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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Since Assad is protecting the ypg, i wonder whether capturing al-Bab will definitely prevent ypg from connecting west with east. Even if the fsa can capture al-Bab, ypg could connect, though seemingly in a limited way, with each other south of al-Bab. Imo, capturing and fortifying Tadif and Arran in the south of al-Bab as well for good measure would definitely end west and east connection for ypg, unless Assad in the south gives up ground for ypg. We shall see. What do you guys think?

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i think we ahould be friends with Assad
Türk jetlerinin savunma sistemini kitlediler!
Türkiye'nin 24 Ağustos'ta başlattığı Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı'nda iki haftadır savaş uçakları operasyonlara katılmıyor. Güvenlik uzmanlarına göre, Suriye'deki hava savunma sistemi Türk uçaklarına kilitlendi ve yeni bir kriz çıkmasını istemeyen Türkiye jetleri uçurmamaya başladı.


Güvenlik uzmanı ABDullah Ağar, "Batı dünyası IŞİD'i gerekçe göstererek YPG'yi aparat olarak kullanıyor" diyor. PYD'nin Batı dünyası tarafından kollandığını ve donatıldığını belirten Ağar, şunları söyledi:

"Türkiye'nin 160-200 PKK'lıyı etkisiz hale getirmesi aslında çok önemli bir cevaptı. Bundan rahatsız olan sadece ABD değil, aynı zamanda Suriye merkezi hükümeti de bir şekilde rahatsız oldu ve bizim uçaklarımıza kilitlenmeye başladılar.

Suriye'den hava savunma sistemleriyle bizim uçaklarımıza kilitlenmeye başladıktan sonra uçaklarımız uçmamaya başladı. Yeni bir kriz istemedi Türkiye. Bana kalırsa bu noktada da doğru yaptı. Türkiye'nin yeniden konjonktürün yerine oturmasını beklediğini düşünüyorum. Bununla ilgili mutlaka görüşmeler yapılıyor.

Birileri PKK'lıların öldürülmesinden çok fazlasıyla rahatsız oldu. Suriye karasalındaki hava savunma sistemleri Türk jetlerine kilitlenmeye başladı, o harekatın ardından. Ondan sonra Türkiye uçaklarını sokmamaya başladı."



Türk jetlerinin savunma sistemini kitlediler!
Türkiye'nin 24 Ağustos'ta başlattığı Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı'nda iki haftadır savaş uçakları operasyonlara katılmıyor. Güvenlik uzmanlarına göre, Suriye'deki hava savunma sistemi Türk uçaklarına kilitlendi ve yeni bir kriz çıkmasını istemeyen Türkiye jetleri uçurmamaya başladı.


Güvenlik uzmanı ABDullah Ağar, "Batı dünyası IŞİD'i gerekçe göstererek YPG'yi aparat olarak kullanıyor" diyor. PYD'nin Batı dünyası tarafından kollandığını ve donatıldığını belirten Ağar, şunları söyledi:

"Türkiye'nin 160-200 PKK'lıyı etkisiz hale getirmesi aslında çok önemli bir cevaptı. Bundan rahatsız olan sadece ABD değil, aynı zamanda Suriye merkezi hükümeti de bir şekilde rahatsız oldu ve bizim uçaklarımıza kilitlenmeye başladılar.

Suriye'den hava savunma sistemleriyle bizim uçaklarımıza kilitlenmeye başladıktan sonra uçaklarımız uçmamaya başladı. Yeni bir kriz istemedi Türkiye. Bana kalırsa bu noktada da doğru yaptı. Türkiye'nin yeniden konjonktürün yerine oturmasını beklediğini düşünüyorum. Bununla ilgili mutlaka görüşmeler yapılıyor.

Birileri PKK'lıların öldürülmesinden çok fazlasıyla rahatsız oldu. Suriye karasalındaki hava savunma sistemleri Türk jetlerine kilitlenmeye başladı, o harekatın ardından. Ondan sonra Türkiye uçaklarını sokmamaya başladı."



that happens if you buy american jets.. useless for us and I really think if they want to the birds will fall down like stones.. also I belive its much worser with f35
that happens if you buy american jets.. useless for us and I really think if they want to the birds will fall down like stones.. also I belive its much worser with f35

The problem is, that they use there Anti Air defence against us - so they cant start- cause they dont want any drama.

