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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

After the Shahids among TR soldiers... if No response was given... ERdogan will have been politically hanged already...
Erdogan knows how divided ideologically Turkey is, and how this operation made them more divided .. so he decided to stop . in a way his right , he has got much to lose but thank Allah for the mujahedines, they don't do politics .
What was achieved????
30+killed soldiers in one airstrike pkk separatists control large chunk of territory alongside southern Turkey idlib refugees incoming when this fake ceasefire ends!?!?
More dead soldiers!??!....etc

First of all Erdogan is not in Syria to occupy the country. He is not doing an occupation. His goal is to protect the Turkmen from persecution and he is achieving that goal. The 30 soldiers who laid their lives was to make sure that Assad is not able to kill the innocent in idlib. So the problem is not Erdogan it is your thinking and many more soldiers will lay down their life's to protect those who cannot protect them selves. Stop bashing him because you don't understand what Turkish position is. If you go out take revenge then you might have to burn down the whole world until Erdogan satisfy you I think relax.
Erdogan knows how divided ideologically Turkey is, and how this operation made them more divided .. so he decided to stop . in a way his right , he has got much to lose but thank Allah for the mujahedines, they don't do politics .
Stop searching for excuses where there's none.
What did he achieved exactly ?

Yah a good question. Let me help you without Erdogan Assad would have taken over idlib and killed many more cause Europe and USA clearly lost in Syria and ran away. Rest of the Arabs have now started diplomatic missions with Syria. Because Erdogan the opposition in Syria have a high chance of reconciliation and a normal life some day. Cause of Erdogan many Muslims lives will be saved. Majority in northern Syria are normal Syrians who were never affiliated with ISIS or Al-qaida and because of Erdogan they will a chance to be treated justly. Saving one life is saving humanity and he has saved so many.
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Ceasefire was inevitable. I'm sceptical if it will hold long term, but I don't think Turkey is in the mood for a war with Russia and this was heading in that direction. I'm sure Russia didn't want a war with Turkey either.

The problem is that Russia/Syria/Iran will continue doing what they're doing. I don't see Turkey restarting widespread strikes. Maybe just little drone strikes here and there.
First of all Erdogan is not in Syria to occupy the country. He is not doing an occupation. His goal is to protect the Turkmen from persecution and he is achieving that goal. The 30 soldiers who laid their lives was to make sure that Assad is not able to kill the innocent in idlib. So the problem is not Erdogan it is your thinking and many more soldiers will lay down their life's to protect those who cannot protect them selves. Stop bashing him because you don't understand what Turkish position is. If you go out take revenge then you might have to burn down the whole world until Erdogan satisfy you I think relax.

Killing 3500 assadist, russian, hizbis is good revenge but what about ypigs area?
I am still hopeful that turkey eventually does take big chunk of syria to give these refugees a chance to live
First of all Erdogan is not in Syria to occupy the country. He is not doing an occupation. His goal is to protect the Turkmen from persecution and he is achieving that goal. The 30 soldiers who laid their lives was to make sure that Assad is not able to kill the innocent in idlib. So the problem is not Erdogan it is your thinking and many more soldiers will lay down their life's to protect those who cannot protect them selves. Stop bashing him because you don't understand what Turkish position is. If you go out take revenge then you might have to burn down the whole world until Erdogan satisfy you I think relax.
Firstly I am probably the most objective member which always criticizes government/opposition when they make mistake
Secondly Turkey’s national objective is this

Red line is amateurishly drawn but N syria and idlib are a must if Turkey wants terror-free borders
First of all Erdogan is not in Syria to occupy the country. He is not doing an occupation. His goal is to protect the Turkmen from persecution and he is achieving that goal. The 30 soldiers who laid their lives was to make sure that Assad is not able to kill the innocent in idlib. So the problem is not Erdogan it is your thinking and many more soldiers will lay down their life's to protect those who cannot protect them selves. Stop bashing him because you don't understand what Turkish position is. If you go out take revenge then you might have to burn down the whole world until Erdogan satisfy you I think relax.
How many Turkmens in Idlib province?

As most of Turkish citizens are against the war , Turkish Army should turn back to motherland.

Terrorists which had been bought by Saudis can fight against regime and Russians as long as they wish.

I wonder, After today's memorandum how Turkey will react Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria.
The ceasefire starts in 2 hours correct? They’re probably just doing what they can before it starts lol
Yep, and no retaliation from the other side... Seems mostly one side is playing till midnight...
But it will be stupid of me to think this ceasefire will hold... it's like holding a dynamite, IN a fire...
Win in the Battlefield, loose on the table, only Erdo can pull something like this.
Time to get our boys back, no need to physically protect something that you will give up politically anyways.

Erdogan will have to explain what +60 soldiers gave their lives for. The dynamics on the ground were all in favor of Turkey over the recent days. Bad diplomacy at work. Give it a few days/weeks and Assad/Russia will find pretexts to re-start their offensive on Idlib.

Where are the promises to push the regime back to Sochi lines ? To free all Turkish besieged observation posts ?
Yep, and no retaliation from the other side... Seems mostly one side is playing till midnight...
But it will be stupid of me to think this ceasefire will hold... it's like holding a dynamite, IN a fire...

I don’t understand, what the hell is the point of keeping the observation posts still there, if more of our troops die then what? give a speech, retaliate, ceasefire? Erdogan just basically ditched the Sochi agreement, remember end of the month? Now it‘s as if he never said that in the first place. I’m telling you, I highly suspect Erdogan having agreed to all of this with Putin prior to all these meetings. Because nobody in there right mind would ever do this and erdogan is not a stupid guy, there has to be a reason behind all of this. Or did Erdogan sign this knowing it WILL be violated and then he can have a green light to march his troops into Damascus?
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