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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Lol are you for real my friend? So you are still blaming Erdogan of doing nothing when he has achieved so much in Syria?

I am blaming where blaming is necessary, I’m not an Erdogan hater. Yeah he has achieved much but also made really stupid moves too, this is one possibly the stupidest. However, I’ll still let time be the judge.
Lol are you for real my friend? So you are still blaming Erdogan of doing nothing when he has achieved so much in Syria?
What was achieved????
30+killed soldiers in one airstrike pkk separatists control large chunk of territory alongside southern Turkey idlib refugees incoming when this fake ceasefire ends!?!?
More dead soldiers!??!....etc
He got ceasfire and assad got everything else..honestly just pull the army...boys are dying for nothing...
Those groups should have learned their lessons. Erdogan has shown again and again that he is ready to betray his own country, what made them think he would care about them?
Becasue they have no other choice... It's either some hope with TR or they die... plain and simple.

Turkish soldiers and all innocent civilians died literally for nothing
Successful drone campaign was wasted for nothing
If turkish government behave like this then they should save few years in advance and recognize pkk quasi state already what’s the point of successful military ops when you are capitulating aftermath

At least agree to a ceasefire WITH CURRENT area... but He f*cking gave up 20% of Idlib that was UNDER their rule for 10 years...
It's like Ataturk winning the war and when signing the peace deal with the enemies... he goes " You know what... You can take the Entire Bosphorus area"

What was achieved????
30+killed soldiers in one airstrike pkk separatists control large chunk of territory alongside southern Turkey idlib refugees incoming when this fake ceasefire ends!?!?
More dead soldiers!??!....etc
He is pro-RU/Shia. Of course anything that favour the other side is a win for him.
Turkish Army humiliated Asad Army within one week but Politicians wasted the efforts of our Army. If that was the deal, It was no need to confront against anybody.
lets wait and see. we dont know whats the full truth yet.
Now to make it a perfect shitshow i expect 130K refugees which are in no man’s land between Turkey and Greece to be returned in Turkey
hopefully the mujahedines don't abide by it
They will not, they will be back in square one, before the Idlib op... For them not much changed... Fight-Die-Retreat-Fight-Die and so on... till there is no more.
And they will even increase their ranks... with what is happening now...
A buffar zone will be created on M4 to prevent likely agression of Asad but Nothing about M5 and our security points constructed for nothing. Noone gives guarantee not to attack on remaining part of Idlib. Deal underlines the Assault will proceed on the city cause of terrorist organisation. We will face with similar provocations from East. At least, Some remarks that will guarantee the security of Turkish Army personnal should be added but I couldn’t see anything. The deal seems flexible. It will be changed according to changing situations under the term of “fighting against terrorism” while our army personnal are going to stay in there for what ?
They will not, they will be back in square one, before the Idlib op... For them not much changed... Fight-Die-Retreat-Fight-Die and so on... till there is no more.
And they will even increase their ranks... with what is happening now...
the real meaning of مالنا غيرك يا الله
Syrians muslims have no one , but Allah swt .
A buffar zone will be created on M4 to prevent likely agression of Asad but Nothing about M5 and our security points constructed for nothing. Noone gives guarantee not to attack on remaining part of Idlib. Deal underlines the Assault will proceed on the city cause of terrorist organisation. We will face with similar provocations from East.
what about the turkish outpost or the observation Point? if they are still to remain then ceasefire will be short lived?
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