey is slow in taking al bab and manbij
Why Turkey is slow in taking al bab and manbij

Forces are stretched thin. The operation was started with roughly 2000 rebel fighters, this is not nearly enough to take and hold Al-Bab. I expect several thousands of rebels to join soon aswell, only then we have a chance at taking Al-Bab.
Forces are stretched thin. The operation was started with roughly 2000 rebel fighters, this is not nearly enough to take and hold Al-Bab. I expect several thousands of rebels to join soon aswell, only then we have a chance at taking Al-Bab.
I remember seeing some pictures of rebels being trained currently in Turkey. Cant find them though.
american airfoce takes of from incirlik all the to syria in oder to support a group we consider a terrorist organization who kil our soldiers, what a fvcked up policy erdogan should be awarded with his genius fp
I remember seeing some pictures of rebels being trained currently in Turkey. Cant find them though.
I hope it's true and that recruitment is ramping up. Got info by chance on roughly how many are being trained?

Erdoğan has fatal mistakes but cemaat is much older than that. The reason July of 15th happened is Erdoğan wanted to get rid of Gulenists.

-The reason July of 15th happened is Erdoğan wanted to get rid of Gulenists

-Erdoğan has fatal mistakes but cemaat is much older than that

Partly true.

The Islamic Gülen Cult is older than AKP but never had as much chance to get in army or other governmental institution as after AKP took over.

Bkz: "Ne istediler de vermedik."
Devlet yönetmek bakkal işletmeye benzemez. Hataların sonucu ağır olur. Oldu da.
Captured in the last 24 hours.



Reportedly Shedar and Shweiha have also been captured in the last few hours.

PS: damn, I want to know the story behind how that one town got the name Qanli Quyu...

Also interesting:

Would be nice if someone could give a more detailed summary.
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Since Assad is protecting the ypg, i wonder whether capturing al-Bab will definitely prevent ypg from connecting west with east. Even if the fsa can capture al-Bab, ypg could connect, though seemingly in a limited way, with each other south of al-Bab. Imo, capturing and fortifying Tadif and Arran in the south of al-Bab as well for good measure would definitely end west and east connection for ypg, unless Assad in the south gives up ground for ypg. We shall see. What do you guys think?

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