But anyway if u dont have the codes from the F35, they are basically useless. The last time when they cracked the Codes from F16 many Aselsan employee died. Lets see what will happen this time.
Since Assad is protecting the ypg, i wonder whether capturing al-Bab will definitely prevent ypg from connecting west with east. Even if the fsa can capture al-Bab, ypg could connect, though seemingly in a limited way, with each other south of al-Bab. Imo, capturing and fortifying Tadif and Arran in the south of al-Bab as well for good measure would definitely end west and east connection for ypg, unless Assad in the south gives up ground for ypg. We shall see. What do you guys think?

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Didnt the US order the YPG to clear Manbij,go east of the Euphrates river?
If we take over Manbij and the surrounding areas,there is no way to connect for the YPG.
But of course only if the YPG leaves which i doubt they will.
The problem is, that they use there Anti Air defence against us - so they cant start- cause they dont want any drama.

But anyway if u dont have the codes from the F35, they are basically useless. The last time when they cracked the Codes from F16 many Aselsan employee died. Lets see what will happen this time.

Aselsan tried to crack the F-16 codes but they were still unsuccessful, it was USA who gave us the codes after the 2000's.
How are they able to clarify the jets are Turkish and not general coalition jets?
that happens if you buy american jets.. useless for us and I really think if they want to the birds will fall down like stones.. also I belive its much worser with f35

I don't understand your logic, the article says Turkish jets were radar locked by anti-air, what does that got to do with source codes ? Does source code somehow magically stop radar lock ?
Captured in the last 24 hours.



Reportedly Shedar and Shweiha have also been captured in the last few hours.

PS: damn, I want to know the story behind how that one town got the name Qanli Quyu...

Also interesting:

Would be nice if someone could give a more detailed summary.


Only YPG is involved in Raqqa offensive now, no significant Arab forces are part of it after TaR pulled out. "SDF" shows its true face. This is a good opportunity for Turkey.

Only YPG is involved in Raqqa offensive now, no significant Arab forces are part of it after TaR pulled out. "SDF" shows its true face. This is a good opportunity for Turkey.

SDF are wasting resources and manpower fighting for Al-Riqqah which will be a long bloody operation that will take several months to complete .

Turkey should focus first on completing Euphrates shield securing Al-BAB and Manjib which will ultimately put an end to the dream of connecting illegal kurdish cantons in Syria .

SDF will be sold by Americans at the end , the Trump Administration will concede Al-riqqah to Arab forces at the end .


Turkey should be a top priority in U.S. foreign policy, a top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday in an article that slammed Barack Obama for failing to understand Ankara’s geopolitical position.

“We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to U.S. interests,” retired Gen. Michael Flynn wrote for the Hill newspaper. He also called Turkey "a source of stability in the region”.

Flynn was a key national security adviser to Trump during his presidential campaign and is expected by many to be appointed to a Cabinet position, possibly as defense secretary.

The veteran general wrote that it was “an unwise policy” for the Obama administration to keep Ankara at arm’s length,

“We need to adjust our foreign policy to recognize Turkey as a priority. We need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective,” he wrote.

Seems the new US administration will partner with Turkey and leave the SDF in northern Aleppo and Riqqah to their destiny .
SDF are wasting resources and manpower fighting for Al-Riqqah which will be a long bloody operation that will take several months to complete .

Turkey should focus first on completing Euphrates shield securing Al-BAB and Manjib which will ultimately put an end to the dream of connecting illegal kurdish cantons in Syria .

SDF will be sold by Americans at the end , the Trump Administration will concede Al-riqqah to Arab forces at the end .


Turkey should be a top priority in U.S. foreign policy, a top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday in an article that slammed Barack Obama for failing to understand Ankara’s geopolitical position.

“We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to U.S. interests,” retired Gen. Michael Flynn wrote for the Hill newspaper. He also called Turkey "a source of stability in the region”.

Flynn was a key national security adviser to Trump during his presidential campaign and is expected by many to be appointed to a Cabinet position, possibly as defense secretary.

The veteran general wrote that it was “an unwise policy” for the Obama administration to keep Ankara at arm’s length,

“We need to adjust our foreign policy to recognize Turkey as a priority. We need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective,” he wrote.

