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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Will Russia really put relations with Turkey in danger for the Kurds? Russian Turkish economic ties are expanding at this moment. The only way Russia can sell gas to Europe will be from Turkish stream. I don't get why Russia will jeopardize Turkish relationship for Kurds. Not that they won't. They will probably do it but I can't see the logic.
Will Russia really put relations with Turkey in danger for the Kurds? Russian Turkish economic ties are expanding at this moment. The only way Russia can sell gas to Europe will be from Turkish stream. I don't get why Russia will jeopardize Turkish relationship for Kurds. Not that they won't. They will probably do it but I can't see the logic.

because we are turks

türkün türkten baska dostu yoktur
If the USA leave syria to saudians, Russia will start supporting ypg and kurds.

Edit( time of statement not clear)
MFA of Russia stated "They are concern situation of kurds" :)))
Well... if the Russian jump on the "I support Kurds and I make sure they have their Guns and more"
Then...Well... Gonna be interesting...

As for the US getting out of Syria... Well...I wonder who is believing it.

Will Russia really put relations with Turkey in danger for the Kurds? Russian Turkish economic ties are expanding at this moment. The only way Russia can sell gas to Europe will be from Turkish stream. I don't get why Russia will jeopardize Turkish relationship for Kurds. Not that they won't. They will probably do it but I can't see the logic.
The basic comment of someone who don't know anything about Russia "meddling" in Turkey economy...
Just for you... the tip of the Iceberg... an example among many...

Enjoy your... Russia loves me...
Weird day, now the pkk fanboys on twitter are saying that France will send troops to Manbij to block any Turkish offensive against YPG/PKK :blink:
France ready to send troops to Manbij: French media

France is ready to send troops to Manbij to reinforce American forces in the city and block any possible Turkish offensive, President Emmanuel Macron told a visiting delegation from Rojava, according to French media.

“An Arab, Kurdish and Christian delegation from Syria is being received at the Elysee to discuss the situation in Afrin and northern Syria,” a Rojava office announced on Twitter, Reuters reported. “Important announcements are expected from France.”

The Rojava delegation included co-chair of the ruling TEV-DEM coalition Asya Abdullah, co-chair of Afrin’s executive council Hevin Reshid, SDF’s Redur Khalil, YPJ spokesperson Nesrin Abdullah, and Rojava’s representative in France Khalid Issa, according to ANF.

Macron assured the Kurdish delegation that French forces would be deployed to Manbij “very quickly,” Le Parisien reported, citing an unnamed Kurdish representative.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was informed of the visit by France’s ambassador in Ankara, Le Parisien reported, noting that this was the first visit of Rojava officials to Elysee.

There have been no immediate comments from Ankara or Paris.

Erdogan has threatened to extend its military offensive in northern Syria eastward across Rojava, beginning with Manbij. Ankara considers the ruling Kurdish party and armed forces in northern Syria to be branches of the PKK, a named terror organization.

US forces have an outpost in Manbij, which is under the control of the Kurdish-backed Manbij Military Council. Responding to Turkey’s threats, American officials have said they have no intention of leaving Manbij.

US President Donald Trump on Thursday, however, stated that the US will leave Syria “very soon,” saying, “We’re knocking the hell out of ISIS.”

US officials had earlier confirmed that the war against ISIS in eastern Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province had stalled after Kurdish forces departed the battlefield to redeploy to Afrin.


Weird day, now the pkk fanboys on twitter are saying that France will send troops to Manbij to block any Turkish offensive against YPG/PKK :blink:
Let's all pray that France send it's troops.

I don't have anything against French ordinary people and their soldiers. But these French officials have been very vocal and critic about our operation. They are acting very high and mighty.

Let's see how will they fare against Turks in the battleground.

At the last time we met, civilans of the Urfa, Antep and Maraş alone beat the hell out of French soldiers.
Well... if the Russian jump on the "I support Kurds and I make sure they have their Guns and more"
Then...Well... Gonna be interesting...

As for the US getting out of Syria... Well...I wonder who is believing it.

The basic comment of someone who don't know anything about Russia "meddling" in Turkey economy...
Just for you... the tip of the Iceberg... an example among many...

Enjoy your... Russia loves me...
Russia and Turkey are competitors but also have shared interests.
If US leaves and France gets into Syria, they will start experiencing the hell. Who is France? lmao if we start an operation against YPG and French troops dare to stay in between, they will be blown up into molecules :lol: We can just say "oh, this FSA group did it. We feel so sad".

Until they look and find who that specific FSA group is, operation would be done.
Russia and Turkey are competitors but also have shared interests.
Yeah... like this "Turkey is Helping ISIS..."
Never you asked who wrote about it... gave Reports of it and made it spread around the globe?

Here I help you... It was the Russians a bit before and mostly after RU plane getting shot down...
Yeah you know... those "alleged OIL Trucks in ISIS territories" selling and buying oil for Turkey...
Or those alleged "MIT trucks of Weapons to ISIS"...
Or those alleged "ISIS prisoners" saying "Turkey is helping us"...

Yeah... Russia is your lovely ally...
Not even speaking about their "Hijacking of TANAP pipeline or KRI pipelines"
Or their YPG/PYD "embassy" in Moscow...

Just check RT news on Turkey a bit... just a bit...and come back...
Even Hardcore German Anti-Turkey outlet don't dare to go as far as RT and Co...
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Yeah... like this "Turkey is Helping ISIS..."
Never you asked who wrote about it... gave Reports of it and made it spread around the globe?

Here I help you... It was the Russians a bit before and mostly after RU plane getting shot down...
Yeah you know... those "alleged OIL Trucks in ISIS territories" selling and buying oil for Turkey...
Or those alleged "MIT trucks of Weapons to ISIS"...
Or those alleged "ISIS prisoners" saying "Turkey is helping us"...

Yeah... Russia is your lovely ally...
Not even speaking about their "Hijacking of TANAP pipeline or KRI pipelines"
Or their YPG/PYD "embassy" in Moscow...

Just check RT news on Turkey a bit... just a bit...and come back...
Even Hardcore German Anti-Turkey outlet don't dare to go as far as RT and Co...
You sound like Feto. Pro US and anti Russia.

Whats that "New Syrian Army" ? They implied FSA?

I havent known FSA,Jordan and USA have been coorporating.

You sound like Feto. Pro US and anti Russia.
You sound... well... hmmm...
Where is my "Pro-US" stance in my comment?
or in your logic... whatever is not 100% Pro-RU is by default Pro-US?

Whatever It's not like I care...
I just wanted to give you another "Fact" of your "Pro-RU, blindly love"...
And maybe you may want to think more "balanced"...
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