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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

YPG statement
Claim they will begin hit and run tactics, which is what they've futilely been doing anyway. Claim they have forces everywhere in Afrin.

As a precaution, all settlements should be swept for munitions and all returning locals must be searched before they are allowed back in.
YPG statement
Claim they will begin hit and run tactics, which is what they've futilely been doing anyway. Claim they have forces everywhere in Afrin.

As a precaution, all settlements should be swept for munitions and all returning locals must be searched before they are allowed back in.

Well... You can also spot the Hypocrisy...
"We retreated for the sake of civilians"
"We are everywhere ready to strike in Afrin"...

Translation will be : "We are among civilians...ready to use their cover for our own greed and madness... If you want us out...kill everyone..."
Well... You can also spot the Hypocrisy...
"We retreated for the sake of civilians"
"We are everywhere ready to strike in Afrin"...

Translation will be : "We are among civilians...ready to use their cover for our own greed and madness... If you want us out...kill everyone..."
Also the use of the term Takfiri is interesting. For an organisation that prides itself on its irreligiousness to use a term commonly used by sectarian shia seems a bit strange.
give this to fsa to roast their arses.... congrats to our turks brothers n sisters...
btw did anyone find those analyst who were saying this will be Vietnam for Turkey

I don't know who was saying Syria will be Vietnam for Turkey. Unlike US turkey is not going to fight themselves to install their friendly govt. In Syria by removing Assad govt. but their proxies will do that for them. And current operation goal is to create buffer zones around Syria to stop any PKK/YPG attack on turkey and sending Syrian refugees to that buffer zone which very likely turkey can achieve.
Fake YPG army's fake YPG commander claimed that "they are fighting really hard in Afrin", and he made this statement in Manbij :lol:



That Twitter guy is one of a kind of a strategist I see... :D He is basicaly saying that they should stop doing Uncle Sam's dirty work (which is the reason they are still alive) and concentrate all their forces on fighting Turkey and protecting Rojava. lol

The day his YPG rats do what he suggests is the day they sign their death sentences. We saw them how much they are worth without the US led forces behind them.
Pls god they are this stupid *fingers crossed* :)

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