Seems the new US administration will partner with Turkey and leave the SDF in northern Aleppo and Riqqah to their destiny .
These words may sound nice, but let's wait for reality first. Currently there's hype about Trump, but imo Trump too is just a product of the US system and needs to largely follow the lines of Bush and Obama. If anything of value, he himself said that he's "a fan of Kurdish forces" and that he'll be an even stronger Israeli supporter. That says enough in my book about the outlook for the region.

Besides, Ocalan (leader of the pkk) was also handed over to us, and that didn't end the pkk and on top of that our 'allies' are openly supporting the pkk/ypg in front of us. Even if they send Gulen to us, there's no guarantee it will solve the Gulen mess or end Western support for Gulen, though still better than nothing i guess.
The problem is, that they use there Anti Air defence against us - so they cant start- cause they dont want any drama.

But anyway if u dont have the codes from the F35, they are basically useless. The last time when they cracked the Codes from F16 many Aselsan employee died. Lets see what will happen this time.

I hope the cia members will be lynched by our folk :)

I don't understand your logic, the article says Turkish jets were radar locked by anti-air, what does that got to do with source codes ? Does source code somehow magically stop radar lock ?

dont ask my why.. somethimes you read what you wanna read just from headlines :D yo got me :D

and dont see this :what:

US, Iran support PKK on Turkey's border
The US, Iran and the PKK's comradery is exposed, for the US controls bases in Syria which aid the Iranian military's delivery of PKK terrorists in northern Syria

Anti-Turkey collaboration between U.S., Iran and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terror group has come to light once again in Northern Syria.

Iranian military helicopters have carried 100 PKK terrorists and six demolition mortars from the northeast Syrian city of Qamishli to northeastern Afrin near the Turkish border city of Gaziantep.

The shipment of PKK terrorists is considered a move against Turkish military-backed Free Syrian Army's (FSA) operation Euphrates Shield that cleared around a 1,400 sq km area east of Afrin.

Two weeks ago, the Turkish military killed around 200 terrorists of YPG, a PKK affiliate group in Syria, in an airstrike on Afrin following several YPG attacks on FSA forces fighting Daesh in southern Aleppo.

The terror shipment came only days after the Turkish operation to help the savage group's brutality in the region.

Aside from being a support to the terror group, Iran's military had directly attacked Turkey-backed forces in Syria last month.

According to a statement from the Turkish military published on Oct. 26, at least two opposition fighters were martyred by a barrel bomb attack in the Tel Naif area.

The attack was also carried out by Iranian military helicopters.

On August 24, the Turkish forces, backed by US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed Euphrates Shield aimed at freeing the Syrian northern territories from terrorists and creating security zones for accommodation of refugees. After liberating the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area of Daesh, outlawed in Russia and many other countries, the Turkish forces continued offensive in the southwest direction.

US bases in Syria help to transport terrorists

Security sources said that Iran conducted all these pro-terror activities with the support of U.S. military in the region.

Because, U.S. military has been controlling several army bases in the YPG-held areas in northern Syria, including Afrin, Qamishli and al-Hasakah. And it's impossible to transfer terrorists by helicopters from a U.S. military-controlled base to another area without the Pentagon's cooperation.

Trump highlighted Iran as a 'very big problem'

U.S. president-elect Donald Trump had also pointed out the issue during his election campaign, claiming that Iran was spreading terrorism in the region with the support of Obama administration.

Iran is a very big problem and will continue to be…. Iran is a problem in Iraq, a problem in Syria, a problem in Lebanon, a problem in Yemen and will be a very, very major problem for Saudi Arabia. Literally every day, Iran provides more and better weapons to support their puppet states,” Trump said during his address at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), one of the largest pro-Israel lobby in America.

“Iran is financing military forces throughout the Middle East and it's absolutely incredible that we handed them over $150 billion to do even more toward the many horrible acts of terror,” according to Trump.

“Iran has seeded terror groups all over the world. During the last five years, Iran has perpetuated terror attacks in 25 different countries on five continents. They've got terror cells everywhere... Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism around the world. And we will work to dismantle that reach, believe me, believe me,” Trump stated and vowed, “We will totally dismantle Iran's global terror network which is big and powerful, but not powerful like us.”

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