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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

If US leaves, French will run away when first artillery shells start falling around. There is no power on Earth to stop Turkey attacking PKK terrorists except Russia and US. Russia doesn't really care PKK.
If US leaves, French will run away when first artillery shells start falling around. There is no power on Earth to stop Turkey attacking PKK terrorists except Russia and US.
The US sure knows it and probably wants to sacrifice the French against TAF. :chilli:
You should more care about your two buddies who were killed while fucking two ypg whores bet their mouths were full of hair while they were blown to pieces by a IED:rofl:
See, I can say the same thing about three Turkish EOD guys that were blown up in afrin a week ago. How will that make you feel? Be honest. Have some respect for yourself
Typical American arrogance.
Theyre bringing Turkey and Russia closer together and are desperate to hold onto their failing project the "SDF".

Look at this son of a whore parroting pkk propaganda. If this guys isn't brainwashed I will delete my account and get a tattoo of the american flag on my *** cheeks.

This moron is single handedly at fault for the disolving power of the US in the ME. Just because he is allowed to diddle little kurdish children in Syria.
Difference between mcgurk and you is that mcgurk out there doing his thing meanwhile you are clapping away on the keyboard on Pakistani forum.
So mcgurk is that moron who “dissolved” us power in ME:lol:? First I hear how we hide behind French now this:cheesy:
Keep it coming!

Typical American arrogance.
Theyre bringing Turkey and Russia closer together and are desperate to hold onto their failing project the "SDF".
Turks and russkies will never be closer. Situational allies maybe. Trade partners yes. But Russians don’t have much to offer.
My soldiers died freeing a region from your terrorist buddies while yours were blown to pieces licking hairy pussy in an patrol vehicle protecting communists terrorists from their ally who fought with them side by side in Korea. How does that make you feel? Our fallen will be remembered for years yours didn't even get 5 min on the evening news.
Our boys are out there because your president had no balls to fight Isis in 2014 when we urged him and offered him full support. So we rolled our sleeves and crossed the Euphrates. But I will not disrespect those Turkish eod guys and claim they were eating some Turkmen *** in afrin. That’s your level.

I know the truth hurts. I thought SDF was supposed to fight Iranian influence? Now they say its not the job of the SDF to curb Iran. Your country and its military are a joke. McGurk will be remembered as the Moron who gave Iraq and Syria to Russia and Iran on a silver platter while alienating Turkey for the next hundreds years to Russias side. He said SDF was there to fight Iranian influence yet know its not their problem. They are there to fight ISIS yet make deals with them daily, trade with them in east syria and live together peacefully. What is it now?
Grow the **** up.
Mcgurk just does what they tell him from Washington. It’s not one man show :lol:
And yeah sdf will fight whoever we tell them to. They fought with loyalist and Shia militias in dz cs few times.
Ooooo interesting twist. US wants to pull out of manbij and hides behind frenchies.
I dont think Trump will put his soldiers in danger for the lives of others... He will just sit back and watch.
Have i said before i loved french wine&women? :cheers:
I dont think Trump will put his soldiers in danger for the lives of others... He will just sit back and watch.
Have i said before i loved french wine&women? :cheers:
before enjoying Bordeaux and watching French **** you should think logically-who has more troops in Syria French or USA. And if Americans then why Adivar thinks that “I dont think Trump will put his soldiers in danger for the lives of other”
Common sense is not so common
You don't listen to what Trump says. You listen to what the State Department denies about Trump and then you look at what the Pentagon actually does. This is how you figure out American policy these days. As for French vs Turkey vs SDF...it all depends on who has more to lose due to inaction. As it is Turkey that has the most to lose I feel sorry for the SDF and their sugar daddy (whether it happens to be France or the US on that fateful day)
before enjoying Bordeaux and watching French **** you should think logically-who has more troops in Syria French or USA. And if Americans then why Adivar thinks that “I dont think Trump will put his soldiers in danger for the lives of other”
Common sense is not so common
I assume The US leaves Syria, as Trump expressed, so we will stay face to face alone with the French..
I do not care words; I care actions.

USA speak a lot and do not act accordingly. Word are just to manipulate people's minds. I prefer to look at actions.

I recommend the same. US increasing its presence at Syria. That is it!
You don't listen to what Trump says. You listen to what the State Department denies about Trump and then you look at what the Pentagon actually does. This is how you figure out American policy these days.

Seriously.. Whose words in the US of A is valid in terms of American Policy? President Trump, Defence Ministry, State Department, Pentagon...?
See, I can say the same thing about three Turkish EOD guys that were blown up in afrin a week ago. How will that make you feel? Be honest. Have some respect for yourself
I didn't know them personally but I can't respect people who are there to protect the terrorists that are killing my citizens. The biggest example were the city operations 2015/2016 when maybe 30% of the terrorists were YPG fighters infiltrated by tunnel networks to the border cities. Actions like these don't deserve respect. They are not in Manbij to fight ISIS or any other terrorist organization. We all know what is the purpose.
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